Relentlessly, the vibrators and clit tickler pummeled at her
By: Date: 2024.02.03. Categories: Just Bondage Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

Eva watched her parents’ car disappear as it turned the corner. She
stepped away from the window and drew the blinds, blocking out the
sunlight. Her parents had just left on a weekend getaway to northern
Minnesota, leaving her home alone for the next two days. It had taken some
pleading because her parents were understandably reluctant about leaving
their only child alone for a weekend. It didn’t help that the house was in
semi-rural suburb, isolated from the nearby neighbors’ houses by thick
foliage and tall trees.

“Two whole days!” Eva thought to herself. She had just turned thirteen
the previous week and managed to convince her parents that she was now old
enough to be home by herself. And why not? Eva believed herself to be
more mature and worldly than other kids her age. She got good grades and
was well-liked by teachers and friends. She had no interest in drugs or

She did have her own special vices, however. Making sure the front door
was locked, Eva went upstairs to her parents’ bedroom. With practiced
ease, she rummaged through a small drawer in her mother’s jewelry case
until she found the key. Opening the closet on her dad’s side, Eva pulled
out a large padlocked trunk. On its front, a faded label read “Pandora’s
Box”, handwritten in a rather childish scrawl. Dragging the heavy trunk
along the hardwood floor, she tugged it to the center of the room and
unlocked it.

She had done this dozen of times before. Whenever she knew both parents
would work late or if they were running Saturday errands, Eva would make a
beeline for their bedroom. Opening the trunk, she already knew what she
would find: dirty magazines, erotic books, adult DVDs… The magazines,
books, and movies were neatly lined up on the left while on the other side
of the divider were the things Eva was interested in today. Before her
were an array of vibrators, dildos, anal plugs, and vibrating eggs. The
thirteen year old knew all their names and uses from reading the books and
watching the videos.

Eva picked up a dildo and studied it, turning it in her hand. She
remembered her confusion when she first saw one, three years ago. She was
ten years old and had been snooping through her parents bedroom. Her dad
was away on a business trip and she could hear her mom mowing the lawn
outside. She had her privacy. Eva had known about the trunk for a long
time up to that point but it was always locked. She had found the key,
which seemed out of place in her mother’s jewelry box, weeks before but she
didn’t have a chance to open the trunk until that day.

The ten year old Eva had been stunned by the strange things held in the
trunk. Her fingers nervously shaking, the ten year old had quickly thumbed
through a few magazines, her eyes bugging out at the naked people and the
funny things they did to each other. A cursory look at the books revealed
simply that they had no pictures. She quickly skimmed a few DVD titles,
her curiosity overpoweringly demanding that she watch them. Knowing she
had no time, Eva quickly moved on the remaining items in the trunk: the sex
toys. Confused, she looked at the funny-shaped, plastic tubes and wondered
what they were for.

After that first time, she had opened the so-called Pandora’s Box in her
parents’ closet several times. Thirteen year old Eva put down the dildo
and rummaged through the pile of sex toys. She pulled from the trunk a
long, rectangular black box with several knobs and switches on it. Her
parents had recently acquired this new device about a month or two ago.
They had thoughtfully left the instruction booklet in the box so Eva
already knew what it was for but she hadn’t had the chance yet to try it

According to the instructions, the device was called the Oscillator.
Eva had learned that one was supposed to plug a vibrator into the
Oscillator which would then control the intensity and vibrating patterns of
the toy, as well as turn it on and off at various intervals. The device
had four ports and four separate control banks, meaning four different toys
could be used at once, each programmed to deliver a diverse array of
vibrations. When she first learned what the Oscillator was capable of,
Eva’s mind raced with possibilities. When her parents decided to let her
stay home alone for a weekend, Eva knew it was the perfect time to

Turning back to the trunk, Eva chose the toys she would use for today.
She knew exactly what she wanted. The young girl set aside a thin
vibrator, a large vibrating butt plug, and a clit tickler. In addition,
she took a small cloth bag that contained some additional items. Casting
her eyes about the trunk, she wondered if she wanted anything else. Her
gaze settled on a pair of nipple tassels. She had tried them on several
times before just for fun, although her breasts were nowhere near developed
enough. Even so, why not wear them today too? She them aside as well.
Eva was about to close the trunk and put it away when she realized there
was no reason to do so. Her parents were gone and she had the whole house
to herself. Why bother? Eva gathered up the toys and headed downstairs.

