The Nympho Stepmom 2.
By: Date: 2023.02.07. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , , , ,

Jan turned away from the door and went into the darkened living room. She didn’t want to go to bed yet, and she didn’t want to face Dave. She was still far too shaken to be alone with him. As she sat in the cool darkness, the beautiful blonde let her mind wander for a moment and in an instant the image of Tommy snapped before her. She moaned softly and shook her head. What was she going to do about the boy? All afternoon and all evening he’d been following her with his eye’s. Just knowing that he was watching her like that kept that tiny flame of shameful lust alive between her sleek thighs. Before she realized what she was doing, Jan began to think of that lovely moment when her lips had slipped over the glowing cap of her son’s penis. Her lips tingled as the memory rolled through her and she felt the wicked wetness of her excitement stain her panties.

She was on her feet in an instant. She had to stop this, she simply had to drive away the lust she felt for Tommy. But how to do it? Jan shook her head, trying to shake herself free of the demons inside, and hurried out of the living room and down the hall toward the bedroom.

She wasn’t sure what stopped her outside Tommy’s door. She saw a band of light coming from under it, but it wasn’t late and there was no reason why he shouldn’t still be up. No, there was some other reason for her stopping there, she just didn’t understand it, didn’t know what it was.

Jan s hand shook as she reached for the doorknob. She knew it was foolish and she shouldn’t do this, but that didn’t stop her for an instant. She took great care in turning the knob, not making a sound. The instant the door was open she peeked in and made a stifled gasping sound. Jan didn’t know exactly what she was looking for, but what she did see was so shocking that it almost stopped her heart!

The bright reading light was on over Tommy’s bed. It spotlighted the tall boy and his slender sister in its “glow. Tommy lay flat on his back, naked, and Mia was on her knees between his parted thighs, her little fist gripping his long, thin prick!

“Ohhhh, Mia, faster! Do it faster, please,” the boy pleaded as his beautiful little sister masturbated him.

Jan’s heart began to thud and hammer in her chest. The beat was heavy and erratic.

Mia wore a short, filmy nightie. It had hiked up to her waist, showing the saucy half-moons of her bare buttocks. Jan had to force herself to take her prying eyes away from the child’s body and back to the awful incestuous act she was performing on her brother!

“Grip it harder, please! I need it so badly,” the handsome boy groaned as his lean groin flopped up and down, meeting her descending fist.

Suddenly Janet found herself moving. The door banged against the wall as she strode into the room. For an instant Tommy and Mia remained where they were, looking like beautiful erotic statues, then the little girl snatched her hand away from her brother’s penis and jumped up to stand beside the bed. Her almond eyes looked enormous as they fearfully searched Jan’s face. Tommy clawed at the sheet beside him and covered himself with it.

“Go to your room, Mia.” Jan was amazed at her self-control. Her voice sounded calm and steady, betraying none of the terrible excitement that blazed in her belly. “Go to your room. I’ll talk to you in the morning!”

Mia didn’t protest or try to explain, she simply flicked an agonized glance at her brother than scuttled out of the room, softly shutting the door behind her. Jan stayed where she was. Her eyes met Tommy’s and locked with them. At last the tension began to wear away at her and she had to speak.

“How … how could you, Tommy? How could you do a thing like that with your own sister?” As she spoke the lovely blonde moved forward until she was standing directly over the bed. Even with the sheet covering him it was easy to see that Tommy’s erection was still standing tall. The boy looked up at her, tears welling up in his dark eyes. He gave her a hopeless shrug.

“I. . . I’m sorry, Mother. I do not know if I can explain it to you. Yesterday…” He stopped for a moment, as if trying to gather his words. He closed his eyes, and when he began to speak again, his eyes stayed tightly closed.

“Yesterday, when I awoke, I found myself in … a painful state of. . . excitement. I had a dream, Mother, a dream about you!”

Jan felt her vagina convulse as she realized what had caused that dream.

“Since that time I have had no rest. All I can do is think of you and the things that you did for me, in my dream. I am most ashamed and know that you will now probably send us away, but I could not help myself. You looked so … pretty today, I felt so strongly about you that the state of my … excitement became actually painful!” He pointed down at the bulge in the sheet, awkwardly showing her his throbbing hard-on.

“Mia asked me what was wrong and I told her. I had to speak of it to someone, Mother. I was afraid I was going mad!” He mournfully shook his head and shrugged again. His despair was obvious. “Mia was trying to help me. I was pretending it was you and not she who was … doing that! It is all my fault, Mother. If you must send me away, I will understand, but please do not blame Mia!”

Jan felt hot tears of shame stinging her eyes as she impulsively sat on the edge of his bed. Her fingers brushed Tommy’s tousled hair back from his face, and she began to speak before she knew what she was going to say to him.

“No, no, darling, it’s all right. No one is going to send you away. It’s all right, I understand.”

Tommy’s eyes still didn’t open, and Jan was doubly ashamed of the pain and guilt her lewd act had caused.

“You should have spoken to me earlier about the problem, or to your father.” She was babbling. She knew she was talking nonsense but she couldn’t stop herself. “It’s not healthy for a boy like you to … stay hard like that, son. You should have relieved yourself … with your hand.” The blonde felt the hot flush of blood in her cheeks when she told him that, but even the embarrassment wasn’t enough to tear her eyes away from the tent his hard prick was making in the sheet, wasn’t enough to make her stop dreaming about what was under there, just waiting for her, if she had the nerve!

“I did, Mother, over and over, but it didn’t help! That was why I hoped that Mia. . . and my pretending it was you … would help me tonight.” A tear squeezed out from under his closed eyelid. “I am so ashamed to think things like this about one who has been so kind.”

Something snapped inside of Jan. Her own sense of shame welled up in her and the tenderness she felt for him washed all her resistance aside. She was leaning forward, whispering to the tormented boy in a second.

“No, no, son, don’t be ashamed,” she whispered, her lips brushing away the salty tear. She kissed him lightly on the cheek as she pressed her full, swollen breasts against his bare chest, wishing she was naked too. “Mother will help you. Just relax and I’ll help you, but you must promise me one thing-you must promise not to discuss this with anyone, not Dave, not Mia. This is a private thing between you and me. Do you promise me that?”

She felt him nodding and shivered as one arm rose up and hugged her tight against his warm, strong young body.

Her whisper was low and shaky as her hand slipped under the sheet. “Now you just relax, dear, and let mother help you. Just relax.”

Tommy’s body quivered and jerked helplessly as her fingertips brushed lightly over his flesh until they found his throbbing stem.

“Ohhhhh, Mother,” Tommy moaned as her fingers slipped around the shaft and squeezed.

Jan couldn’t answer him. Her own excitement tied her throat in a knot and all she could do was sigh as she gave his long spear of flesh a few quick jerks.

“Is this what you dreamed of?” she murmured as she slowly sat up on the bed. “Was this part of your dream, darling?” she asked as she deliberately threw the sheet back with her free hand. Now they both could watch her hand as it flashed up and down in his lap. Tommy groaned again and nodded. His eyes were open now. They devoured the wicked, obscene thing she was doing to him.

Jan watched too. She felt her slick oils flowing between her thighs and knew that she was wetting the bottom of her dress but didn’t care. “Was this all I did for you in your dream, Tommy?” She was leading him on. She knew how vile it was to take advantage of him like this but she had no choice, she had to go on! She worked her clenched fist up and down his stem, loving the feel of the silky flesh as it ran over the hard gristle beneath. She was making him answer her, pulling the words from him with her hand!

“Ohhhhh, Mother,” Tommy whispered, bucking and twisting under the lash of her tantalizing fist. “No, this is just the first part…” His voice faded away and his hand began to move up and down her arm. Jan made a soft sound deep in her throat as she felt his fingers shyly, hesitantly explore the rounded contour of her breast. The sweet excitement of his touch gave her the courage to go on.

“What … what else did I do for you, darling?” she whispered as she leaned toward his hand, allowing it to slip from her arm directly to her burning breast. They both gasped as his fingers dug into the firm flesh. “What else did I do for you? Tell me, dear,” she insisted, her hips beginning to make little jerking motions on the bed.

“You. . . you bent over me in the darkness and … placed your mouth on my … organ!” Tommy’s voice was tight with desire mixed with shame, and Jan almost squealed as his other hand lifted and cupped her other breast. She did moan softly and press forward, filling his hands with her large, shapely breasts.

“Ohhhhh my,” she whispered to the boy. “Should I do that for you now? Should I. . . put it in my mouth, Tommy?” Jan felt the boy’s frame shake and for a moment she was afraid he was about to ejaculate. She didn’t want him to do that-not yet!

“Please, ohhh please, Mother, yes! Do it, put it in your mouth!” One hand stayed with her breasts, squeezing delightfully, exploring as the other slipped up the back of her arched neck and began to pull her down toward the gleaming crown of his prick.

Jan struggled briefly, not much but enough to excite the boy. She was acting like a slut and knew it, but somehow the idea didn’t bother her as much as it should have. She was still working her hand up and down the shaft, her eyes fastened on the gleaming drops of pre-cum that glittered and shone in the swollen slit of his glans. She remembered again how smooth and exciting the head of Tommy’s penis had felt when it slipped into her mouth, and she shuddered with delighted anticipation as she allowed him to press her open lips down over the dripping knob.

“Oooohhhh,” the boy groaned and his pelvis thrust upward, jamming almost half of his long cock into her mouth. Jan shuddered again and tightened her lips around him and sucked as hard as she could, it was so wonderful.

“Aggghhh … ohhhh mother … I’mmm going to … shoot it … awwwhhhh!! ! ”

There was no other warning. One moment Jan was sucking and licking at the tantalizing stalk of flesh that filled her mouth so nicely, and the next she was gasping and choking as gush after thick gush of Tommy’s pearly cum filled her mouth. In her confusion the lovely blonde gulped and found herself greedily swallowing her son’s salty seed, loving the feeling as it slid down her throat.

“Ohh Mother, suck hard, suck hard!” One of Tommy’s hands pressed at the back of her head, and Jan groaned happily as his other hand roamed over her exposed thighs. She wasn’t even surprised when her second orgasm of the day rose up and swept her away.


Jan stood at the sink. Her hands worked mechanically at the dishes but her thoughts were riveted on what had happened the night before. The beautiful blonde felt the quiver of excitement racing along her nerves like a small bubble of quicksilver when she remembered how Tommy had moaned and jerked as he emptied the contents of his young balls down her throat! There was shame in her mind too. She was still amazed that she had actually allowed the boy to do that to her, and that awful, searing sense of shame pricked and jabbed at her when she thought of the enormity of the thing she’d done to herself and Tommy.

Her eyes stared sightlessly out the kitchen window as her fingers searched through the soapy water for the last of the silverware. She couldn’t drag her thoughts away from the vile act she’d performed for the first time in her life. She had brushed her teeth three times since then, but she still imagined she could taste his thick cum at the back of her tongue, and just thinking about that made her shapely knees shake.

“Goodbye Mother,” Mia called out. She was out the door and gone before Jan could think to answer her.

She felt another sharp jab of shame when she thought of Mia. She had tried to talk to the child, meaning to be most severe with her, but all she could do was stare at the lovely child and remember how excited Mia had been when Jimmy-was teaching her to suck a penis, and how intense she’d been with Tommy when he was showing her how to masturbate him. The nasty thoughts had filled her head, and all she’d been able to do was stammer some weak nonsense to Mia about not doing it again as she tried not to think about her own vile daydreams that centered around the girl.

It wasn’t until she caught sight of Mia joining a group of girls on the street that Jan remembered another disturbing thing. She was alone in the house with Tommy again. Instandy the lovely housewife thought of the one other time they had been alone like this, and what she’d done to him then.

Tommy hadn’t come in for breakfast yet.

Maybe, she mused, there was time for her to slip out of the house, to invent some errand that would keep her away from him for this morning, at least. She had to be away long enough to think. She had to think, had to try to understand the changes that were taking place in her and in the strange new world around her.

“That’s it,” Jan whispered to herself. “I’ll get dressed and…” She never finished the sentence. She heard the soft padding of bare feet behind her and before she could even turn to face him, Tommy’s strong arms had encircled her waist.

“Good morning, dear Mother. I waited until I was certain Mia was gone.”

Tommy’s warm breath tickled the sensitive flesh at the back of her neck, and Jan almost sobbed as she realized that she was already hopelessly aroused! Tommy’s arms tightened around her. All she wore over her filmy nightgown was a thin robe, and the beautiful woman felt the firm cheeks of her buttocks being pressed against her son’s rampant penis. “Ohh, how can I tell you how happy I am this morning?” Tommy’s voice made her shiver and she moaned aloud as she felt his hips moving against her bottom.

“Please … don’t, Tommy,” Jan whispered. “You don’t understand. Last night. . . well, last night I was trying to help you. You can’t expect me … you can’t think we could ever…” She stopped in utter confusion. One of his warm hands had slipped inside her robe. His fingers explored the glowing weight of her breasts, pinching and teasing a nipple, making it stand hard and pointed in an instant.

“Last night only proved one thing to me, Mother. It proved I must learn so much, and I know that you must be the one to teach me!”

The words shocked her, but Jan couldn’t protest. Tommy’s clumsy touches and halting caresses tore at her sanity. She felt her will to resist slipping away. All her fine morals were boiled away in seconds by her rising body heat, and all she could do was whimper and clutch at the sink for support as she felt his naked body press and rub against her. She tried again-she knew she was beaten but she had to try.

“Please, Tommy, you don’t understand. Please listen to me! Last night was an awful mistake. It was my mistake and I admit it but we can’t do that again. I … I mean it’s immoral and against the law and we can’t … ” Her feeble attempts to dissuade him halted as she felt the hem of her gown and her nightie being slowly pulled up. She moaned and gnawed at her lower lip as she felt his bare thighs pressing against the backs of her legs. Tommy’s hand slipped under her clothing and cupped one of her firm buttocks.

“Ohhhh, you’re so soft and smooth, Mother,” Tommy whispered as his exploring fingers brushed lightly over her creamy bottom. “I want to touch all of you. I want to see you!”

Jan made a small whimpering sound as she realized how much she wanted him to touch all of her body. It was insane, she knew it was, but she was trapped by her own depraved lusts. With one last logical effort, the shapely woman pushed herself away from the open kitchen window.

“Oooo, darling, not here,” Jan whispered as she wiggled free of Tommy’s embrace. “Someone might see us here. Come on!” She tugged impatiently at her adropted son’s hand and led him down the hall toward her bedroom. Each step they took was torture. Her little clit was hard and erect, and walking made the dripping lips of her vulva squeeze the stalk of flesh. The wet and slippery flesh of her cunt lips brushed and rubbed against it, sending hot jolts of sensation through her.

Tommy tried to stop her at his door but she wanted him in her room, wanted him where she felt safe and secure among her own things. Tommy pressed against her, pinning her to the wall. In an effort to get away from him, Jan’s hand brushed against his throbbing erection and a delicious thrill raced down to become molten excitement between her thighs. For a moment she stopped struggling. Her fingers responded to the magnetic attraction of the stiff shaft and she lewdly stroked it a few times. Jan gasped as the excited boy jerked and lunged towards her. He almost managed to pull her down to the thick carpeting, but she twisted away in time.

“No dear,” she whispered. “In my room. Please wait just a few more moments.” She caught his hand again and led him the last few feet to the door. She waited until she had the door firmly closed behind her, shutting off the rest of the world, then turned to face her naked son.

The beautiful blonde’s trembling fingers found the ties to the robe and loosened them. She shrugged the garment off and tossed it aside. All she wore now was her filmy nightgown, and from the way Tommy’s lovely prick jerked and grew, she was sure he could see right through it to her body.

Suddenly Jan felt cool and calm. Desire was bubbling inside of her but she was under control. Another part of her was managing things as she prepared to seduce her son. In the back of her mind she still heard her common sense and her moral outrage protesting but she brushed the protests aside and out of her mind. It was so strange-this was the most sinful thing she’d ever done in her entire life, yet she’d never felt so confident!

