Zooming in to focus on the way the woman’s pussy
By: Date: 2023.10.19. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

“Not fair?” Pris asked, arching her eyebrows in surprise. “Why, you stood in there and watched us bang away!”
“Yes, but that’s not the same,” Max threw in as he tried to rise from under Jackie’s wet body, realizing as he did so that there was no graceful way to disengage oneself from one’s lover.
“That’s right,” Jackie added. “You asked us to watch you! Oops! I’m dripping!” She clasped a hand over her juicy sex, feeling the great, thick stream of semen begin to run out.
She rose and started to waddle off to the bathroom, still clutching herself, but then recognized how ridiculous it was and began laughing wildly. Max and Pris, as well as Hal, who had joined them quietly, joined in the laughter, and Jackie threw her head back, letting the sticky cream course down her thighs unobstructed.
Max noticed that Pris’ thighs were similarly moistened with the liquid evidence of Hal’s great passion; the vulgarity bothered him a trifle, since Jackie had always been careful to stuff a tissue or a handkerchief into place once he withdrew his sensual syringe.
“What the hell!” Jackie giggled. “There’s no use pretending it didn’t happen! I guess we were caught red-handed, Max.” The atmosphere relaxed immediately, and Jackie suggested a round of drinks for everybody.
No one else made any gesture toward clothing themselves so Max sat back, resolved to be a good egg and not make an issue of the fact. Besides he consoled himself, Pris was an amazingly delectable sight to behold. Though her thighs were gamey and rank with spunk, they were still long and slender, tapering down to as graceful a pair of knees as he’d ever beheld. And too, he found the slight fuzz covering her slit intriguing, a remarkable contrast to the thick growth of curly black fur decorating Jackie’s sex.
“Here we are,” Jackie said, passing them each a gin and tonic. “This will put a new light on the whole affair, I imagine.”
Pris again defended herself for bursting in on their love game, insisting that it had been entirely accidental.
“When Hal got off me,” she explained, “I looked around and you weren’t there. I came out to see if anything was wrong, and… well, there you were! Darlings, I just couldn’t leave! It was one of the most sensual, exciting displays I’ve ever seen. Really, Jackie, from where I was standing could see just everything, and believe me, there was a lot to see! I’ve never been able to resist the love sight of a fat, hard prick going into a nice, tight juicy cunt!”
“I imagine you got to see plenty of that,” Jackie said with a slight blush. “Max here has a wonderful one, and when I’m on top of him like that, I couldn’t keep my hips still if I was paralyzed!”
“I know just how you feel, darling,” Pris agreed, “And you’ll have to admit that that is a monumentally stirring sight.”
“Actually, I’ve never seen it in the flesh,” Jackie confessed. “Although we do have a nice arrangement with some mirrors in our bedroom that’s pretty good. I’ll agree, though, that it should be even better to see the real thing.”
Pris and Hal looked sharply at each other on hearing that. Their eyes exchanged a question and answer, and then Pris turned back to Jackie.
“If that’s the way you really feel,” she began, leaning forward and speaking softly, “why don’t you two come over to our place Saturday night? We’ve got some fantastic blue movies, and some other goodies too. So if that’s your game, come over! We’ll have ourselves an evening of sensuality, no less!”
Jackie looked over at Max, pleading with him to consent to the lascivious proposal. He hesitated a moment, though he couldn’t have explained why the idea seemed decked with danger signals; but Jackie’s imploring look would have melted a heart of spring steel. He shrugged nonchalantly and nodded his assent to the proposition, eliciting a cry of exultant glee from Jackie, as well as a great, wet kiss which immediately reconciled him to the party. A part of him still rebelled at the prospect of the licentious orgy Pris seemed to be contemplating.
The Hudginses left shortly after extracting that promise from Max. Neither he nor Jackie dressed to see them out; there seemed no need to do so, and indeed already had plans for transferring their sphere of operation from the sofa to the bed.
After locking the front door behind the departing guests, Max turned to speak to Jackie, only to catch a glimpse of her naked buttocks disappearing into the guest bedroom.