The thirteen year old went to the three season porch that overlooked the
back yard. The porch was screened in and enclosed on all sides by the
thick growing trees that surrounded the house. In the autumn, the
neighbors’ houses were partially visible through the bare trees but in the
summer the green leaves and foliage shielded the house completely, giving
her much privacy. Setting down the toys in a chair on the porch, Eva
headed for the bathroom.

From a cabinet, she produced a hot water bottle and a tube. Rifling
through a drawer she found the plug and attachments that transformed the
hot water bottle into an enema device. Underneath the sink, Eva grabbed
the jar of salt and measured a tablespoon into the hot water bottle. She
then went to the tub and turned on the water, letting it run for a moment
to get hot.

Eva had been given her first enema several years ago when she was six or
seven. Even then she remembered the awe and curiosity she felt when her
mom hooked up the hot water bottle and let the water flow into her butt.
She recalled the strange sensations as the water filled up inside her and
then the sense of pleasure when she relieved herself on the toilet. Since
then, Eva had asked her mom for enemas so frequently that her mom
eventually taught her how to do it herself and even bought her a hot water
bottle of her own.

Testing the hot water with her wrist, Eva decided it was the right
temperature. She filled up the hot water bottle until it was about
three-quarters full. Expertly, she screwed the plug into the bottle, being
careful to keep the rubber tube above it so the water would spill
prematurely. Hanging the water bottle on the towel rack, she began to
undress, pulling off her t-shirt and shorts.

Although thirteen years old, Eva was still a developing young woman.
Her breasts were, she thought, oddly shaped. At this point they were
really nothing more than two perky buds on her chest, for her areolas and
nipples grew together into a pointed cone shape. Her legs and arms, though
long-limbed, were still very skinny and her hips were flat. She was, as
her mother put it, at her awkward stage. She finished undressing and
tossed her clothes into a pile on the floor.

Now naked, Eva shivered in anticipation. She used a bit of K-Y jelly to
lubricate the enema applicator tip. Getting down on her hands and knees on
the bathroom rug, she positioned the greased applicator tip at the wrinkled
entrance to her anus. Pressing gently, Eva felt the hard plastic slide
inside her. Carefully clenching her sphincter to keep the applicator from
slipping out, she reached for the flow starter/stopper device on the rubber
tube. She turned it on.

The hot water began to flow inside her in powerful stream. Eva took a
deep breath of pleasure, relishing the sensation of the water gushing
against her rectal wall. She loved using extra hot water for her enemas,
for the heat only added to the pleasurable feelings. The water easily
filled up her rectum and moved on, continuing up her colon. The young girl
breathed deep again as she began to feel full, like she had to go poop.
She felt her rectum protest, sending her brain signals that it was full of
something that needed to be expelled. She ignored the message.

Finally, she felt the water stop flowing. The hot water bottle gave a
telltale gurgle, indicating that it was empty. Eva slowly removed the
applicator, taking care to keep her muscles clenched to keep any water from
accidentally squirting out. Standing up, she felt the water slosh around
in her insides and her belly was now slightly distended from the water.
Sitting down on the toilet, she took a deep breath and relaxed her muscles.

The water which had been straining against her body now flooded out of
her in a steady stream. Eva savored the feeling of the hot water that
almost felt like it was burning the muscular ring of her sphincter. Her
previously full bowels now emptied of the water that had been straining her
muscles. Eva sighed at the mixture of relief and pleasure.