“Lie down, darling,” she said, moving close enough to brush her firm breasts against him, delighting in the way that seemed to excite him. “On my bed, darling-you can watch me strip from my bed.” Jan pushed gently and the trembling boy fell back on the wide bed. She paused for a moment to allow her hungry eyes to stare at Tommy’s erection as it lay flat against his belly, then she slowly, deliberately unbuttoned her sheer nightie and let it slip from her shoulders to the floor, leaving her standing naked before her son.

Janet was aware of Tommy’s delighted eyes as they raced over her exposed body. She’d always been embarrassed when men stared at her lushly rounded curves like this. But now, here with Tommy, she was proud of herself and pleased that she excited him. Boldly she posed for him, spreading her feet apart, opening her thighs so he could see the lush mat of blonde curls that hid the pink folds of her pouting sex. She was wet and it had always embarrassed her when Dave could see the damp curls of her groin. It always made her feel threatened and dominated if her husband saw her like this, as if being aroused was wrong, but she was glad Tommy could see how much he excited her. She wanted him to know that.

“Do you like my body, Tommy?” the lovely housewife whispered. She moved up to the bed until her knees brushed against his. “Do you like looking at your mother all naked and excited like this?”

Tommy moaned and his hand darted down and gripped his twitching organ. He began to wildly masturbate as he stared at her. Jan cried out and fell to her knees. Her hands caught his and stopped him before he could bring himself to a climax.

“Don’t! Oh please, dear, wait,” Jan pleaded as she pressed his hand away, replacing it with one of her own. “If you do that you’ll cum too soon! Now relax and let me help you.” Tommy moaned again and his hips jerked, making his throbbing pecker jump and twist against her sweaty palm. Jan shuddered and felt the urge to take it in her mouth again, but she didn’t dare. He would shoot for sure if she did that, so she contented herself with leaning forward and gently kissing the swollen stem of his penis.

“Ohhhh Mother, help me,” Tommy groaned as her warm lips brushed against him. His fingers caught her under the arm and pulled.

Jan’s whole being glowed with excitement as she allowed him to pull her up on the bed with him. For a moment she lay on top of him, allowing herself the delicious thrill of pressing against his lean, muscular body, loving the feel of his hard probe rolling against her rounded belly. Then she slipped to one side and lay beside him, pressing her swollen breasts into his hand.

“Touch me, darling,” she whispered before she kissed him. ‘Touch me and feel my body and explore it. I want you to know all about me.” She didn’t give him time to answer. Her wet tongue darted past his lips and began to search for his sweet tongue.

The beautiful woman shivered and felt her hips begin a short, choppy series of thrusts as his hand touched and stroked her tingling flesh. One hand slipped down over her softly rounded belly, and without a moment’s hesitation she lifted a thigh and opened herself for him. At first he pressed and probed too hard and she had to catch his hand and show him how to stroke her sensitive flesh, teaching him the light, flicking rhythm that she knew would send her into orbit in just seconds.

Tommy made a sound deep in his throat and began to push her back against the mattress. The lubricating juices were squirting out of her as she went limp and allowed the excited boy to pin her flat on her back. He was going to take her and that thought made the long muscles of her thighs twitch and quiver as his hands parted them.

“Ohhhh son,” Jan whispered, her hands brushing lightly up and down the strong muscles of his back as he slipped in between her parted thighs. “Go slowly. This is your first time and I want you to make it last, make it lovely. Go slow, darling boy!”

But she might as well have been talking to the wind. Jan felt him shudder and gasp as his prong made random stabs at her bubbling opening.

“I’ll help you, I’ll help,” she whimpered as her hand groped between them until she could grasp his jerking stalk. The oily drops of his lube smeared her fingers and she loved the feeling as she rubbed the fluid over the swollen cap of his penis. Her thighs spread even wider and her pelvis lifted as she guided the rammer between the hair-fringed folds of her ravening sex.

The moment he felt the glans wedge into the open mouth of Jan’s vagina, Tommy made a growling sound deep in his throat and lunged forward. Jan gasped and moaned, and her body stiffened and lifted off the mattress as his long hard prick slid up the prepared, lubricated sheath until she had all of him, and his fat young balls rubbed against her upturned anus.

“Ooohhhh Godddddd!! ! ” The scream tore loose from Jan’s open mouth but she was hardly aware that she’d made a sound. His long shaft fdled her, the glans nuzzling against the pulsating neck of her womb. Her savage lust ruled her completely! She felt her long thighs lifting and folding back until her knees almost touched her breasts. Dave liked her like this, but she almost never allowed him to possess her so completely. With Tommy it was different for her, and she felt very good, very womanly and soft as she gladly surrendered to him, leaving herself trapped under his surging, thrusting body, loving the feeling of being pinned to the bed, being taken by her son’s long, dominating prick.

“Ohhhh, I have dreamt of this, Mother, from the first moment I saw you. You feel so warm and tight around me like this. I never knew that it could be so good!”

Jan tried to answer him, but when her mouth opened all that came out was a low moaning sound as she wiggled and hunched under him. She tried again but with no better results. All she could do was make garbled, pleased sounds as his firm probe of flesh slipped in and out of her. Her hands slipped down his back until her fingers could grip his lean buttocks. She gripped them hard, pulling him to her, helping him slam himself deeper into her cunt then any other prick had ever been. His cock wasn’t as large and thick as Dave’s but it was longer, and the delicious pressure of the glans moving deep in her body was a new and wonderful sensation for her.

A new confidence washed through her. Jan heard her passion-thick voice swirling around them, the words mixed with their breathing and panting. “Ahhhhh, you feel so nice and long inside me, darling. You’re as big as a man. If your cock were any longer it would pop out of my mouth. Wouldn’t that be lovely, Tommy? I could suck it at the same time!” Each of her lewd words made the slim boy jerk and twist over her as if she’d struck him with a whip. She could feel him tremble and was afraid he was going to ejaculate. She didn’t want him to finish this soon, without her!

She hugged the boy tight, holding him still on her. She loved the feel of his weight pressing down on her, his smooth chest mashing her full breasts almost flat, trapping her hard nipples between them. “Wait for a moment, please, darling. Just lie still. I don’t want you to cum yet. Just wait with me.” To keep him from protesting, she opened her mouth and sucked his protruding tongue when they kissed. She loved the feeling. His long, quivering erection lay deep in the tight grip of her vagina while she suckled happily at his tongue. It was almost like having two pricks in her at the same time!

When the kiss ended, she lifted her lips to his ear and began to whisper again, “Just lie still, darling. Don’t move. Don’t cum yet. Just soak in me and enjoy the feeling.” She worked the small inner-muscles of her love-sheath and they both sighed happily as the slick walls of her channel kissed and nipped at him. “You fuck so nicely,” she whispered, a thrill of daring raced through her as she used that forbidden word. “I’m glad you’re here with me, darling. I’ll always be here. You won’t have to suffer with any more painful erections. Just bring them to me and I’ll take care of them for you!” As she whispered and kissed at his ears, her hips began to make tiny, short movements. Her pelvis barely moved, it just made the hard column of gristle lightly scrape against her taut, upright clit. Each motion was torture for her, making her want to scream and rake her pelvis up and down him, making her want to force him to shoot his lovely load of sperm. Tommy felt the small movements of her body and began to answer her. Jan moaned and sighed as the long invader began to move in her. Using her hands, she guided him. She taught him to slowly roll his hips at the same time that he began to slip in and out of her again. That movement made his prick twist and turn inside of her, sending delicious chills through her. The hard root of his prick scraped against her clit again and suddenly Jan felt a wildness coming over her. She’d never felt so aroused, so greedy for more in her life!

“Awwww, baby,” the blonde moaned, her long thighs slipping up and down Tommy’s sides, caressing him with her silky flesh. She felt sweaty and rumped as she humped and jerked her body up against him, lifting her dribbling pussy up to him so he could fill her on each downstroke. “Oooohhhh yes! Deep-go deep in me, baby,” she pleaded as she licked and bit at her son’s shoulder. “Fuck me-ohhh god, fuck me! I need you so much!” She was begging him, using language that had always shocked and disgusted her before, to make him use his strong body to satisfy her filthy lusts.

“Unnnnggghhhh, Mother, I can’t wait!” Tommy’s agonized groan echoed in her ears and Jan gave an answering moan and wiggled frantically as she felt his prong swell and stiffen, then begin to shoot the thick, hot contents of his testicles into her thirsty cunt. “Aaaaiiieeee!” Tommy’s voice rose into a shouting groan and his body battered hers.

Jan clawed at his shoulders and back, her breath gushing out of her as his lovely cum gushed in. “Annnnggg! Ooooo, it feels so hot in me! You’re cumming, baby! You’re shooting your lovely seed in Mommy and she loves it!” As she gasped and babbled in his ear, her hips rolled and slapped against the bed, making his spouting cock jerk and twist in her overflowing sheath. Tommy’s thick cum coated his cock, making it slide in her like a greased piston. Warm drops of his semen rode up his flashing shaft and oiled her throbbing clitty, making it roll and wiggle in its hot creamy bath. “Ohhh … ohhh … huuuuhhh!! ! ” Jan’s voice cracked and tore as the thunder of her incestuous orgasm tore at her. She was in the center of a storm of joy, and she was being buffeted and tossed it and was lost!

It felt like it lasted for hours. She was sure it took ages for the powerful, mind-bending spasms of her orgasm to pass. Her throat was raw and her muscles ached as the jerking motion of her froth-smeared mound stopped. Tommy was gasping for breath. His body lay spent and heavy on her and he was muttering to her in his native tongue. She didn’t understand the words he used but the sound of love and contentment in his voice was plain.

Janet stopped by the kitchen door for a moment. She had to stop and rest. Her knees and thighs were shaking so badly that she was afraid she might fall! She was alone. Tommy still lay sprawled on the bed in her room. He was sleeping, a warm, soft smile on his lips. Jan patted at her tousled, matted hair in a vain effort to put it back in place. With her other hand she clutched her thin dressing gown close to her sweaty body. She hadn’t bothered to find her nightgown before she stumbled out of the room, and being naked under the gown made her feel sluttish and wild.

“Oh my god, what have I done?” She whimpered, and shut her eyes tight, trying to blot out the shame that tore at her self-respect. But nothing helped, nothing could help her forget the awful, obscene thing she’d done to a child that had been entrusted to her care! “My son is asleep on my bed, exhausted from making love to me!” Each word burned into her soul and she despised herself for betraying the trust that had been put in her. “I begged him to take me. I used vile language, I enticed and seduced him. This whole indecent, immoral thing is my own doing!”

The shapely woman moaned and convulsively squeezed at a full breast, pinching and punishing her lustful body for its part in her crime. But the action misfired and a fierce after-spasm of her climax was triggered instead of pain. She gasped and bit at her lip as the wonderful little convulsion rippled through her cum-spattered vagina. She could feel the sticky fluid dripping from her and dribbling down her thighs.

The feel of Tommy’s semen on her flesh only intensified her feeling of shame and self-loathing. She would have gone on with her private tirade but a movement in the back yard caught her eye. It was Mia and Jimmy Williams!

“They’re going in the garage again,” she whispered to herself. Jan felt the first tingling of arousal in her belly as her mind flashed one lewd imagining after another across it. She felt her raw little love bud stir and begin to swell between her thighs.

“Oh no! No, it’s not going to start again,” Jan hissed to herself. “We are stopping this! Mia, Tommy, me-no more of this!” Jan’s words were brave and determined but somewhat hollow. She couldn’t make her feet move, she couldn’t call out and bring Mia into the house. It was horrible. She thought she was going mad. Her brain screamed for action but she couldn’t make herself move to stop them.

“You have to stop it. Mia is too young, too innocent. Jimmy’s taking advantage of her,” she told herself. But Jan didn’t really believe that. She’d seen her adopted daughter’s excitement, watched as the girl’s pert little body wiggled and twitched in response to her obvious sexual arousal. No, she wasn’t that innocent. Mia was ripe and ready, and Jan was sure that Jimmy was harvesting, right now!

Suddenly she was moving. Jan was vaguely surprised to feel the grass under her bare feet. She shivered as the cool summer breeze whipped up under the folds of her robe and bathed her body with its soothing motions. She didn’t head tat the garage door. She knew that she would make no effort to stop them now-her only reason for being out here was to satisfy a sudden, obscene desire to watch!

Moving carefully, she slipped between the garage wall and the bushes. She could hear them before she could see them. Jimmy was talking. His words made her flesh crawl with excited goosc-pimples, made the muscles of her slick vagina pull taut.

“Don’t be scared, Mia. I won’t hurt you. Now climb up in my lap and just rub against it a little. You’ll like it, I promise.”

Jan shivered and paused a moment, letting her imagination form filthy, lewd pictures for her.

“He’s so young, how can he be so cool and calm?” Jan asked herself as she inched up to the window and cautiously peeked in. Jimmy was completely naked this time, as was Mia. The excited housewife watched the slender little girl’s smooth flesh ripple as she slowly climbed astride his thighs. Jan had to nip at the end of her tongue to keep from moaning as the saw the saucy little cheeks of her daughter’s bottom quiver and shake. Jimmy’s big hands encircled her waist, helping her lift herself for him.

Jan saw Jimmy’s swollen prick between Mia’s parted thighs and shuddered with fresh arousal as she imagined what his fat cock would feel like, rubbing against her own excited mound. She couldn’t see what was happening, but from the excited wiggles of Mia’s bottom she guessed the child was rubbing her hairless little slit up and down the gristle of the boy’s stalk, pressing and mashing her pea-shaped clit against his throbbing, man-sized erection.

“Oooo, Jimmy. Oooooo!” Mia’s excited squeals told Jan all she needed to know about her adopted daughter’s state of mind. She shuddered and was forced to slip her hand inside her robe as she watched Jimmy’s strong fingers lifting Mia even higher, pulling her close to his cock. The blonde housewife shamelessly twiddled her finger back and forth over her own clit as the boy began to whisper.

“Here, put the head right there … That’s right, now just sit down on it. . . Go on, Mia, I won’t hurt you. I’ll stop if it hurts, I promise!”

From her vantage point, Jan could see clearly as the crimson head of the boy’s penis was wiggled into place between Mia’s quivering thighs. She savagely dug her forefinger into her own watering, sticky slot as the boy’s hand pressed the frail little body down on him.

“Ohhhgggg,” Mia groaned.

Jan could see her daughter’s knuckles grow white as she clutched at the boy’s shoulders. The red crown of the boy’s cock was out of sight now, and Jan imagined it wedging up into Mia’s tight, virginal sheath. She masturbated wildly. “It feels … so big,” the dark-haired little girl grunted. Mia turned her head and Jan could see the pain mirrored on the frowning little face.

Jimmy’s hands moved Mia’s bottom, teaching her the age-old motions of intercourse. Jan’s own excitement was bubbling in her throat, and her heart was hammering in her chest. She watched as Mia was taught to bounce up and down on him, thereby managing to force a little more of the fat prong into her tiny opening. Suddenly Mia gasped, her slender body went rigid, and Jan knew that the fat knob of the boy’s cock was at the girl’s maidenhead!

“Oooo, it hurts,” the girl whined.

Jimmy was true to his word. Jan could see that he was trying to lift Mia off his cock, but the moaning little girl slapped his hands away. “No! I want to! I don’t care if it hurts!” Mia’s voice was high and tense as she began a sharp, corkscrewing motion with her hips, grinding herself down on him, stretching her hymen, demanding that the excited boy rip through the thin membrane and enter her.

A bubbling moan rose in Jan’s throat when she remembered how strange and awful it had been when Dave broke her hymen. She managed to stifle the sound as her eyes burned in at the straining children in the garage. Mia’s body suddenly jerked and she groaned.

“Ohhhh, it’s in! Jimmy … ohhhh!! ! ” Jan saw little flecks of blood on the boy’s fat shaft and the overpowering sense of need that assaulted her made her vibrate from head to toe.

All of her good intentions, all of her renewed moral promises turned to dust and puffed away as Jan hurried across the lawn. The screen banged shut as she hurried through the kitchen. None of her pious thoughts remained as she padded down the hall toward her door.