“I just wanted to see if they made a mess on the bed,” she said when he looked in on her. “And they sure did! That Hal must have shot a quart of come into her! Just look at that puddle of spunk on the bedspread!”
Jackie shook her head reprovingly, but would not be dissuaded from going immediately to the bigger bedroom. Clearly, her appetite had only been whetted by the evening’s play. And Max, wasn’t one to deny her the pleasure she sought, though he grimaced slightly at the way her thighs – still wet from the love-dew dripping from her sex – caught on his skin as she lifted her legs around his lank body.
The exciting, tight wetness of her loving grasp soon chased all extraneous thoughts from his mind, however, and he quickly lost himself in the sweltering heat of her passionate, hungry embrace.


Neither Jackie nor Max made much mention of the coming party at the Hudginses, though the subject was never far from their minds during the three intervening days. When Jackie casually mentioned on Friday evening that Pris had called and asked them to come at about six, Max merely grunted and went on with his dinner. She could tell that he was troubled and didn’t want to talk about the coming party, and she discovered in herself a curious inability to talk freely about it to him.
They spent Saturday morning washing their car, and did their shopping that afternoon, still avoiding the subject. Then Max himself brought it up, suggesting at about five that they should shower and change for the occasion. Jackie complied, and they were quickly on their way. She found herself nervous and excited about the event, hardly knowing what to expect, but strongly suspecting that it was going to be an evening she would long remember.
Pris and Hal deftly put them at ease, providing drinks with a lavish hand, never even mentioning the events of their previous evening together, or the agenda for the present evening. Jackie herself was the first to mention the blue movies that had been promised.
“What are they like?” she asked, explaining that she’d never seen an example of that kind of the cinematic art. “Do they have real stars? Where do you get them?”
“No, they don’t have real stars,” Hal told her. “Mostly the guys who make them use prostitutes, I believe. But you’ll be able to tell that quick enough, I guess. As for where you get them… Just about any place. I have a couple I picked up in Denmark when I was over there for a salesman’s convention. Wasn’t too much risk in smuggling them back under my shirt. And, I’ve bought a couple from a fellow in Chicago who uses his wife and daughter as models… He’s a weird one, Chuck is! The wife’s thirty-two and the daughter is, oh, about fifteen, I guess, but talk about a wild, horny pair! You just won’t believe what all they do!”
“I can hardly wait,” Max threw in, surprising Jackie with his tone of sincere anticipation. “Sounds like great fun!”
“I suggest we have dinner first,” Pris remarked. “Things like that go better on a full stomach.”
They sat down to an elegant meal, rising an hour later with a comfortably full feeling. Jackie helped Pris clear away the dishes while Hal and Max enjoyed a snifter of ripe old brandy, and cigars. When the women joined them, Hal leaned forward, carefully putting his brandy glass on the floor beside him.
“Since you’ve never seen movies of this kind maybe I’d better explain just what were getting into,” he began. “First, they are extremely explicit; they haven’t been censored at all and they show literally everything. Okay? I don’t want either of you to get up in disgust and claim you’ve been bilked into doing something against your principles.”
Both Max and Jackie assured him that they were ready for anything that might be shown and wouldn’t be put off, regardless how lascivious the activities depicted might me. Satisfied by that, Hal resumed his comments.
“And the second thing is the place for watching all this. We could set up the projector in here, except that Pris and I both have this terrible weakness: when we see people acting horny, we have an irresistible urge to get into the act.”
“Yes, and there just isn’t any way to fix things in here so we can… er, enjoy ourselves and watch the screen at the same time,” Pris added.
“That being the case,” Hal resumed, “we’d like to know if you’d share our king-sized bed for watching them. That way we can both have lots of room, and a good vantage point besides.”
Jackie felt a sudden shock of sensuality spring out from her tense loins at the proposal. She felt apprehensive about sharing a bed – even king-sized – with so licentious a pair, yet she also felt her body warming to the proposition. She slowly nodded in agreement. “Alright,” she murmured throatily. “I guess I can go along with that. And am I right in thinking that total nudity might be the best costume for watching these films?”