Tommy was still asleep when she slipped into the room. As she tugged her robe off her steaming body she stared hungrily at his limp penis. It lay across his thigh and looked so soft and so sweet.

Jan was careful as she slipped up on the bed. She didn’t want to wake him yet. Kneeling by his feet, the loving mother bent her head and gently, tenderly, began to lick at his long staff. She sighed happily as his flesh began to harden. Jimmy groaned as she greedily sucked the glans into her mouth, and from the way he moved his hips, she was sure he was awake.

She felt a long string of lube clinging to her lips as she paused for a moment and whispered to her lovely son, her lover, “Hurry, darling, get hard for me. Hurry, baby. I need you again. Do it before someone comes home and catches us!”


“Jan, can I speak to you for a moment?” Dave’s simple question startled the lovely blonde and she jerked guiltily as her eyes darted to his face, looking for that expression of disgust she knew she deserved. But there was no hint of accusation in Dave’s face and she relaxed slightly. The young housewife quickly glanced around to the children. Mia lay on her stomach, intently watching the television, and Tommy sat across the room, pretending to watch the program as well. But Jan knew he was watching her every move, watching her and wanting her every moment.

“Let’s go into the den where we can talk.” Dave took her arm and led her into the den and shut the door behind him. Something was on his mind, she could see that, but somehow she didn’t think it was about what had happened with Jimmy. “Look, I know this is going to upset you, but I didn’t have any choice. I was ordered to do this.” He looked flustered and uneasy, but Jan’s nerves quieted.

“Verna’s having a party at her mountain lodge and I have to be there. I want you and the kids to come up with me.”

Jan didn’t answer him. She looked around the room and suddenly realized that she’d stayed away from the den ever since she’d seen Dave in here with Verna. A flame of anger rose up in her and she was about to make a cutting comment when the anger turned to bitter dust on her tongue. After what she’d done, how could she dare be angry with him? His sins were nothing compared to hers!

Dave mistook her silence and anxiously went on. “Look honey, I know it’s a slap in the face for you to have to go up there but it will look bad for me if my family isn’t there. Besides, it will be a good break for all of us-fresh air, other people. What do you say, honey, will you go?”

Jan hesitated. She didn’t want to go. The thought of being under the same roof with Verna Fields made her ill, but one thing Dave had said struck her, and the more she thought of it, the better she liked it. “. . . it will be a good break for all of us…” That’s what she needed, a break. If she was alone with Tommy again, tomorrow or even again today, she knew what would happen. She knew she would never be able to stop herself, she’d go to him and use him again, she knew she would. But if she could be with other people, maybe she could stop this before it turned into a disaster.

“How … how long would we be there?” Jan asked, pretending to be reluctant. She saw Dave’s eyes brighten as he answered.

“Just two days and one night, baby. We go up tomorrow, spend the night, then come back last the next day. Will you go, Jan? Will you do this thing for me?”

“Well, I guess I can-for you,” she replied.

“Everybody ready?”

Jan nodded and heard Tommy’s and Mia’s excited shouts. As the car pulled out of the driveway, she stared out the window and tried not to think about the disturbing fact that she shared the back seat with Tommy. She had planned to sit up front with Dave, as she always did but, at the last moment, Mia decided she wanted to sit next to her “daddy”. The lovely blonde knew it was foolish but she was almost certain a special sort of a glance had passed between Dave and Mia when she finally agreed.

The young housewife remembered the wide smile on Tommy’s face as he helped her into the car, she was sure that no one else saw it when his hand slipped under her short skirt for a few seconds and his daring fingers teased at the soft flesh of her inner thighs. Now, she sat pressed against the door, keeping a safe distance between herself and her handsome son.

They’d been driving for almost two hours. Jan saw the change in the countryside as the city fell away and they started to climb. The atmosphere inside the car had relaxed under the hypnotic drone of the engine and the tires on the road. Mia’s excited chatter had died down and now she sat calmly beside Dave as he drove. Looking up into the front seat, Jan had that strange feeling again when she saw how Mia’s head rested against Dave’s shoulder, how her slim body was almost glued to his side.

Just because you ‘re a slut and have betrayed the trust placed in you doesn’t mean that Dave would do a … Jan couldn’t finish the thought.

“Are you warm enough, Mother?” Tommy asked quietly.

Startled, Jan turned toward him and their eyes locked. She could read the excitement that flared in his dark gaze and felt an answering thrill of desire inside herself.

She was completely comfortable but Jan heard her voice answering the handsome boy who sat beside her. “It is a little cooler,” she said, amazed at how steady and natural she sounded. All her good thoughts were brushed away again and she lost the battle to control her greedy eyes. She felt her excitement growing as she found herself staring down at the tight crotch of Tommy’s jeans. Tommy must have known she was looking at him because his long hose began to swell and stiffen, pressing out against the heavy denim. Little echoes of the gasping and moaning she’d done when he fucked her rang in her ears and an evil thrill of arousal tickled at the sensitive flesh between her thighs. “It is a little cooler,” she repeated foolishly. “Why don’t you spread that lap robe over our legs? That will keep us … warmer.”

Tommy smiled eagerly at her obvious invitation as he reached behind his back to find the robe. Jan darted an apprehensive glance toward the front of the car but it was easy to see that Dave was concentrating on the road and Mia was concentrating on Dave.

“Thank you, son,” the lovely blonde murmured as Tommy made a show of adjusting the blanket around her legs. She had to struggle with her self-control when one of his hands wormed under the covering and began to stroke the bare flesh of her thigh. Tommy sighed softly and wiggled a little closer to her. As he moved he caught her hand in his and quickly drew it out of sight under the robe.

Jan felt herself tremble when her limp hand was pressed down hard against her adopted son’s swollen penis. Even with the denim covering it she could feel the heat of him, feeling the thick, hot blood pulsing through the veins in his shaft, hardening him, pulling his long probe tight against the restraining fabric. Tommy’s pelvis jerked and Jan knew what he wanted her to do. It was frightening, and Jan felt little icicles of fear mixed with excitement prickling across her nerve endings as her fingers began to twist and tug at the strong snap at his waist. Suddenly the snap popped free and her fingers shook with anticipation as she tugged at the stiff metal zipper. In what seemed like an instant, Tommy’s fly was open and the warm length of his prick popped out against her palm. The beautiful woman shuddered and bit hard at the inner lining of her cheek as her fingers raced up and down the thrilling length of the boy’s organ. She felt the firm gristle, the silky skin, and the sparse hairs-and the gash between her own quivering thighs began to ooze its thick lubricating oil.

Tommy wasn’t idle while she fondled him. His hand worked at her skirt under cover of the robe. Jan shamelessly raised her legs a little, allowing him room to push the hem up until his fingers could press and squeeze against the damp crotch of her panties. He pinched her fat labia together and rolled the flesh back and forth between his fingers. Jan swallowed the deep moan of pleasure that fought to escape her throat and her fingers tightened convulsively around his throbbing erection.

This is insane! We’ll be caught, I know we’ll be caught! The panicked thoughts raced around in her head but Jan couldn’t bring herself to push Tommy away from her, couldn’t force herself to let go of the thrilling staff that fit so beautifully in her hand. She gritted her teeth and fought to keep her face calm and devoid of expression as she felt a stiff forefinger pressing against the slobbering opening of her sex, pushing the filmy material of her panties in before it. She had to grip hard at the door handle and press her feet firmly against the floor boards as he twirled his finger against her rock-hard little clitoris. If she’d relaxed for even a second, she knew, she would have begun to moan and roll her hips, and that would have got them caught for sure!

Filthy, nasty whore, her mind called her, but she didn’t care. The lovely finger worked up and down the parted lips of her vulva, smearing her juices over her folds, over her panties. At the same time she had managed to establish a swift, jerking rhythm on Tommy’s stem, and from the way that he was grunting and making small, hard motions with his hips, she knew he loved it.

“Don’t let them know. We can’t let them catch us doing this,” Jan whispered as she leaned sideways to whisper in his ear. She tried to make the move seem normal in case Dave or Mia should catch the motion in the rearview mirror, and at the same time keep up the stroke as she jacked her son off under the lap robe.

“They won’t,” Tommy answered with a quiet murmur that barely rose over the hum of the engine. “They won’t catch us.” His exploring finger found the tight elastic ring of her panties and wriggled in at the leg. She shivered and couldn’t hide the sharp flinching motion she made when his warm flesh pressed directly against her swollen clitty. It was almost more than she could bear, and she wanted desperately to groan and throw back the heavy robe so she could watch as he slowly sank his long finger deep into the slick, eager throat of her soft vagina.

Suddenly Jan felt weak and boneless. Her head wobbled about on her neck and she had to lean back against the seat to support it. Ahhhh, his wiggling finger felt so nice! She found that she could grip and pinch at his finger with the muscular walk of her cunt, and each time she did, it produced another thick bubble of pleasure in her crotch. She ran her clenched fist up and down his prick. Each time she reached the cap, she let her fingers rub over it and smear the thick drops of pre-cum over the glans and down the smooth shaft of his rammer. She loved the way his juices oiled his cock, making it feel slippery and alive in her hand.

Tommy made a soft moaning sound and his body stiffened. A jolt of electric excitement slammed through Jan’s body as she felt his long probe jerk and swell. He was cumming! Quickly she slipped her other hand under the robe and placed the sweaty palm against the swollen slit of the glans. She was just in time to deflect the first hot jet of her son’s thick semen. It splashed against her hand and dripped back down his pulsating dong. She felt his beautiful body jerk and twist as jet after hot jet of his seed blasted out of the slit and wet her hand. She managed to maintain a tight grip on him and pumped madly at the stem, almost pulling the thick sperm from his young balls by willpower alone.

The darling boy hadn’t forgotten her. All the time that he twitched and gritted his teeth through his orgasm, his finger still wormed in and out of her, first going deep into her and then slipping out to flick lightly back and forth over her greased, swollen little clitoris. “Ooooo, it’s so nice,” a little voice in her head squealed. “Ohhh, I’m going to cummmmmm! Mustn’t make a sound when I do. I can’t let Dave know what’s happening. I mustn’t make a … a … ohhhhhhoooo!! ! ” She had to bite down hard at the tip of her tongue to keep from moaning and shouting as wave after delicious wave of her orgasm lifted her and swept her away. She clutched at Tommy’s long, slippery prick, her hips making desperate little movements as the wonderful pleasure surged and eddied in her confused brain. “Ohhhh, it’s so dirty, so filthy,” she whispered to herself. “But oh God, isn’t it wonderful!”

At last Tommy’s hand stopped moving and lay limp across her bare, twitching thighs. Slowly, as if in a daze, Jan withdrew her hand and stared down at the pearly mass of her son’s white cum. She didn’t hesitate when the filthy impulse struck her, she only waited long enough to be sure Tommy was watching her before she slowly brought her open palm up to her waiting lips and ran her shiny pink tongue back and forth across it, licking and sucking his yeasty seed away. The darkly handsome boy watched, his slightly almond-shaped eyes widening in surprise. Then a wide smile of satisfaction crossed his lean face and made him even more beautiful to her eyes. His lips moved and formed the silent words that were meant for her eyes alone. “I love you, Mother.” The words slapped at her and the beautiful young blonde didn’t know if she was going to smile at him or cry.

The door clicked shut behind her and Jan stood in the dark hallway for a moment. The decor of the hall was just like the rest of the large mountain lodge, done in lovely taste. In spite of herself Jan had to admit that Verna’s taste was perfect. The room she had just left was a perfect blend of rustic charm and warm comfort, and she assumed that every other room in the lodge would show the same imprint of the clever woman’s touch.

As she moved quietly down the hall, the blonde peeked at her watch and was dismayed to see that it was almost one in the morning. They had arrived in the middle of the afternoon, had met the other guests, and had a wonderful dinner and drinks. She should be tired now, she thought. She should be able to sleep, but for some reason, sleep wouldn’t come. Dave was asleep. He’d nodded off the moment he got in bed, and the only reason she was up now was so she wouldn’t wake him with her restless tossing and turning.

The lodge was dark and silent now, except for a few small lights burning in the hall to make night passage safe. But there was more light streaming in through the windows from a large full moon outside.

As she passed other closed doors, the young blonde thought of the other people she’d met that day. They were all bright, handsome and clever but there had only been one that really made any impression on her at all-Sam Bently. Just thinking about the tall, handsome man made her shiver with a strange, twisted excitement. She wasn’t sure why, but the moment she was introduced to the man she felt that fear mixed with excitement again. He was handsome, too handsome, almost pretty! Her fingers twitched as she remembered how flustered she’d been when his icy blue eyes bored into hers and how his light, curly hair glinted in the sun as he bent closer to hear her speaking. Sam Bently was Verna’s man. No one had to tell her that. The way the older woman clung to his arm in public, the way she listened raptly to anything that he said, those things told her how Verna felt.

The hallway ended and Jan turned the corner. She found herself in a small living room, not the main room but a little nook that was set off by itself. One wall of the cozy room was glass and after a moment she realized she was staring out onto the moon-bathed mountainside. She was so pleased with the view that she didn’t notice another shadowy figure on one of the wide couches.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it, Jan? This is my favorite place in the whole lodge.” Jan gasped and whirled to face the owner of the voice. Verna Fields sat well back on the couch, almost lying down. She wore a filmy nightgown that showed silver in the bright moonlight. For a moment Jan felt the impulse to turn and leave her rival but the beautiful brunette smiled and extended a long, slender hand to her, inviting her to sit on the couch beside her.

“Please, come here and sit down, Jan. I can’t sleep either, and we’ve never really had a chance to talk.” The other woman’s tone was warm and friendly, and the young housewife didn’t know how to refuse and not be rude, so she slowly sank down on the soft couch and leaned back against the pillows.

“I’m glad you came tonight, dear,” Verna said in a low voice. Her hand reached out and fell on Jan’s. The young blonde jumped a little at the contact, but for some reason she didn’t pull her hand away. “I’ve always liked you, Jan, and wanted to get to know you better. This is a perfect time for that, isn’t it?” The woman moved a shapely leg and Jan felt the pressure against her own knee. The movement had stirred the scent that Verna wore and it seemed to envelop the lovely blonde.

“Uhhhh … yes … I suppose it is,” Jan murmured, not knowing what Verna had in mind.

The older woman chuckled and squeezed her hand. Jan felt a tiny quiver of excitement far in the back of her mind. She didn’t exactly understand the excitement, but it was there.

“Don’t be so uptight, darling. You think I’m trying to steal Dave from you-that’s it, isn’t it?”

Jan’s head turned sharply and she stared at the woman in shocked amazement. “It’s all right, Jan. It’s better if we talk about it. Then we’ll understand each other.”

As she spoke, the woman inched a little closer on the couch and Jan could feel the warmth of the other’s sleek thigh pressing against her. “I’m not sure that I. . . want to talk about it,” the blonde said. She was embarrassed by the prim sound of her voice and her words, but that was the way that she felt.

“Oh, my poor Jan,” Verna whispered, brushing a stray lock of blonde hair back from Jan’s face. “I was afraid you would think of me like that. Please, dear, I want to be your friend, I really do. Let mc explain myself, Jan, and then, if you’re still angry with me, I’ll leave you be. Agreed?”

There was something very strange about all of this. Jan had often imagined herself in a confrontation with Verna Fields but her vengeful daydreams had. never been like this! She didn’t want to just sit and listen but she didn’t have much choice, so she nodded silently.

“I’m sure you know that Dave and I have been … intimate.”

A sudden sun-flare of anger caught Jan unprepared. Of course she knew they were lovers, but knowing it and hearing it boldly admitted were two different things! She tried to pull her hand away and stand up but Verna’s strong hand pushed her back against the pillows, her forearm pressing against Jan’s uplifted breasts. “No, don’t go. You agreed to hear me out!! ”

Jan stopped struggling and felt the blind anger fade, then flicker out. She was confused and unsure of herself. Jan sat still but wiggled uncomfortably. She needed time to think, and the other woman’s arm pressing against her didn’t help clear her mind!

“That’s better, darling. Let me explain,” Verna crooned softly. “Just let me explain, dear, that’s all I ask. Now, let’s get comfortable.” Before she knew what to expect, Jan found herself being pulled even closer to the brunette. The perfume swam in her nostrils, distracting her, making it even harder to concentrate!

“I admit that I’ve gone to bed with your Dave, dear-and why not? Surely you realize that your man is an attractive stud. Why wouldn’t I enjoy making love with him?” Jan wanted to answer that one but Verna hurried on, determined to have her say. “I like Dave, Jan. I love sleeping with him but I’m not trying to steal him from you. There are all sorts of handsome, well-hung, stud-men around. I don’t have to steal your man!”

The young blonde was faintly scandalized at the older, more sophisticated woman’s casual attitude but she didn’t say a word. Verna’s arm had dropped away from her breasts while she spoke but it had landed on her thigh. The feel of the hand pressing down on her leg, lightly massaging the soft flesh, was disconcerting and it was hard for her to put her tangled thoughts into words.

“I … I know about you and … Dave,” Jan stammered. “But if you don’t want him, why do you … do those things with him?”

Verna laughed and hugged her close. Her lips brushed against Jan’s cheek in a gentle, chaste kiss. “Oh, poor Jan, are you still hung up on the idea that only true lovers should sleep together? Can’t you accept the fact that making love is a wonderful thing to do? Of course I like Dave, but I don’t love him, and I’m sure he doesn’t love me!” Verna caught her chin and turned the young blonde’s face toward her.

Jan shuddered as she felt the light brush of Verna’s warm lips against hers and was shocked by the sudden strong reaction in her belly. Instantly, she remembered what Dave had told her of this beautiful brunette’s skill with women.

“Don’t you see, dear, giving pleasure to someone you like is the fullest expression of human concern.” It wasn’t that simple, Jan knew, but she was so amazed and ashamed at her strong sexual response to Verna’s kiss that she couldn’t make her mind function well enough to deny it!

The sophisticated woman was well aware of Jan’s confusion and pressed the advantage, not giving her a chance to get set. “It doesn’t matter dear, when two people feel that wonderful attraction toward each other they should respond, don’t you see?” Verna’s hand had inched higher on her thighs and Jan could only make a stranged moaning sound in response. “It’s true, dear, you have to understand what is really happening in the world you live in.” The hand left her thigh and deftly slipped inside her robe to cup one burning breast.

“Just as I feel an attraction to Dave, I feel that same loving attraction toward you, Jan.” A strong thumb strummed back and forth across her swollen nipple. Jan gasped and felt the tingle all the way to her toes. “I feel that need for you, too, darling,” Verna whispered before she kissed Jan’s slack lips again. This time the kiss was firm and direct and there simply was no mistaking what Verna Fields wanted from her!

“But. . . but I … I’m a woman and you’re a woman,” Jan stammered, knowing that she sounded naive and foolish even as the words escaped her lips. “I’ve never. . . been with a woman. I’m not like that!”

The brunette chuckled and pinched gently at Jan’s long, pointed nipple. The sensation made the young housewife wiggle against the soft cushions. “Of course you’re ‘like that’, Jan. We are all ‘like that’. You have to see that, my darling. You’re much too lovely and desirable to hide yourself in a moralistic cocoon. Tear free, Jan, and be a beautiful butterfly!”

Before Jan could deny that, Verna captured her lips and a demanding tongue darted deep in her mouth. The young blonde groaned as she felt the long, muscular tongue find and traps hers. The rough tip rubbed back and forth and her horror and disgust at the lesbian advance began to grow soft and melt away.

“Oooo, you have such lovely big titties, Jan,” Verna breathed when the steaming kiss ended. “I want to see you. I can’t wait!”

Jan felt frozen. She stared in helpless fascination as Verna plucked at the simple tie of her gown and pulled it aside, baring the young woman’s firm breasts to the silvery moonlight. “Ahhhh, they’re even prettier than I imagined!”

Jan sighed and felt her shoulders move slowly as Verna bent her head toward her rigid, blood-swollen nipple. She felt the woman’s hot breath stirring over her flesh. “Ummmmmm!” Verna’s moan of pleasure struck hidden chords in Jan’s soul and she felt her lush body arching up off the couch, lifting her heavy breasts to the savage, sucking lips.

“Aggghhhh! This is wrong,” Jan whimpered, but even as she protested, one hand pressed at the back of Verna’s head while her other slipped under her own breast, holding it up against the firm oval of Verna’s lips, feeding the woman her tingling nipple. “Ohhhh, it’s so nasty,” she murmured. “You shouldn’t do that!” She groaned as she tried to press even more of her soft flesh into that sweet mouth, against those lovely, suctioning lips!

“Isn’t this nice?” the older woman asked in a low whisper after she’d kissed and licked her way back up Jan’s bared breasts.

Jan couldn’t answer. The awful, twisted need she felt seemed to have closed her throat. There were a thousand words and denials dammed up in her brain but she couldn’t force them free.

Verna was moving beside her but Jan didn’t realize what she was doing until she felt the silky flesh of the brunette’s bare breasts against hers. The young housewife shuddered and stared down. Verna had managed to wriggle free of her gown and knelt before her. The moonlight cast deep shadows down the front of her shapely body. It highlighted her breasts, making them look like ripe, pear-shaped silver fruit. When Verna tried to tug her gown off, Jan obediently lifted herself. She stared in unnatural fascination at the woman’s breasts as her knowing hands stripped Jan naked.

“Ohhh, yes, you are so lovely,” Verna sighed as she leaned forward to mash her breasts against Jan’s. “Darling Jan, this is going to be so nice.” The firm pressure of the brunette’s body guided the young blonde back until she lay on her back with Verna lying on top of her. The excited woman supported her weight on her elbows, just like a man would, and also like a man, she began to move her hips against Jan’s. Their plump, hairy mounds met, kissed, then melted together in a mutual gushing of girl juices.

“Awwwwggghhhh god,” Jan groaned as their pubes mashed and ground against each other. Her hard little love knot pulsated and throbbed as it was squeezed and massaged. She was embarrassed and shocked at her perverted response to the other woman’s unnatural lovemaking, but when Verna pulled away, she moaned in protest and tried to pull the exciting body back against her. Her hips rose off the couch trying to reclaim that delicious contact!

“It’s all right, darling,” Verna sighed, her words muffled as she tried to speak and kiss the young blonde’s breasts at the same time. “Just lie still, lover, and let me make you feel soooo nice!”

With each humid kiss Verna was moving lower on Jan’s twisting body. The lovely young housewife knew what was going to happen and that knowledge made the hidden wellsprings of her vagina pour fresh lubricating oils from the pulsating neck of her sheath. When the warm lips buried themselves in the wet mat of her pale curls, her long thighs lifted and spread so wide they ached.

“Ooooo, I love your juicy little pussy, darling! Let me love it. Let me show you how nice one girl can be to another!” Before Jan could even think she felt the long tongue wiggle and squirm between the slobbering, eager folds of her sex.

“Agggghhhh, that feels wonderful,” Janet squealed, her sleek thighs clamped tight around the woman’s head. “Ohhhhooo God! Stick it in deeper!” The last of her pride, the last of her tattered morals died as her fingers caught the edges of her fat labia and she stretched herself wide, offering her cunt to the tantalizing tongue and the mind-bending suction of Verna’s greedy mouth.

“Suck me,” the blonde demanded. She pressed Verna’s unresisting head tight gainst her bumping, rotating groin. “Suck my wet pussy, you perverted slut! Eat meeeeiiiieeee!! ! ! ”


Jan felt the sun prying at her clenched eyelids and awakened with a terrible jerk. The last hazy fragments of a tormenting dream clung to her mind for a moment, confusing her. Then it slid away, leaving nothing behind but a vague, uneasy feeling.

At first the young housewife didn’t understand what had happened, then she moved her legs and that movement made her raw clitoris sting and vibrate back to life. The sensation brought back the memory of last night in one sickening rush!

“Ohhhh nooooo,” Jan moaned, and quickly slipped out of bed. She stood staring down at her sleeping husband and felt deep, deep shame flood in on her. She wanted to run, wanted to go some place and die rather than admit to herself what she’d done. She whirled and was about to run from the room when she caught sight of her image in the large mirror over the dressing table.

The blonde housewife stood transfixed as she stared at the rumpled, red-eyed slut that stood naked before her. She was so shocked by the change she saw in herself that she couldn’t resist the temptation to move closer, to get a better look.

Slowly Jan’s eyes moved from the tired circles under her eyes past her trembling, slack lips. She noticed a faint purplish line that surrounded one nipple and remembered when Verna’s excitement had boiled over and she’d bit her there. The memory of that passionate moment triggered other memories and, without warning, the naked blonde found herself back in that room with Verna again!

“You bitch, you sweet-tasting bitch,” the slim brunette had whispered.

Jan gasped softly and felt the lewd impulse to play with her stiffening nipples when her body remembered the wet caress of Verna’s tongue and the firm, maddening sucking of her lips. For a moment Jan felt shame creeping on her again but it was a weak emotion compared with her excitement and it was easily pushed away.

“Suck me! Go on girl, you groaned and squealed when I ate you, now it’s your turn!”

Jan’s hand crept to her mouth. She touched her lips and thought of how it had felt with Verna’s black bush pressed against them. Her pink tongue darted out and licked at her fingers as it had licked and lapped at the woman’s wet, hard clitoris.

“You were so easy,” the rumpled blonde whispered to her staring image. “She knew you. All she had to do was touch you and you were ready to do any filthy thing she asked!” Jan’s cheeks flushed pink when she thought of how she’d moaned and writhed as the excited brunette had pressed her flat on the sofa, then climbed astride her, ending up by sitting on her chest. Jan could still feel the strange, twisted excitement-that rose up when Verna’s firm ass pressed down on her large breasts and a hand caught her thick hair to pull her head up. She moaned and licked absently at her fingers when she remembered the strong but not unpleasant taste of her rival’s slot. At the time, she’d had a fleeting thought of the thick pricks that had speared in between those folds and tried to pull her mouth away, but Verna held her in place. Her pelvis rose and fell as she ground her slippery folds against Jan’s lips, sighing and muttering as she was speared and invaded by the blonde’s wiggling tongue.

Bits and pieces of what followed taunted and tormented Jan. She still stared at the mirror but the woman there no longer looked like her. It was amazing and frightening to realize it, but Jan knew she’d died sometime during the night.” Her body was still here and functioning, but the real Jan, the person she had been, had simply withered and died in the white-hot blaze of the perverted excitement of the night. What stood before her now was a stranger to her, a stranger whose hungers and desires frightened her!

Dave sighed and rolled over on the bed. Jan froze. Her eyes warily watched him but he fell back into a deep sleep. Moving quietly but quickly, Jan went to her open suitcase. She selected a shirt and a tight pair of jeans. She didn’t want to be in the room when her husband awakened. She couldn’t face him after what she’d done-she just couldn’t stand to do that!

It was still early. None of the other guests were up yet and the only sounds in the lodge were coming from the kitchen, where the cook was preparing breakfast. Without realizing it, Jan retraced her steps of the night before and found herself standing before the large sofa in the little living room. She stared fixedly at the rumpled cushions of the sofa and almost cried with shame.

“How could it have happened like that?” Jan said to herself. “I’m not like that, I know I’m not a. . . lesbian, so why was it so nice for me?” She almost wished she hadn’t asked herself that, but it was something she would have to face if she was going to understand this new person she’d become.

But she couldn’t do it here-it was too close to the problem!

The birds were singing in the trees as the young blonde walked out into the sunlight. She smiled faintly and drew in a deep breath of cool fresh air. Jan felt her blood bubbling in her veins and had to admit that she felt wonderful! Regardless of the shame she felt about last night, her body felt wonderfully relaxed and most satisfied.

There was a faint clinking sound coming from the stable. The sound was followed by the impatient voice of a man. At first Jan was going to walk away. She didn’t want to talk to anyone. She had turned and headed in the opposite direction when the voice rose again and she recognized it. It was Sam Bendy, Verna’s blonde god of a lover!

Jan still didn’t want to see anyone but there was something very challenging about that man. He was so confident, so aware of his appeal to women that it made her want to see what he had. Even while she debated with herself her feet had turned her and had her headed for the stable door.

The big man was just tightening the saddle cinch on the horse when Jan pushed the stable door open and strolled in. He looked up and flashed his perfect white smile at her. She felt uncomfortable when his bold eyes left her face and took a slow, deliberate tour down the lush curves of her body.

“Another early riser. That’s great! I thought I was the only one.” He smiled again and despite her distrust of him, Jan felt herself responding to his easy charm. Sam moved forward and took her hand in his. “Why don’t you go for a ride with me this morning, Mrs. Green? Let me saddle a horse for you and we’ll be back before the others even manage to struggle out of the sack.”

Jan felt a strong warning chill race down her spine and shook her head as she tried to pull her hand free of Sam’s big paw. “Oh … no, I don’t think so … thank you.”

The man just smiled at her shy refusal.

“Of course you’ll go. You do ride, don’t you?”

Before she could lie about it, Jan felt her head nodding.

“Great, then it’s settled. You just wait here and I’ll be ready in a few minutes.” He had turned and was stepping into a stall before she startled Jan could protest.

“We’ll ride up along the ridge. It’s always nice in the early morning like this.” Sam made a clucking sound to his horse and the big animal headed up the narrow trail. Jan’s horse began to move before she knew it, and it followed the stallion up the same trail.

The animals moved steadily up the side of the ridge. After a while Jan looked back and was surprised to see how small and distant the lodge was. She looked ahead and was vaguely embarrassed to see Sam’s stallion’s immense penis begin to slide out of its sheath and stiffen. She tried to look away but her eyes wouldn’t move. There was something so natural, so exciting about the monstrous shaft! Jan felt a giggle trying to escape her. For some insane reason the long animal cock reminded her of Sam Bently!

“We’ll rest the horses here. It’s a nice spot.” Sam swung down from the stallion and unhooked a bedroll from behind his saddle. Jan meekly followed suit and stood to one side while he tied the horses in the shade. She looked carefully at both animals and they didn’t look tired or overheated to her.

“We can sit in the shade and look out over the valley,” Sam said as he led the way to a grassy spot under a large tree. Without saying another word, the huge man spread the blanket and sat down. Jan stood at the edge of the blanket. She knew better than to sit with him but a little devil was loose in her brain and it prodded her until she moved forward and sank down. Despite these new, aggressive feeling she had, she made sure not to sit too close to him.

“What’s the matter, Jan?” Sam asked, using her first name for the first time. “Are you afraid of me?”

His sardonic grain prickled Jan’s pride and she fell into his simple trap. “Of course I’m not afraid of you!”

When he grinned again, a new light seemed to flare up in his eyes and the young blonde found that she was afraid after all, but it was too late.

Sam lay propped on one elbow. The position made his shirt gape open, giving Jan a view of his broad, hairless chest. “Good. I’d like to be a friend, Jan, and friends aren’t afraid of one another, are they?” He patted the blanket beside him and when she didn’t move he leaned forward and caught her hand. “Don’t be shy. I won’t hurt you, baby.”

The big man’s fingers tightened around her wrist and the beautiful woman found herself being drawn forward. “Uhh … please, Sam, you know I’m married,” she whispered. But he didn’t stop until she lay on the blanket beside him. Sam grinned and shook his head while he pressed a quieting finger against her protesting lips.

“Don’t worry, honey, he won’t find out. Besides, we both know he’s banging Verna, so why can’t you have a little fun for yourself?”

Jan felt the sting of resentment surging up in her but he didn’t give her a chance to retort. His powerful arm slipped around her shoulders and she was drawn up against him.

“Relax, baby. It’s going to be good between us, I can tell.” His lips pressed against hers and his muscular tongue speared into her mouth. Jan tried to resist him but it only took seconds for the broad blade of his tongue to find hers and wrap around it. Jan’s hand shook as it slowly rose and began to massage the hard muscles of his shoulder. The big man responded to her obvious surrender by running his hand down the base of her spine, he pressed at her and the helpless housewife felt her pelvis being thrust forward until it was mashed up against the growing bulge of his penis.