“That or something close to it,” Pris agreed with a hearty laugh. “To be truthful, I like a slight variation on that condition, but then, I have this, peculiar mentality about such things. The main point is to be in a condition where you can… er, do what comes naturally!” Her meaningful leer left no doubt as to what she considered that would be.
Hal was not satisfied that his guests had been properly prepared, and moved that they adjourn to the bedroom, where he had his projector and screen already set up.
“The first film isn’t very interesting, as these things go,” he said in an apologetic tone as they moved into the bedroom. “But the second is very good. That’s the one that has this guy Chuck’s wife and daughter in starring roles.”
Jackie lost no time in flinging off her simple shift and her underclothing. Nor was Max slow in undressing. Hal ripped off his shirt and jeans, baring his nudity completely, due to a lack of underwear, again displaying the brutal prick that Jackie found so fascinating in a horrified way.
Pris claimed their attention, however, once she had doffed her dress. It appeared that she had her loving suit on under the dress; in fact she admitted as much, claiming that the mere act of wearing it gave her intense pleasure.
Max found that viewing it also gave pleasure, as well as a mounting excitement, and even Jackie had to admit that the bizarre combination reeked of animal sensuality. Pris wore a black brassiere, at least one size too small in the cups; the tightness caused, her full breasts to bulge out at the tops of the cups in an erotically pleasing way. Even more striking was the fact that the tips of the cups were cut out; her lush, firm red nipples seemed to leap from the circular openings like heated projectiles. The effect of the peculiar bra was doubled and then redoubled by her lower garment, a sort of panty-less panty hose thing that rose almost to her crotch, its legs joined only by a narrow belt encircling Pris’ waist.
“Hal likes the feel of my legs in stockings,” she explained. “And me, I like the way this bra forces my breasts into a knob. Very stimulating, believe me!”
The gigantic bed had plenty of room for both couples. Hal picked up a pushbutton control panel for the projector, a device he’d built himself, and by which he could also operate the room lights. He lay behind Pris, his stomach to her back. Max and Jackie were uncertain what position to adopt, and settled for sitting with their backs against the big upholstered headboard.
“Here we go,” Hal murmured, switching the lights off and starting the projector.
As he’d said, the first film was nothing special though Jackie found it highly stimulating. She’d never seen another couple making love, until Pris and Hal’s recent performance, and that was the staple of this film. A man and a woman, neither very handsome though far from ugly, undressed in front of a bed and then lay down. They went through every facet of the sensual repertoire, but did it all with a lack of joy that was obvious. Even so, there was a thrill in being able to see a woman’s lips close over a big prick and the man in the film had a fine one; no complaint there! As well as being a party to the dramatic way her capacious cunt swallowed the sizable morsel. For this purpose the woman mounted the man, her rump facing the camera, and the screen suddenly filled with her buttocks as the camera moved in for an ultra-close shot.
Hands fumbled momentarily with the hefty masculine bludgeon lying across the fellow’s belly. It was brought to the upright position, and the woman placed her gaping sex squarely above it. Other hands pried at her whiskery nether lips, spreading them wide and displaying the jagged slit that was the opening of her cunt. The man’s prick slid easily into place, and was quickly devoured by the dark, hungry chasm.
Jackie saw by the light reflected from the screen that Pris had opened her thighs and was reaching down, between them. Hal moved closer, allowing her to grasp his semi-erect prick and rub it into the lips of her pussy. Jackie saw him move his hips to and fro so his tool slid back and forth over the wet, sensitive wound.
Then Max’s hand moved between her own thighs, and she gratefully turned so he could reach her throbbing clitoris. She returned the favor by stroking his rigid, shivering prick gently. She longed to take it in her mouth, but dared not, lest she miss part of the film. She was torn between the pressing demands of her body and the need to watch the couple on the screen.