“Oooo, don’t do that,” Jan managed to gasp when the kiss broke. “I don’t care what Dave does, but I don’t cheat!” It was a lie and Jan was sure Sam could sense that. She felt the vibrations of his chuckle against her swelling nipples. His hand kept her pressed tight against him, so tight she could feel the blood pounding in his veins, feel the thud of his heart.

“Just relax, baby. You need a good healthy fuck so bad that I can hear your ovaries screaming for it!” He laughed and pressed forward, rubbing the bulge of his cock against her. “Man, did Verna ever have you pegged right. She told me all about you, baby!”

Anger added spark to her courage and Jan tried to push free of him. “What do you mean? What did that bitch say about me?”

“She told me that Jan Green was an uptight prig. She said the best thing that could happen to Jan Green was for her to be taken off somewhere and fucked until she couldn’t crawl!”

It was like being sentenced to jail. Jan felt her courage falter, then die completely as she heard the steady confidence in his voice.

Suddenly Sam released her and rolled up on his knees beside her. His face looked determined, the easy grin gone. His finger popped open the snaps of his western shirt, his eyes never leaving hers.

“Get undressed, chick,” he said calmly.

Jan stared up at the man. She made no move to do what he demanded. Sam’s voice grew colder and more demanding. “Don’t play games with me, honey. You’ve got a choice-either take your shit off right now or I’ll rip it off. Do you want to have to go back to the lodge naked?”

Jan’s nerves felt as if they’d been brutally plucked. She stared in shocked amazement at the man. It was obvious that Sam meant what he said. She didn’t have any choice-he was going to take her!

The moment Jan’s fingers began to undo her shirt buttons she felt a shameful spreading of her lubricating fluids. How could she be excited by what was happening to her? This was nothing more than rape! Why did that make her love-bud grow hot and hard between her trembling thighs?

“That’s good,” the big man purred. His shirt was off and he undid his belt buckle but made no attempt to unzip his fly. “Hurry up, baby, daddy needs some help here,” he said, patting the distinct outline of his big prick.

Jan hurriedly sat up and peeled the shirt from her arms but she wasn’t moving fast enough to suit Sam. He grinned and a big finger hooked in the center band of her straining bra. It only took a quick twist of his wrist to rip the garment, baring her full breasts to his icy-blue eyes. Sam’s expression didn’t change as he fondled her.

Jan shuddered and felt the increased flutter of excitement in her drooling vagina as his rough fingers pinched and squeezed at her fleshy fruit. The blonde’s little moan of pleasure turned into a distinct groan of pain as his fingers tightened around on full breast and began to draw her up.

“Owwww, that hurts,” the young housewife moaned as she scrambled to her knees. The pressure of his fingers sent waves of pain mixed with excitement and she was amazed and ashamed to feel the nipple of her tortured breast grow hard and vibrate with excitement.

“If you don’t like being hurt, do what you’re told, slut,” the big man grated. “Get your ass out of those pants and do it now!” His fingers slipped down the curve of her breast until they caught the long pointed nipple and twisted cruelly.

Jan’s body shook and jerked as she frantically tore at the snaps and buttons of her jeans. Sam loomed over her and she felt helpless and afraid of his brute strength and hard attitude. Her shaking fingers drew her jeans down over her thighs until they bunched up around her knees. Jan felt the cool mountain air blowing across her bare flesh and blushed when she realized that Sam was grinning down at her while he watched her humiliating strip-tease.

“The panties too, baby. Can’t fuck too well through nylon.” He was being deliberately crude with her and Jan knew it. He was rubbing her face in the filth and making her take it. The worst part was that she was not only taking it but beginning to enjoy it!

Briefly Sam let her wiggle free of his punishing grip on her soft breast. He let her go long enough for her to peel the wadded mess of her jeans and panties down over her feet, once she’d pushed her shoes and socks off. She knelt on the blanket, painfully aware that she was naked before a stranger. She could feel his icy eyes crawling over her like insects and she felt the slick inner muscles of her cunt drawing tight in anticipation. Sam didn’t keep her waiting long. A large hand shot out and caught her at the back of her neck. Fingers twined in her thick blonde hair and jerked.

“Owwww,” Jan whimpered as she was roughly jerked forward. She was completely off balance and teetered forward, her face pressed against the sweaty crotch of the man’s jeans.

“You got the idea right off,” Sam said mockingly. “That’s just the kind of help daddy needs.” The faint humor left his voice and he went on. Jan could hear the strain of excitement in his next words. “Open my fly and fish it out with your tongue, bitch. If you use your hand I’ll slap you around.” For one raging millisecond the beautiful woman rebelled at being treated so shamefully, at being used like a slave! But the grip of the fingers at the back of her neck killed her revolt before it could begin. He would hurt her, would do even more awful things to her if she resisted him! The young blonde told herself that over and over as she fumbled at the tight buttons of the man’s jeans. She told herself that, but deep down inside, where no one else could see, she was secretly glad it was happening. She gloried in the feeling of being dominated and used like a common whore!

The last button popped free and the taut fabric pulled apart with no help from her. Sam wore no underwear and the startled Jan found herself staring at his rampant penis as it snapped free of restraint and quivered before her eyes.

“like it, baby? Lots of chicks go a little crazy when they meet my boy there for the first time.” Jan could believe him-he wasn’t boasting! Her eyes grew wider as she stared at the monster before her. It grew out of a tangled mat of thick blonde hairs that almost hid an enormous pair of balls. The shaft was so thick it made the tight throat of her vagina ache just to look at it! “Be nice to my dong, baby. Treat it right and it’ll send you to heaven!”

Jan felt herself tremble as her unbelieving eyes crept up the thick pole of flesh. He was circumcised and the glans stood free at the top. It was wide and pulpy looking, and the color went from deep red to near purple just while she looked at it. Thick drops of lube were seeping out of the weeping eye in the glans and they trickled down over the broad flange and wet the stretched flesh of the shaft. Sam’s fingers tightened slightly at the nape of her neck and Jan knew what was expected of her without another sign.

The pretty housewife’s body was at war with her mind. Her lips were already forming a circle, her tongue wetting them, making them ready to slip down over the fat crown of meat before her. She felt her belly shake with excitement as she leaned toward him, but her mind was resisting.

“No, no,” a little voice whispered at her as the strong odor of his privates crept into her nostrils. “This is wrong, you can’t let him treat you like this. You’ll hate yourself if you don’t fight him. Let him hurt you-that’s nothing compared to losing your self-respect with this stranger, a man you don’t even like!” But the call of her greedy body was much stronger than her mind and she impatiently brushed the thoughts aside the second her lips made skidding contact with Sam’s furry balls. The big man grunted in surprise and his hand massaged the back of her neck as she began to lick at the round globes that held his lovely hot sperm.

“Ohhhh, shit! Verna was wrong. She told me that you’d never sucked a cock!” A nasty chuckle slipped into his voice as he began to roll his hips slightly, making his slick, wet orbs roll across her searching tongue. “What have you been doing, darling? You don’t blow your old man, I know that, so where did you learn to use your tongue like that?”

Jan’s ears burned red as he spoke to her but her embarrassment wasn’t strong enough to make her stop the lovely licking. Remembering that she couldn’t use her hands, the beautiful blonde inched a little closer and wrapped her arms around his powerful thighs as she began to lick and lip-suck her way up the veined, gnarled shaft of his cock. She could feel the hot pulse of his blood against the sensitive tip of her tongue and that combined with the taste of him to make her brain spin!

Inch by luscious inch Jan’s tongue swirled and lapped up the impossible length of his cock. She pressed close to him, enjoying the feel of her bare breasts rubbing and brushing against his muscular thighs. The coarse hairs scratched and scrubbed at her pointed nipples. Sam was making deep grunting noises and his hips were jerking as he rubbed the fat meat of his shaft across her tongue.

“That’s enough. Get to it and suck me, baby,” the big mart growled.

Before she could move, Jan was pulled up by the hair! She whimpered at the stinging pain but her lips were ready and open for him when he pushed her face down on the dribbling knob. The bloated crown slid along her wet tongue and bumped hard against the back of her throat. He ignored her short gagging sound and began to saw the head and shaft in and out of her mouth. Jan made a soft, wet, gurgling sound deep in her throat and began to suck. The wet lining of her cheeks clamped in against his gnarled root and massaged it while her tongue slathered back and forth over the knob of his prick. She heard Sam sigh with pleasure and a perverse sort of pleasure rose up in her. She felt she should be ashamed of what she was doing, but instead she was glad she could do it well enough to please him. She was never going to understand herself!

“Yeah, you’ve been practicing, baby. You’ve got yourself some new honey-man who’s taught you how to play the skin flute, hasn’t he?”

Jan heard the snide humor in Sam’s voice but she couldn’t respond. His huge cock was moving in and out of her mouth, wetting itself in her warm saliva, stretching her lips so tight it was impossible for her to make a sound around it. “You like taking it this way, don’t you, baby? I can see your nice ass wiggle every time it slams home. Well, you’ve got a good mouth to fuck, baby-the best!”

Jan felt a thick surge of shamed excitement roll in her belly when he talked to her like that. Her lips clamped even tighter around the moving tube of meat that filled her mouth so nicely as her lewd thoughts raced about in her brain. “That’s what he’s doing, he’s fucking me in the mouth,” she thought, enjoying the strange excitement. “He’s using my mouth like a vagina. What would Dave think if he ever saw me like this?”

The beautiful housewife groaned and her head bobbed faster over the post-like staff as she tormented and teased herself with filthy dirty thoughts. A strange thing began to happen-the feel of the flesh moving through the tight oval of her lips, the taste of his sex, the liquid sucking sounds that escaped her all combined to stir and tickle her own feelings to a point just short of orgasm. “He hasn’t even touched you,” her fevered brain moaned. “All he’s done is use you and hurt you and still you’re ready to cum!”

Sam’s fingers pulled back on her hair and the amazed blonde’s head was jerked free of the thick lollipop she’d been eating. She whimpered in protest and tried to fit her dripping mouth back over the shiny red glans that stood before her. “Whoa, baby, haven’t you had enough yet?” Sam laughed as he held her head away from his saliva-slick prod. “You’ll get more later, baby. Now lay back.”

Jan was bewildered. She didn’t expect him to shove her like that and she fell back, landing sprawled on the blanket. Sam fell to his knees and held her thighs apart before she could clamp them closed. “Open wide and say ahhhhhhh, baby,” the handsome man said, a sneer on his face as he leaned toward her.

Jan lay on the rumpled blanket staring up at the huge naked man as he rubbed the wet crown of his prick up and down the drooling folds of her labia. The pulpy head parted her folds and mashed up against her extended clitoris. She was ashamed of her quick response to him but she couldn’t keep from moaning and squealing when he did things like that to her.

“Are you ready for daddy?” Sam whispered. He lay close to her, and she could feel his breath along her neck, feel his gigantic pole probing the center of her slit, searching for the entrance of her wiggling body. “Do you want daddy to fuck you, baby? If you do, you’ll have to ask him pretty-please. Tell him how much you want it.”

“Oooohhh, ahhh,” Jan whispered and sighed, her heels dug into the blanket as she lifted her open, eager slot to him. “Please, Sam, please don’t make me say that…” There was no answer and Jan could feel him lifting his cock away from her, feel him evading the offered opening to her body. She hated herself, hated him, but the need was so strong that she couldn’t refuse anything that would satisfy the awful itch she felt in her hungry cunt!

“Ooooo, please, fuck me, Sam. I’ll be good. Put your big stick up in me and fuck me … please. I’ll do anything you want-just help me!” The words rolled off her tongue and she shuddered and wiggled as she felt their effect on the man. Sam grunted as if satisfied and began to press in on her.

At first the wet crown nuzzled against the throat of her vagina and then plugged it. Jan moaned and rolled her ample hips, helping him wedge the monster in tight. It hurt, and her flesh felt as if it was tearing, but it was worth it. It was worth anything in the world to feel his hot flesh spearing through her like this. Jan gasped as his hairy shaft scrubbed against her clitoris and her mouth formed a perfect oval of amazement as the first jabbing jolts of her climax tore at her. “Uunnnnggghhh … hunnngggg Sammmmm!” The big man felt her writhing under him and knew what had happened. He just laughed and continued to thrust himself at her, wedging his fat pole into her tight box.

“Yeah, get with it, mama,” he hissed, slamming himself at her, making her body shake and her full breasts bounce. “Have a good time, baby. That’s what we’re up here for!”


The enraged chatter of a squirrel in the tree woke Jan and she struggled to open her sticky-feeling eyes. For a long moment she lay where she was. The beautiful blonde was puzzled. She felt something heavy on the top of her head and her jaws ached because something was jammed into her mouth. The hazy clouds of sleep finally cleared and she managed to pry her eyes open. She lay on her side. The weight on her head was Sam’s hand, and that thing in her mouth was his limp cock. She’d fallen asleep while she was sucking him!

Revolted at herself, the young housewife wiggled free of the hand and pulled her tired lips away from the sticky flesh. The big man beside her didn’t stir as she sat up and stared down at him.

Jan felt something running down her cheek and daubed at it with the back of her hand. It was thick and sticky and she stared in horror at the half-dried semen she’d wiped from her face. She remembered now, she’d just … sucked him off. . . and was cleaning up the mess with her tongue and she’d fallen asleep. Bits and pieces of the morning came back to her and she was disgusted when she remembered how wild she’d been! She remembered screaming and clawing at the man as he brought her to one blazing orgasm after another. She’d begged and cursed at him, she’d even hit him as he thrust and rammed into her. Sam had used her and slapped her-once he had her on her knees as he knelt behind her, taking her from the rear, and when she hadn’t wiggled enough to please him he’d spanked her! Jan shivered when she thought about the spanking and gingerly ruhbed her bruised buttock as she remembered how she’d moaned and how the pain of the spanking had ignited new flames of twisted lust in her. She didn’t want to think of the implications of her response to the spanking. It was frightening!

Slowly, painfully, Jan managed to struggle to her feet and look around her. From where the sun stood it was easy to see that they had been here for hours. Looking down into the valley she could see people moving around the outside of the lodge, and the real world forced itself back on her. “Oh god, what am I going to tell Dave? How can I explain what happened?” The worry and the shame lashed at her and the young woman scrambled back into her clothing. Her panties were a mess so she didn’t put them back on but used them to wipe the globs of semen from her face and hair. Her bra was ruined so she had to put the shirt on over her bare breasts. She shivered as the rough material scraped across her nipples and made them stand hard in an instant. Once she had her shoes and socks on, she slipped away from the sleeping man. She didn’t want to wake him because she knew he would take her back to that blanket, and she didn’t think she could stand that again, not right away.

Moving carefully, Jan untied her horse and led him away until she was out of earshot, then she climbed into the saddle. As she stretched her aching body she winced as new little pains and aches announced their presence. Without looking back, Jan turned the horse away and walked him quietly back down the trail to the floor of the valley.

As the horse picked its way down the slope Jan rolled and wiggled in the broad seat of the saddle. She had a sore, stretched feeling in her cunt and remembered how big and thick Sam’s penis was. As she rolled forward her tight crotch would press up against the saddle horn and she would shiver and murmur as the little darts of sexual pleasure spun through her bloodstream. As she rolled back, the blonde felt the sharp sting of her anus and remembered how she had screamed and begged him to stop when he brutally stabbed his thumb up her ass.

Unnnggg, no one else has ever touched me there, Jan’s” inner voice complained, but she couldn’t stop thinking of the time when she’d seen Dave take Verna anally. Despite her disgust, she had to admit that there had been an awful, nasty pleasure in her when he worked his wet thumb in and out of her rectal opening.

By the time she rode into the stable yard, Jan was aroused. She was fighting against it. It was impossible that she should feel like this after what she’d done during the morning, but the ride, the hard saddle, her nasty thoughts, all of those things had gotten to her and now that vulgar, basic itch was eating at her again! The young housewife caught herself thinking about Tommy and no matter what she did she couldn’t get the image of his sweet, succulent prong out of her mind.

Jan handed the reins to a stable man and joined a group of guests clustered around a buffet table that had been set out for lunch. After a few moments of searching, Jan was puzzled, as she didn’t see Tommy, Dave or Mia among the people. She left the other guests and went into the lodge. There was no one in the halls and she was sure that everyone was outside but she continued to search.

The lovely blonde intended to go to her room first but some deep-seated instinct made her turn left in the hall instead of right and she found herself walking in a part of the building that she’d never seen before. Jan shook herself when she realized what she’d done, and was about to turn and retrace her steps when a steady, rhythmic bumping sound caught her attention. She stood very still in the hallway and in seconds the sound came again. Her belly tightened and her pulse-rate picked up as she listened to the unmistakable sounds of people making love! Her eager eyes darted from door to door, trying to decide where the sounds came from. All the doors were closed and she knew she should simply turn and leave the couple in peace, but she wanted to see!

Moving on tiptoe, Jan went from door to door, pressing her ear against the panels, listening for sounds. At last her search was successful and she stood in front of a closed door. Cautiously she turned the heavy knob, holding her breath until it was free and the door inched open in silence.

“Huuunnnggg, that’s good, boy … ahhhh I like that!” Verna Fields was groaning and muttering as she sat astride a naked form.

Jan pressed her eye to the tiny crack and stared in sick fascination. The older brunette’s bottom quivered and shook as she rode up and down on an erect cock. The woman was leaning forward, resting her weight on her open palms as she slammed her bouncy cheeks down against the hard root of her partner’s penis. From the way the woman’s smooth shoulders shook and moved, Jan could tell that the man was sucking at her breasts. The young blonde chewed at her under lip and felt her own heavy fruit grow warm and hard with excitement at the thought.

“Oooo, baby, what a nice long prick you have.’ Verna just loves feeling it way up inside of her.” Verna’s voice sounded soft and tender as she screwed and jerked her wet slot up and down on the rock-hard stem. Jan stared at the man’s body. It looked very familiar to her and she wished she could see his face. At that moment Verna began a rolling, wiggling motion of her hips and had to sit up straighter, pulling her wet nipple away from the sucking lips.

“Awwwww nooooo!! ! ” The awful, painful moan rang in her head, but Jan was certain she hadn’t made a sound. She stared in horrified sadness at the contorted, lust-filled face of her son!

Verna was fucking her Tommy! It was all she could do to keep from pushing the door open and running in there and attacking the woman! A deep, animal rage burned in Jan as she watched her son-lover’s beautiful, long prick slithering in and out of the dark opening. She knew it was awful and foolish of her to be jealous but she knew she would never feel different. Tommy meant too damn much to her to just push aside!

“Ooooo, darling, I’m not surprised that you’re not a virgin. You’re so pretty! Tell me honey-I like it when you talk to me-tell me all about the nice lady that taught you all these wonderful tricks!”

Jan felt as if a bucket of icy water had been poured on her. For a moment even her flaming desire halted and she waited, holding her breath, to see if her son would tell on her.

“Uhhhh … Miss Verna, I … I promised I wouldn’t tell. I can’t break my promise, I just can’t!”

Jan was able to breathe again, despite her anger and hurt. She felt a warm glow of love for Tommy. He’d been true to her-he wouldn’t tell on her!

“That’s all right, dear, I understand. I really do,” Verna panted as she began to jerk faster and faster on the pole that held her upright on him. “You promised not to tell and you shouldn’t.”

Suddenly Jan felt the warm gush of tears running down her cheeks and for the first time she realized she was crying. Her mouth was open but no sound escaped it. Silently she sobbed, the tears blurring her vision. She was still in need, her vagina tightening and clamping as she watched Tommy and Verna grind and slap their bodies against each other. But watching him with someone else like this hurt too much!

Silently the young housewife closed the door to the bedroom and tiptoed away, leaving her son with that slut of a woman. She angrily scrubbed at the tears that ran down her face and tried to ignore the powerful itch that tormented her. She wished she was still up there on that ridge with Sam!

She was back in the hall that led to her room and she walked toward her door, too engrossed with the feeling inside her to notice that the door was ajar.

“Ohhhh, little honey, are you sure? I’m built bigger than what you’ve tried before. I don’t want to hurt you, baby.” Dave’s strained voice seeped out of the open door and held Jan frozen in mid-stride. Dave’s voice came again and Jan could hear thick desire in the low notes. “Yessss! Ohhh, honey, that feels so good … yeah, just rub it around like that, get me all wet. Oooo, sweetheart, I like that!” There was an answering murmur but

Jan couldn’t make out the words or hear the voice distinctly.

The housewife’s knees were shaking as she crept closer to the door. She hated herself, despised her need to pry, but after all, Dave was her husband! As she inched closer she felt a strange sense of foreboding along her spine, but she ignored it.

The moment Jan focused on the wide bed in the room she wanted to scream. Dave lay naked as she knew he would be, but he was with Mia! Little bright flashes of light popped before Jan’s eyes and she felt her knees give way. Only her firm grip on the knob supported her as she slowly slid to the floor. She tried and tried again to understand what she was watching but her shocked, confused mind refused to make sense. Mia! Her beautiful little flower of a daughter was naked with her “daddy”! She sat astride Dave’s thighs and was intently rubbing the swollen knob of his cock up and down her plump-lipped little slit. Jan watched as the slender girl wiggled and rolled her hips over the menacing glans. The sunlight that seeped in past the drawn blinds played across the girl’s ivory-colored body and looked like moving bands of gold. Dave’s hands looked huge as they slid up and down Mia’s budding curves. First they soothed the tense muscles of her back, then slid down until they could cup and spread the lean pads of her little bottom, then one hand held her buttocks while the other slipped around and lightly brushed up and down over the small cupcake breasts! From across the room Jan could see her daughter’s delighted wiggle, see the tiny nipples blossom under her father’s educated fingertips.

Small wet smacking sounds caught Jan’s attention and her eyes were drawn down to the head of Dave’s thick cock as Mia rubbed it up and down her hairless little vulva. The entire crown was wet and shiny with their mingled juices as the child gripped the shaft firmly and rubbed the tip against her tiny clitoris.

“Is it wet enough now, daddy, or should I suck it some more?” Mia smiled down at Dave, her hips never ceasing their tiny rotating strokes over the cap of his prong. Dave groaned and shook his head as his hips began to leave the bed on the upstroke.

“Oh no, baby, don’t suck it any more! You’ve got me so hot now I’d shoot it in your mouth again! No, I have to shoot it in you this time, honey!”

Jan felt her throat close around the moan of anguish that was trying to get out. His words rang and echoed in her ears. “. . . I’d shoot it in your mouth again.” How could he! The bastard had shot his thick cum down the child’s throat!

Jan tried to work up a feeling of disgust at her husband’s actions but each time it seemed to be working, she would remember how strange and good it was when Tommy’s excited prick had exploded against her own tongue, even how excited she’d been this morning when Sam’s huge post had spit the contents of his balls in her mouth, in her hair and on her face. How could she condemn Dave for giving Mia such a strangely beautiful experience?

“Are you ready, baby?” As he spoke, Dave’s hands settled about Mia’s trim little waist, his fingers almost touching as he slowly began to press down. Mia gasped and nodded but Jan caught the quick flicker of fear that crossed the child’s face before she forced herself to smile down at Dave. The fingers tightened around the thin hips and began to press harder. Mia’s head fell back, and her long, dark hair almost brushed against her little buttocks as she was slowly pressed down on the fat cock between her parted thighs.

Jan felt a sympathetic tension in her own body as she watched the thick glans press aside the naked labia and fit itself into the narrow throat of the child’s vagina. Dave was being careful, but she could almost taste how badly he wanted to simply jerk Mia down over his cock like a glove. She was impressed with his restraint.

“It’s going in you, honey. Don’t let me hurt you. I want this to be nice for the both of us, so tell me if I’m hurting you,” Dave panted, and began a slow rolling of his hips.

Jan knew how that motion made a man’s cock dance and wiggle inside a vagina and she envied Mia as she thought of that delicious sensation.

The beautiful blonde was still on her knees, her face pressed against the crack in the door. She could feel her body steaming and shamelessly slipped a hand inside her shirt to cup one bare breast and stroke the hard nipple as she watched.

Dave had managed to wedge almost half of his prick in Mia’s tight little pussy. Jan’s own lubricated glove twitched and tightened as it searched for a thick intruder of its own to love.

Mia made a tiny whimpering sound and Dave instantly stopped pressing her down on his hard stalk. Mia didn’t move. She sat stiffly with half of the big cock embedded in her near-virgin slot. Dave’s expert fingers taught the child the delicious rolling and shaking motion for her hips and she began to gasp and make little sounds of delight in her throat. The pain of the penetration was forgotten. Jan’s own ample backside began to roll and twitch in perfect time with her daughter’s and she had to shake her head viciously to stop thinking about going in there and joining them.

“Hummmmm, looks good,” a deep voice whispered in her ear, and it took all the self-control Jan had to keep from screaming in surprise. Big hands caressed and massaged her tender shoulders and she didn’t even have to turn her head to see who was behind her.

“You shouldn’t have run away from me. Nice girls wait for their studs to wake up before they get dressed and go home.” Jan couldn’t answer him. Her body was aflame and the knowing touch of his hands did nothing to help. “Come on, I’ll show you something better than peeking through doors, baby. Come on!” A big paw yanked her to her feet.

Jan felt limp and helpless as she allowed the huge man to lift her to her feet and turn her around. There was no one else in the hall, and even in her dazed state. Jan realized she must have been insane to risk being caught out in the open hall like that.

Sam led her around a corner and she waited passively as he unlocked a door and pushed her through it.tShe was stripping the rough shirt from her body before he could lock the door behind them. In seconds the beautiful blonde had her clothing stripped away. All that remained were her socks and she bent forward, resting one hand on the bed as she peeled them off with the other.

While she was still bent over like that she was startled to feel the man’s big hands encircle her waist and surprised to feel the thick gristle of his half-hard penis rubbing against her soft buttocks. Sam had managed to undress almost as fast as she had!

Jan was surprised and more than a little frightened when she felt the man’s big dong stiffen and rub up and down between the soft cheeks of her bottom. She tried to straighten up and turn around but he wouldn’t let her.

“You shouldn’t have gone off and left me up there, Jan. It wasn’t polite. I think I’ll have to teach you a lesson.” Quick sparks of fear darted along Jan’s nervous system and she tried to wiggle free, but Sam’s fingers dug painfully into the soft flesh of her waist and she was held in place. “Yes, daddy thinks you need a good lesson, baby,” the big man muttered as he concentrated on warming his huge rammer between the yielding globes of her buttocks. Jan felt the swelling knob rubbing up and down over her tiny anus and shuddered at the strange, slick feeling of excitement the perverted caress produced in her.

“P-please, don’t hurt me, Sam,” she stammered. “I didn’t think that you’d be angry if I left,” she lied. It was difficult trying to talk to him in this position. She felt so helpless and defenseless like this!

Twice the frightened young blonde felt the damp knob of Sam’s cock stop and press in against her clenched anus, but each time, after pressing in, it resumed its movement up and down the crack of her shaking ass. There was something wild and terrible about what he was doing to her and it excited her! She felt her juices wetting her pubic hairs and drigging down the insides of her thighs. Despite her fear and embarrassment, Jan couldn’t resist the motion of the penis and began to roll and wiggle her hips, helping him work the big shaft back to iron hardness!

“Aggghhh, you’re nice and juicy, baby,” Sam muttered as he forced his cock halfway into the tight grip of her vagina. Jan moaned and wiggled even harder, relieved to feel him enter her there instead of her tingling little rosebud of an anus. But Sam wasn’t going to fuck her-she found that out in just seconds! The thick staff pulled free of her after wetting itself in her copious flow of lubricating oils and moved against to her clenched anal sphincter.

“Wha. . . what are you going to do,” Jan whimpered, trying to peer back at him over her shoulder.

Sam ignored her, His fat crown working around and around her ass-hole, wetting her, pressing, then retreating.

“Please … Sam? I … I don’t think I could stand it there. It will rip me open, Sam-you know it will!”

The big man’s chuckle made Jan’s stomach drop as if she was in a fast elevator. The hard rod jabbed at her again as he answered her. “Don’t worry, baby, daddy will do it right. It’s gonna hurt some at first, chick, but then you’ve got that pain coming for running out on me, don’t you?”

Jan was going to bed him to stop. She had no pride left and was willing to grovel if that would make him stop, but just as she opened her mouth, he shoved forward and she found herself on her knees, the upper half of her torso sprawled across his big bed! The young housewife felt his fingers working between her thighs and moaned as they pinched and tweaked at her rock-hard clit. But the fingers didn’t stay there. After a few moments they slipped away and she gasped as she felt one of them pressing in against her clenched little rear opening.

“There’s nothing like a tight little virgin ass-hole, and this one’s a virgin, isn’t it, baby?”

She knew she would have to answer him. Her experience with him on the ridge had taught her that she had to answer every time he asked a question. But the awful words stuck in her throat.

“I asked you a question, bitch,” the big man grunted. The ringer pulled away and Jan yelped in pain as his broad palm slapped hard against her soft ass-cheeks.

“Owwwww!! ! Don’t hurt me, please, Sam,” she whimpered. The words were jamming up at her tongue as she hurried to answer him. “Yes, oh y-yes, Sam. No one else has ever touched me there. It’s a … virgin … ass-hole. Please, Sam!”

The handsome man ignored her and delivered two more stinging slaps before the finger pressed back against her anus. Jan wasn’t expecting the probe of the finger and her sphincter wasn’t as tight as it had been before. There was an agonizing moment of sharp pain, then the broad tip of his forefinger slipped past the protective ring of muscle and began to wiggle obscenely in her rectum!

“Ahhhgggg, that’s nasty … oooo it hurts,” the young blonde whimpered. But even as she said that, her hips refused to be still and began making slow, rolling motions, moving her tight opening around and around his punishing finger. Evil little sparks of pleasure showered out from the elastic ring and she felt herself loosening in spite of her horror of what he intended to do to her.

“That’s better, baby, get good and loose. If you stay relaxed, it won’t hurt,” Sam whispered as he slowly, carefully withdrew his finger. Jan was ready to make one last desperate attempt to evade the awful thing he was going to do to her, but just as her muscles tensed to try, the blunt tip of his huge prick found the center of her lubricated little opening and pressed.

“Huuuuunnnhhh!! ! Oh God, NO!! ” Jan’s agonized groan tore at her throat and she felt her will to resist turn to butter and melt away as the intense heat of the pain seared her. Her fingers stretched out and clawed at the bedspread, and her toes scratched at the thick carpeting as she felt the tight ring of her anus being forced open for the very first time.

Sam made deep moaning noises and she could hear his heavy breathing as he poked and pushed his cock at her. She tried (oh god, how she tried) to keep him out but the hard knob of his blood-swollen cock used the lube he’d smeared on her and it slowly pressed its way inward. Jan felt a tiny snap and realized that he’d managed to jam the glans completely inside of her. Sam lunged forward and she screamed as she felt almost two inches of his thick staff follow the head.

“Loosen up, you stupid cow!” Sam muttered as he slapped lightly against her fat buttocks. “Wiggle your ass, it will help.” His hand slapped against her again, harder this time, and Jan responded to the painful goading by shaking and wiggling her tormented bottom.

The movement she was making did help loosen her tight ring but it also made his heavy bar of flesh twirl and wriggle in the hot depths of her bowels. At first Jan was only aware of the pain and the humiliation of being sodomized like this. She wiggled and hunched her body simply to keep from being spanked again, but each time her hips revolved and her buttocks shook around the hard shaft that was still pressing into her, she became more and more aware of a tiny seed of pleasure growing deep inside of her. It wasn’t a normal sexual pleasure-this pleasure seemed to grow and thrive on pain. At first the lovely blonde tried to ignore it, but it became bigger and bigger until it began to take her over, until it began to rule her and make her body writhe and hunch as Sam’s awful cock slid up into her all the way! By the time Jan could feel the man’s heavy balls rubbing against the dripping lips of her pussy, she had gone insane! Deep animal grunts were oozing out of her, and her fingers tore at the bedspread before her as she strained and sweated to roll her hips around and over his cock, squeezing and tugging at it with her anal muscles.