The camera had remained rooted in place behind the energetic couple, occasionally zooming in to focus on the way the woman’s pussy grasped the fellow’s big prick, sliding up and down its glistening length. They were nearing climax, or so Jackie gathered. The woman’s rump was whipping madly up and down and the fellow’s prick was burrowing to the hilt in her dark cunt.
The film ended with the woman’s buttocks quivering ecstatically, and the final frames were an ultra-close shot of the man’s prick, even catching the exciting way its huge, veins swelled and heaved as the hot cream spurted from its buried tip.
Jackie took advantage of the few seconds between films to rearrange herself. She adopted the position Pris had chosen, seeing the advantages of it, and motioned for Max to slip into place behind her. The comforting, solid warmth of his prick felt good as it slid between her thighs, and she reached down to cuddle its fat head against the frothing of her pussy.
Neither Hal nor Pris said anything during the interval between the films. The second one, in rather good color, showed a cute young girl, very well-developed for a fifteen-year-old, sitting on a sofa, necking with, a boy about her own age. The camera had been cunningly placed to register all the details of their embrace, even to the way his hand slid under her short skirt and zeroed in on her white panties. The girl readily permitted his familiar fumblings, parting her thighs and lifting her skirt to open the way. Her blouse was already unfastened, and her bra had been pushed up, allowing her lovely young breasts to pop free. Just as the young man dipped his hand into the front of the girl’s panties, the camera moved to catch the entry of an older woman into the room. She was evidently the girl’s mother, and was quite attractive in a dark, sullen way. Her face registered anger at first when she saw the loving couple, but then took on a look of calculating lust. She didn’t disturb them, and retreated back into the hallway from which she’d come; there she quickly stripped to the buff, then re-entered the living room. Her full breasts, tipped by great, dark moons that tapered out to needle points, and her smooth-shaven sex gave her an extremely erotic air.
The girl and her boy friend looked up in amazement as the woman again entered the room, this time making her presence known. But the girl quickly saw what the woman intended: she lusted after the young man too!
From that point, the movie moved quickly to the final scene, which had the mother guiding the young fellow’s prick – and it was truly a monumental one – into the girl’s tender, virgin cunt. Mother supervised the defloration, ensuring that the girl had a satisfactory time of it, then immediately replaced her under the lusty young stallion. The daughter now sat back and watched her mother savor the length and girth of that man-sized tool.
Jackie couldn’t control her passionate body any longer. She felt her orgasm explode in her loins. Max recognized what was happening, and reached around to strum her throbbing clitoris while he wiggled his massive prick in her heaving, sweating cunt. Jackie’s sobs and cried of delight echoed through the room, but did not distract Pris and Hal, who were deep in their own pleasures.
As soon as the film was over, Hal threw the control box aside, though he took time to switch off the projector and turn on the room lights. Pris, knowing his desire, rolled onto her belly and he went with her, keeping his prick firmly lodged in her tight cunt. Jackie was now facing her college friend, and she watched Pris’ face register anxiety then mounting triumph as her frantic cunt sought and found the ultimate pleasure from he husband’s prick.
The experience of seeing another woman in the throes of ecstatic climax shook Jackie to the core, bringing on fresh attack of passionate longing in her own body. She pushed Max away and rolled onto her back, her face imploring him to ravish her. He did so, and she was off again, surging upward on a pillar of manly muscle that brought her savage pleasure of a sort she had rarely experienced before.
Time and time again the couples repeated their lusty exploits that night, dozing off, but then coming to and stirring their bodies to yet further storms of passion. They passed the entire night on the bed, lying side by side, hearing each other grunt and heave and cry out deliriously, and enjoying the sounds and sights of lust as much as the actual feel of it.
It struck Max, as he pulled his weary body off Jackie for the fifth or sixth time in the night, that she had never been so hungry for him, and that her satisfaction had never been so sharp or so brutally complete as now. Was it the pure, animal excitement of being so close to another equally lascivious couple? He supposed so, and decided that if that was the reason for her utterly abandoned eroticism, then there was definitely much to be said for practices of this sort, regardless how perverted and lewd others might think them.

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