“Do you like it now, baby? Let Daddy know what you think,” Sam sounded mean and hard and that was just the way Jan wanted him. She groaned and slammed herself back at him, impaling herself on the impossibly thick shaft as her voice grated and snarled back at him over her shoulder.

“Yesssss, you nasty bastard! Yes, I love it! Go on! What are you waiting for, you big pussy? Fuck me in the ass, make me know that you’re inside of me, make that little toothpick do its job!”

The man snorted in anger and rammed himself at her. Jan howled as the shock wave of his penetration ran through her and she jerked her heated bottom up and down. The first waves of her climax were eating at her now and she would have said anything, done anything to gain the release she was suffering for!

“Agggh, baby,” Sam moaned, and Jan moaned along with him as she felt the first spurts of his hot cum bathing and soothing her abused bowels. The cum greased her, lubricated her, and the slamming stroke of his cock felt even better now. Jan’s head lifted off the bed and her blue eyes were staring straight ahead.

“Owwww, yes, fill me up! Shoot so much in me that it comes out of my mouth … aaaiiieeeee!! ! ” Jan felt her sanity and her awareness slipping away as her climax roared over her head like a huge, destructive tidal wave!

Jan could remember rough hands dragging her upright and thrusting a bundle of clothing into her hands. A heavy robe was thrown over her shoulders, then she was pushed out the door. She could remember staggering down the hallway and realizing that she didn’t dare go back to her room. Then things seemed to get hazy…

“Mother? Mother … wake up!” Jan moaned and tried to push the hands that were shaking her away, but she was too weak. Finally she had to open her eyes to see what he wanted. Once she saw Tommy leaning over her, her mind snapped back into place and she realized she’d staggered into his room and collapsed on his bed. A movement beside her son caught her eye and with some difficulty she recognized Mia. For an instant she felt ashamed of her nakedness but the little girl smiled and moved closer. She held a wet wash cloth in her hand. Tommy was whispering to her, “It’s all right, she knows.”

“I’ll help you, Mother. I’ll help you clean up.”

Jan watched in amazement as the child calmly began to wipe away the stains and smears that blotched her body. The warm cloth felt so nice, she stretched out and was amazed at how good she felt!

“Thank you, dear,” the young mother whispered, running her hand up and down Mia’s bare arm. Tommy saw her smile and inched a little closer. His hand began to stroke and soothe her aching breasts. Jan threw a startled glance at Mia but only saw another wide smile as the girl watched her brother fondle her. Mia nodded at her and bent to kiss her mouth. Jan was startled to feel the tiny tongue dart into her and find her tongue.

“I was watching you last night when you and the beautiful dark-haired lady were together,” Mia breathed in her ear after the kiss. “Could you and I do things like that?” Mia’s little hand was moving between Jan’s thighs, half washing, half caressing. There was no shock of revulsion for Jan. She was too tired and too broken to resist. The new her was in complete control now and she responded.

“Of course we can, darling. You and I and Tommy, we can all play and make love with each other, can’t we?”

Tommy had moved even closer and Jan patted the long outline of his prick with one hand. “We can all do those things, but you must help me now. We can’t let your father see me like this. He must never know-never!”

She might have said more but Mia bent over her then and began to gently suck on her pointed nipple as her little hand washed the sticky cum away from Jan’s stretched anus.


Despite the hot afternoon sun, it was still cool and comfortable in the kitchen. Jan had just slipped out of her wet bathing suit and into a thin robe. She poured herself a cook drink and sat at the table. She could hear splashes coming from the pool outside and smiled to herself. Tommy was still out there yelling and joking with some of his friends. She’d been swimming with them for a while but had come away. That Tommy! Jan’s smile got wider as she thought of how her son had touched and played with her under the water, even with strange boys around them.

The beautiful woman sighed and stretched, enjoying the feel of the smooth fabric of the robe against her flesh. Tommy’s daring caresses had ignited the fires in her again and she wished he would send the boys away and come inside for her.

They’d been back from the mountains for over a week now, and the mutual hunger she shared with both of her children hadn’t been satisfied.

“Isn’t it strange,” the young housewife mused. “A month ago I would have been horrified at the thought of making love with Tommy, to say nothing of Mia, but now … now it’s the most beautiful thing in my whole life!” Her thoughts shifted to her slim little daughter and her nipples grew long and hard. It had been so nice with Mia. The child was quick and eager. Jan was a bit surprised that a girl so young could have the passion that Mia had, but she enjoyed it so much that she didn’t want to question it! The thought of having Mia’s hot little mouth glued between her thighs made Jan squirm and she slipped a hand under her robe to pat at her damp pussy. The past few days had been so nice, there was only one cloud in her personal sky to worry her-Dave!

What would Dave think if he found out?

The question made Jan edgy and she tried to think it out. At least twice during the week she was sure that Mia had slipped off to be with her “daddy” but she said very little about her relationship with Dave. It was a problem and Jan knew it, but since she had no solution, she simply didn’t think about it any longer.

The front door chimes broke in on her and Jan was startled, for the girl ran to the front door. Jan waited for a few moments, but when Mia didn’t call out to her she assumed it was a friend of the girl’s and allowed herself to drift back into her easy, erotic daydreams.

She was leaning back in her chair, thinking about Sam and the painful, exciting initiation she had been given in anal intercourse. She’d never been able to bring herself to try it again, but she’d thought about it, and the more she thought of that and Tommy’s long slender prick, the more interesting it became. “How would I ask him for that,” she whispered to herself as she slowly pressed and rubbed her buttocks against the seat. “How would I ask my son to put his cock in me there?? ”

“Mother, you have a visitor,” Mia’s call startled Jan and she guiltily jumped to her feet, she’d almost forgotten that there had been someone at the front door.

Verna Fields stood in the living room, one arm thrown around Mia’s slim shoulders. Jan noticed how close the child stood to Verna and wasn’t sure if she liked that at all.

The lovely blonde stood in the doorway, keeping her distance from her sleek and sophisticated caller. “Hello … Verna, Dave isn’t there. He’s at the office.”

Verna smiled at her and slowly shook her head, her dark eyes never leaving Jan’s. “No, I didn’t come to see Dave. In fact, I just came from the office. I came to see you, dear.” The older woman’s fingers were lightly caressing the flesh of Mia’s shoulder and Jan saw the pleased, interested look on the girl’s face. “I came to see you to say goodbye!”

It took a few moments for the words to sink in and even when they had Jan stood mute, staring at the brunette in surprise. Verna smiled down at Mia and hugged her close for a moment before she let her go and crossed the room to Jan. “That’s right, dear. I’m off on a world tour. Dave’s done a good job and I have many new customers to contact.” Her voice was low and vibrant. A finger touched Jan’s neck and began to lightly trace downward to her collar bone. “But I didn’t want to leave without seeing you again and saying goodbye … in my own way.” There were mountains of unsaid words between the lines and Jan felt herself weakening, her dislike and distrust of Verna slipping away from her.

“I … I won’t say I’m sorry to see you leave,” the blonde managed to blurt out.

Verna wasn’t offended. Instead she smiled widely and stepped even closer.

“That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me, darling. Thank you.” Verna smiled broadly and slipped both arms around a surprised Jan’s waist. “I’ve been thinking about our one time together, darling. I’d hate to leave without an encore.” The brunette calmly hugged Jan a bit closer. Their bodies met and pressed together.

For a moment Jan was passive. The blonde felt the warm liquid excitement flame to life in her before she noticed Mia’s dark eyes on them. “D-don’t Verna, please … Mia’s watching!” She expected the woman to release her and step back, but instead, the arms around her waist tightened, drawing her closer.

“Oh, my poor dear. I stopped and had a private … uh … chat with Mia before she called you,” Verna whispered, the hint of a chuckle plain in her voice. “I very much doubt that anything you and I could do would shock her.” The brunette put out her hand and Mia hurried to grasp it. “Did you know that this little rascal was watching us that night?”

Jan felt a blush covering her face and knew that answered the question by itself, but she felt she had to say something!

“Yes … she told me … I don’t know what to say!”

Verna’s laugh was warm and low in her throat and she hugged them both to her.

“Why don’t you say, ‘Verna, why don’t you come into the bedroom with Mia and me?’ Why not say that?”

Jan’s blue eyes popped wide in amazement at Verna’s bold suggestion and she was about to heatedly refuse.

“We could have a small goodbye party. I think we’d all like that.” She turned to Mia and ran an expert hand over the small breasts as she pulled the girl closer against their mature, women’s bodies. “Would you like that, beautiful child?”

Shyly Mia snuggled against them, pressing her pretty face to their breasts. Jan shuddered as she felt her daughter’s warm breath filter through the thin fabric of her robe and circulate around her hard nipple. “I think it would be wonderful,” the child whispered.

Jan still wanted to refuse. Her mouth opened but no sound came out. She tried again, knowing how awful and disgusting this all was. But as she felt Mia’s and Verna’s bodies rubbing and moving against hers and could sense their growing hunger for the sweet, tender love that only a woman can give another woman, it didn’t seem that bad and suddenly she couldn’t think of a reason why they shouldn’t!

No one said a word, no one made the first move, but somehow they all turned and began to hurry to Jan’s bedroom. “I’ll be right in,” the blonde murmured as she pulled free of Verna’s hand. Verna and Mia disappeared through the door and she hurried to chick on Tommy and his visitors. She still had enough presence of mind not to want them stumbling in on the scene!

When she slipped into the room, Jan intended to lock the door behind her but her eyes darted to the bed and a little stab of jealousy caught her. Somehow Mia and Verna had already managed to strip and were twined on the bed. Her tiny daughter lay face down on the brunette’s body, her long hair thrown to one side to show her face as she daintily kissed and teased the fat lips of the older woman’s damp pussy. Verna’s strong hands were massaging Mia’s pert little buttocks as she sucked and lapped at the child’s little split from beneath. Neither of them paid Jan any attention and the beautiful blonde felt the heat between her thighs becoming unbearable.

“Oooo you sweet little thing,” Verna murmured, her long forefinger pressing in against the girl’s tiny anus. “Aggghhh, poooor Verna’s going to miss you while your lucky mommy is going to have you all to herself!”

Mia made a tiny squealing sound deep in her. throat and pressed her wet tongue between the labia, making the sleek brunette moan and buck. Jan was so excited she was almost crying! Her fingers found the overlapping folds of her robe and yanked them apart.

Once she was naked, she paused and ran her hands up and down over her tingling body, loving the electric feel of her fingers brushing across the nerve endings of her silky flesh. Then she crossed the last few feet that separated her from the pair of entwined bodies before her. When they felt her slipping onto the bed, their warm arms reached out for her and pulled her close, helping her press and kiss her way into them, wetting her smooth flesh with kisses and lubricating juices, nibbling and tweaking at her most sensitive places. Ohhhh, it was lovely!

“Now watch, darling, let me show you how it can be done. like this,” Verna whispered to Mia as she crouched between Jan’s splayed thighs. The lovely blonde sighed and wiggled tiredly against the rumpled sheets. Despite the fact that she’d already been sucked and lapped to two glorious orgasms that day, she felt the flames flicker back to life again as the beautiful woman ran sensitive fingers up and down her body until the hands caught her at the back of the knees and lifted.

Jan flushed and turned to look at her daughter as the brunette slipped down in the bed and placed warm, wet kisses on the open folds of her blonde vulva. What did Mia think? How could a girl so young, so innocent, understand what was happening?

Verna’s strong hands pressed her thighs back until the knees almost brushed her ears. Jan moaned and wriggled her soft bottom as the older woman inched a little closer and pressed one pointed nipple between her labia, forcing the rubbery nub of flesh to mash against her pearl-like clitty. “Nnnnnggggg, that feels good!” The moan of pleasure seeped out of Jan’s slack throat and Mia instantly came to her rescue. The sweet little girl cupped and squeezed her big breasts, her small lips pressed firmly against Jan’s and she drank from the tormented blonde’s dripping tongue!

Oh! It seems we have another visitor!” Verna’s voice cut through the rosy haze that enveloped Jan and the beautiful blonde felt as if her heart had stopped. Frantically she pushed Mia aside and tore her bent thighs free of Verna’s hands. Once she sat up she stopped and stared stupidly at Tommy as he stood in the doorway.

No one spoke. The only sounds in the room were the soft panting noises as the three females tried to catch their breath. Tommy didn’t move and Jan couldn’t read the expression on his handsome face as he stared back at them. It was Mia who came to the rescue, Mia who averted a possible disaster.

“Tommy? Shut the door and lock it, then come over here with us.”

The tall, handsome boy still didn’t move but everyone could see the taut muscles in his neck relax a little. Verna took her cue and slipped off the bed. She hurried across the room to the boy and put her smooth arms around him. For a fleeting moment, Jan remembered that Verna had been with him at the lodge, but the resentment slipped away and she was glad the brunette could talk to him as an old, special friend.

“Tommy, don’t be shocked. Why shouldn’t women have a nice time with each other, especially when there’s no nice, well-hung man like you around.”

Tommy wore nothing but his bathing suit and it excited Jan to watch the slim, well-manicured hands of the woman making soothing circles around his broad chest. The hands worked over his flesh, always moving downward towards the long, hard-looking bulge at his groin.

Mia relaxed and leaned back into the cradle of Jan’s arm. She smiled at her brother, then deliberately turned her head and fastened her pink little lips to a long, hard nipple. Jan couldn’t hide the spasm of pleasure that snapped through her body as she felt the delicious suction against her flesh. Tommy’s eyes widened for a moment and the young housewife suddenly felt wonderfully happy. Tommy was jealous! Tommy loved her, she could see it in his eyes, and he was jealous of anyone-even his sister-who gave her pleasure!

Verna moved in front of the boy, blocking Jan’s view, but from the way her arms were working, the blonde knew that the older woman was forcing both hands inside the boy’s tight swimsuit.

“Listen to your sister, darling,” Verna was whispering to him. “Just relax and come over here with us. It will be lovely for you. Just think, boy, three horny women, eager for this long cock of yours!” The slim brunette slipped down on her knees, dragging Tommy’s loosened swimsuit with her. Jan felt a spasm of excitement as she stared at his long, half erect cock. Verna was staring too and Jan felt her soul leap as she saw the woman’s red lips find the thick glans, saw the wet tongue lap at it as it was sucked into her mouth.

Tommy’s body jerked and stiffened. Only Mia’s loving caresses and sweet lips held Jan on the bed as she was forced to watch Verna suckle and lick at her son’s long prick. She watched as long fingers slipped under Tommy’s sweet balls and tickled them. She moaned softly as she saw his flesh stiffen and grow under the expert guidance of the woman’s demanding tongue.

“Oooo, look at it,” Verna crooned when she finally pulled her lips away from Tommy’s erect prick. Jan shuddered uncontrollably as she stared at the gleaming wet stalk of flesh, and something deep inside her tore away from her and floated away!

“Baby? Please, darling, don’t pay any attention to them,” Jan called across the room to her excited son. “Just come here. Come to me, darling, and let Mother take care of you. Please, baby, please!”

Without a moment’s hesitation Tommy pushed himself free of Verna’s clutching arms and moved toward her. Mia saw him coming and moved aside, waiting for her brother to join them on the wide, rumpled bed.

“Oooo, Mother!” Tommy breathed as his warm flesh pressed against her. Jan moaned as she felt his wet prick slipping across her thighs and bumping against the watering pit of her vagina. “You said not to let anyone know,” Tommy whispered in her ear. His hips were moving, sliding the length of his dong up and down between the slick folds of her vulva. “You made me promise not to tell anyone!”

“It’s all right, darling,” the excited blonde whispered. “It’s fine. You kept your promise. I know you did, baby,” she whimpered as she reached between them to trap his moving prong and guide it into her yearning cunt. “Don’t think about them,” she moaned in his ear as she hunched and rolled her pelvis against him, making the fat head of his cock spear into her. “Pretend we’re alone. Don’t admit that they’re watching us,” she sighed as she licked and nibbled at his sensitive ear.

The bed sagged and Jan knew Verna was back with them. She heard Mia gasp and moan but she didn’t even look to see what was happening. Tommy’s slim hips were moving and his long, delicious cock was slipping deep into her body, driving every other worry out of her life as it fitted itself to her, filled her and made her feel complete and whole!

“Goodbye, sweetheart. It was lovely but I have a plane to catch.” The whisper hung and echoed in her ear for a long time before Jan understood it. When she did open her eyes and looked around, she found the other woman had dressed and left. She was alone in bed with her children. Outside the house, Jan heard a car engine start, then pull away, and she knew Verna was gone. For a fleeting moment Jan wondered if she would ever see the passionate brunette again, but then Mia made a sleepy, moaning sound and stirred against her breast and Jan’s attention was called to her.

“Are you all right, darling?”

Mia smiled sleepily and nodded as she stretched her budding body. Her warm little hands made soothing passes over Jan’s soft flesh and the young housewife melted in the combined pool of love and lust she felt for her little adopted daughter. She bent her head and kissed the child’s soft lips, enjoying the way the slim body quivered and pressed closer to her as her tongue explored the dark mysteries of the girl’s mouth.

“Oooo, you are a greedy little one, aren’t you,” she whispered as Mia’s hands fondled her hanging breasts and began to make loving, milking motions with her little fingers. Mia’s only answer was a breathy little giggle as Jan’s greedy lips found her budding breasts and began to suckle at each in turn.

Before she knew what was really happening, Jan found herself slipping between Mia’s parted thighs. Her lips found the hairless little slot and sucked hard. She loved the gasp and the delighted wiggle the little body gave as her mouth began to fan the flames of lust that she knew lived in Mia’s body.

There was a sweet brushing motion behind her and Jan moaned against Mia’s tight little slot as she felt Tommy awaken and begin to press himself against her from the rear.

Jan wanted to talk to him, wanted to tell him how much she still needed him, but Mia’s tiny hands were caught in her thick hair and held her licking, sucking mouth tight against her sweet little sex. Jan had to content herself with a lascivious wiggling and bumping her lush body against his. She was trying to tell him how much she loved and needed him, without words.

Tommy seemed to get the message. She shuddered and wiggled happily as he pressed his firm young body against hers from the rear. She moaned against Mia’s wet little cunt as she lapped and sucked the delicious juices from her. She felt her little daughter buck and jerk under the lash of her tongue, and the strength of confidence bubbled up inside of her. The eager, sweating blonde tore her head away from the girl’s grasp and managed to pull her lips away long enough to whisper at him before the tiny hands pressed her back down into the moist, drooling vulva.

“Ooooo, Tommy darling, that’s so nice, sweetheart,” Jan was able to whisper. Her hand trembled as she reached behind her and managed to grasp his stiffening cock and press it in between her eager cheeks. Tommy made a sighing sound as he felt his cock being firmly clamped between her buttocks and began a short series of jabbing motions with his pelvis, rubbing the length of his stem up and down over her tingling anal opening.

Jan hesitated. Even in her growing passion she knew that what she wanted from Tommy was vile and perverted and she wondered what he would think of her later. Oh God, I don’t care! Let him think what he wants, her tortured mind whimpered, and Jan felt totally wicked and free as her fingers guided his fat crown up against the opening flower of her greedy anus. “Do it! Do it to me now,” Jan demanded. She lifted herself to her knees and presented her son with an open avenue to her rectum. Her body trembled and shook as she awaited the first pressure of her lover’s sweet prick. She could feel it moving between her plump globes and lusted for the moment it would force its way past her right ring of flesh and enter her body. It was filthy and obscene, she knew, but she had to feel it again. Something deep inside of her demanded that pain and humiliation, and she knew that if she allowed it, she would never be the same again!

“Ohhhh, mother,” Tommy moaned as he pressed forward. The circle of her fingers guided the fat glans up against the puckered opening. “I’m afraid it will hurt you. Are you sure you really want me to do this thing to you?” Tommy’s voice trembled and shook as he whispered in her ear.

Jan couldn’t answer him, because Mia’s hands were twined in her long blonde hair and she was being drawn back down against the wet vulva. Her tongue slipped into the greasy folds of her daughter’s cunt and she was much too busy to answer!

Jan gripped Tommy’s long prick and rubbed it against the dripping lips of her sex, wetting it and greasing it for what she wanted. She felt her son’s hands shake with excitement as he knelt behind her. Once she was sure it was wet enough, Jan pulled the long probe free of her welcoming folds and rubbed the fat, swollen crown against her anus, wetting herself, preparing herself for the pain that she was inviting.

She gasped and shivered as she felt the glans press hard against her wrinkled little opening. He understood. Tommy had gotten her message and was pressing in against her, straining to force his erect prick into her puckered little anus.

“Ohhhh, baby,” Jan moaned as she lifted her ass even higher. “Ahhhh, sweet lover boy, give it to me. Slam it to me and make me scream for more!” Tommy answered with a brutal shove of his penis and Jan almost fainted when she felt the slippery head of his cock force past the tight ring of her sphincter and enter her bowels.

“Yesssss! Awwww shit!” The vulgar words shot out of Jan’s mouth as she felt Tommy’s long prod search and explore the tight folds of her rectum.

She wiggled her bottom obscenely at him, telling him how much she loved the foul act he was performing for her. “Oh, yessss, dearest boy, shove it all the way up in me! Make Mommy moan and scream!”

The long prick moved forward, jamming another few inches into her, and the dirty words squirted out of her mouth as if they were making room inside of her for the long bar of meat that invaded her bottom. “Owwww, it hurts so nice-eeiii! You’re fucking my ass, do you know that, Tommy? Isn’t that awful? You’re fucking your poor mother in the ass and she’s screaming and wiggling for you. She-likes it to hurt her! Fuck her until she faints-that’s what she needs!”

“Jesus H. Christ, what’s going on here?” The deep voice behind thundered in the panting silence of the room and the three on the bed froze in a lewd pose as Dave strode into the room!

Jan felt Tommy trying to pull away from the tight grip of her anus but she refused to let him go. Jan stared at her husband as her arm snaked behind herself and held her son where he was, embedded tightly in the loving grip of her rectum!

Dave stood over the bed, staring down at her. She saw the scorn and anger in his face as his mouth moved, shouting vile names and accusations at her.

“Whore! You filthy, scheming slut! You’ve let me go on worrying about you, working and slaving to make things better for you, and all the time you’re lying around here fucking your own children!”

For a few more moments Jan listened to the flood of abuse that her husband shouted at her. She listened to the same names that she had called herself but they didn’t seem to have the same sting coming from him. “Whore, cow, filthy cock-sucking pig!” Dave was really working himself into a fury, and Jan was suddenly faced with the truth-he was jealous! That was Dave’s problem-he didn’t care what she was doing, he was just hurt that he wasn’t a part of it! That was all that was the matter with him!

‘Shut up, Dave,” Jan managed to say calmly. She was amused and pleased by his shocked obedience. His heavy voice stopped in mid-sentence as he stared at her open-mouthed. “You are a stupid, dirty hypocrite, Dave Green,” Jan told him calmly. She loved his stunned look of surprise. “You have fucked and sucked with your daughter. Don’t bother denying it, because I’ve seen you! You’ve done that, and you still have the nerve to come in here and try to shame me because I’m doing the same thing you’re doing! You should be ashamed of yourself, Dave Green. You want it both ways!”

Jan saw her husband wilt as he stood before her. For the first time in her life she saw him for what he was-another human. Dave Green was a human being, he made mistakes, he had impulses and desires that he didn’t understand, just like everyone else. Dave Green was a human being, just like she was!

The young blonde felt her adopted son’s long cock inching deeper inside her ass-hole and was charmed by his nerve. He was continuing to bugger her, even while they were being caught at it!

Jan felt a new courage, a fierce strength that filled her with polished steel. Nothing Dave could say or do to her would change her mind now. She knew what she wanted and nothing else would ever satisfy her again.

“Well? You have a choice, Dave. You can turn around and run off and leave us, you can divorce me, you can run away and pretend that none of this ever happened, if you want. But if you want to grow up and join us, you’re welcome!” There was a long moment of silence as she stared up at Dave. She was aware of the love she felt for him but she wouldn’t beg him for understanding.

Again it was Mia who saved the day. The sweet darling slipped off the bed and moved toward her father. Her hands rubbed against his groin as she spoke. “Stop it, Daddy. You know that you and I have done this and more. How can you blame Mother if she does the same? Please, Daddy, don’t be angry. Join us!! ”


Jan lay happily on the wide bed. Her fingers slipped up and down the flaccid length of Tommy’s cock while she watched her loving husband as he moaned and groaned over the jerking, writhing form of their adopted daughter.

“Agggghhh, daddy! Ooo,” the little girl moaned and jerked as Dave’s thick cock wormed in and out of her. Her slim little thighs were clamped around her father’s waist as he explored the dark depths of her body with his blood-swollen dong.

Beside her, the lovely blonde felt her son stir and move as he awoke. She felt a warm, deep and abiding love for him moving around her heart. She felt the emotion fasten itself to her and knew that she would never be free of her love for him-as a son, as a lover. She would never be able to deny him anything, ever!

“Ohhhh honey,” Dave breathed as his body jerked and flopped over Mia. Jan saw the child’s eyes flutter open and knew he was pumping thick jets of cum deep inside the little girl. Jan was almost overcome with envy. She reached out and squeezed her child’s growing breasts with her fingertips, helping her as she moaned and squealed her way through a delicious orgasm!

Much later that night, when both of the children were deep in exhausted sleep in their own rooms, Jan and Dave lay entwined on their bed. For the first time in years Jan felt at home in his embrace. For the first time in years she didn’t feel that there were any secrets, any unspoken problems that stood between them. She felt her husband’s warm body moving slowly against her and everything was in place for the first time in her life.

“So you think we can handle it?” Dave’s question cut to the center of the problem and Jan simply shrugged as she worked herself up and down his fat, exciting cock.

“We have’ to handle it, darling. We couldn’t let this get away from us, could we?” She felt his body shake and heard his growl of denial shoot out at her. “Since we can’t let them get away from us, I suppose we’ll have to handle it, Dave. We have too much to lose if they get away from us now-more than we can afford to lose!”

Still later, as she lay across his body, her moist lips working back and forth over the slippery knob of his half hard cock, Jan felt at ease as she contentedly gobbled at him. This is what I wanted, she told herself. This is the very feeling of belonging I’ve always needed. She giggled to herself as the next thought came to her. All it took was an earthquake to show me that!

Jan lay back enjoying the feel of the cool pool water drying on her flesh. She wore no suit because she’d thrown it away days ago. Tommy and Mia swam lazily nearby and she was content with their nearness. It was nice to know that they were near if she should suddenly be caught in a flash-fire of desire, as she often was these days. She turned her head and watched as Tommy drew himself up on the rim of the pool and sat comfortably. His long naked cock dripped pool water from the cap, reminding her of how nice it was when he groaned and shot his hot cum into her. How could her life be happier? The more she thought about their problem, the less important it was! She smiled as she thought of Dave and couldn’t resist the temptation to rub her hand over the hot, sun-dried folds of her cunt as she thought of the lovely things they had done in the past few nights.

“Sweetheart, why haven’t you been like this before?” Dave had whispered as his strong body had moved over hers. Jan grinned happily as she ran her exploring finger over her dormant clitoris, making it stir and swell to attention for her. Jan didn’t have an answer. There was no way for her to explain what had happened to her to change her priggish attitude. Which of the strange, violent things that had happened to her up at the lodge had changed her? Was it Tommy’s passion or the sweet tender love she shared with Mia that had pulled her away from the conventional, dull obedience she had always felt toward public opinion? Or was it the hard, sharp thrills Verna’s hot mouth and writhing body had given her that had changed her direction? She pondered the questions for a few moments, then shrugged them away. Who cared what the cause was? The results were all that really mattered, and the results were simply beautiful as far as she was concerned!

“Darling … Jan? Come on in, I have someone I want you to meet.” Dave’s voice cut into her reverie and Jan was surprised to hear him. Looking at the sun overhead, she knew it was really very early for him to be home.

Moving quickly, she patted her drying hair into place and found her thick bathrobe waiting for her on the chair. Once she was covered, Jan hurried toward the back of the house. When she came around the hedge by the pool she saw Dave standing on the porch, a strange, well-dressed woman beside him.

“Honey, I’d like you to meet Countess Maria Ospenska,” Dave said, making a half bow in the beautiful redhead’s direction.

Jan’s blue eyes darted to the other woman’s face and she liked the calm, direct look of the green eyes as they gazed at her. “Since we had such success with the Fields account, the agency has decided we could do the same for the countess. She has a new line of cosmetics coming out in a few months, and publicity is hard come by these days.” He turned and smiled at the woman. She returned the smile with a warmth that stirred Jan’s interest.

Dave was happy. Jan could sense his enthusiasm for a new challenge, and for the first time in their life together, she began to understand him. It wasn’t the woman that excited him, it was the new problems he faced with her account. Jan felt her heart melting toward her husband and she relaxed before the lovely woman who stood before her. It wasn’t her body that Dave Green wanted, it was her problems-that was what turned him on, and Jan knew she could share that much of him with this new rival, that much at least. She would have to see about the rest.

“It’s so hot and sticky out here, Maria,” Jan murmured as she took the redhead’s arm and steered her toward the house. “I’m sure Dave wants to talk business with you, but I think you’ll be in a better frame of mind if you take a cool swim First, don’t you?” The trim redhead resisted for a second, then allowed Jan to lead her toward the bedroom. She glanced over her shoulder at the young blonde, her wide green eyes full of questions.

“Here, slip into this, dear,” Jan said as she tossed a skimpy swim suit to the woman. “It may be a little big for you but we won’t notice. Most of us swim nude anyway.” Countess Maria looked at the bright scraps of cloth she held, then smiled as Jan as she tossed them aside.

“Since you do so, I should do so also, isn’t that correct?” The woman’s voice was warm and throaty as she began to slip out of her business suit. Jan didn’t trust herself to speak. She sat on the edge of the bed and stared greedily as the lovely body emerged from its cocoon of clothing.

Countess Maria stood nude before her and Jan couldn’t hide the spasm of excitement that rattled through her as she stared at the other woman’s delectable body. “Ohhhh my, you are lovely,” the bemused blonde murmured. She wasn’t even aware when her hand reached out to catch Maria’s warm hand.

“My dear, I sense in you a loving, sharing spirit,” Maria murmured as she parted the robe that covered Jan’s body. “May we dispense with all the foolish and childish overtures and come to the real question between us?”

Jan heard the seriousness in the redhead’s voice and stared at her, waiting to hear what she had to say, knowing what it would be all the time but still needing to hear it from those red lips just the same. Countess Maria stared down at her and Jan shivered as she waited for the words she was dying to hear.

“Can you love me and share your lovely husband with me for a while?” The woman moved a little closer to Jan and pressed her body against her, pushing her warm belly against Jan’s full, swollen breasts. “Can we love and understand each other, just for a little while, dear? I would like that. I’m sure I would like that very much,” she whispered, moving her flesh against Jan’s.

Maria’s hands were wonderful and Jan sighed happily as she wiggled closer, offering her flawless breasts up to the expert fingers that worked and stroked at them.

“We can,” the young blonde heard herself whispering. “We can share Maria, if you understand the real meaning of the word share. If you can do that, we can have such a lovely summer. We’ll all see to that,” Jan whispered as she pushed the white blouse away from Maria’s firm breasts and began to kiss them. “When I say all, I mean all four of us. Now I think you’d better get undressed, because I think it’s going to take all summer for you to satisfy us! We all have a need for you, dear, so you’d better get started right away!”

Jan and the redheaded woman sighed happily as their lips met and warm, knowing hands began to explore bodies that would soon know each other, very, very well!

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