When the last of the water drained from her, Eva cleaned herself off and
flushed the toilet. She wasn’t finished with her enema fun yet, however.
Taking the hot water bottle, Eva headed for the kitchen. From the freezer,
she took a dozen ice cubes and added them to a pitcher of water. She
jiggled the pitcher to swirl the water, clinking the ice cubes until a
layer of condensation appeared on the container. When she was satisfied
that the water was sufficiently cold, Eva poured the water into the water

Returning to the bathroom, Eva returned the water bottle to its perch on
the towel rack. Assuming the position again, she got on her hands and
knees and inserted the enema applicator again, her puckered anal ring not
needing any lubricant this time. Eva paused a moment before turning the
stopper release that would let the water flow. Closing her eyes, the young
girl released the stopper on the tube.

The icy cold water rushed into her body. Whereas before the water was
so hot it almost burned her, now the cold water surged into her with a
freezing roar. Her muscles, previously relaxed by the hot water, now
contracted at the relentlessly cold water. Eva gasped in pain. Her bowels
were cramping from the ice water and she felt a powerful urge to expel the
water. Eva pinched the tube shut with her fingers, stopping the water flow
for a moment. Grimacing, she willed her body to relax. Bracing herself,
she released the tube.

The water gushed into her waiting rectum with force. Eva gasped again.
She felt her leg muscles contract as well from the strain of holding her
sphincter shut. The water had only flown for fifteen seconds before it
became too much for the thirteen year old. Feeling like she was about to
burst, Eva pinched off the tube and yanked the applicator from her. She
frantically scrambled to her feet. Her sphincter protested, unable to hold
shut, and she felt a trickle of cold water run down leg. Eva sat down
quickly on the toilet and let her muscles relax.

A wave of relief washed over her as her bowels were finally able to
expel the cold water. Eva breathed evenly to calm herself as the water
flowed from her in a steady stream. The cold water had been very painful
but the experience was not altogether unpleasant. Eva enjoyed the frantic
feeling it created in her, and then the release of tension when her bowels
relaxed. For the second time, she cleaned herself off and flushed the

Taking the tube of K-Y jelly, Eva returned to the three season porch
where she had left her parents’ toys. Her parents used the enclosed porch
as a sort of greenhouse for numerous potted plants hung from the ceiling.
Her dad had installed several wooden bars, originally intended for closet
hangers, and row upon row of plants now dangled across the three season
porch. At 5’2”, Eva was almost tall enough to reach one of the bars if
she stood on her tiptoes. Standing on a chair though, she carefully
removed several hanging plants until she cleared a few feet of a wooden

Nimbly jumping off the chair, she turned her attention to the items she
had brought down from her parents’ room. Butterflies twirled in her
stomach as the nervous anticipation in her bubbled up. First she took the
Oscillator and plugged it into a wall outlet. Next she lined up the
vibrator, butt plug, and clit tickler. She found the corresponding cables
and connected each toy to the ports on the Oscillator’s front panel.
Trembling with excitement again, Eva picked up the small cloth bag and
emptied the contents onto the table.

Out of the bag tumbled a pair of handcuffs, a ball gag, a blindfold, and
a studded leather collar. This bondage starter kit had appeared in her
parent’s toy chest about a year ago and Eva had delighted herself in
wearing the handcuffs and blindfold. But today, she had a much grander
scheme that she had been inspired to try after reading an erotic story in
one the adult magazines in the trunk.

Eva hurried to the kitchen where she retrieved a small container from
the freezer. The container held an ice cube which held the key to the
handcuffs, frozen at its center. The night before, managed to sneak into
her parents’ bedroom and steal the spare handcuff key from the trunk. Then
she attached a length of string to the key and froze the whole thing in an
ice cube tray.

Returning to the porch, she examined her handiwork. Through the
translucent ice, she could see the key, frozen solid, and the string
wrapping lazily around it. A loop of string jutted out, unfrozen, from one
plane of the ice cube. It was perfect, Eva thought. Standing on a chair,
she passed a rubber band through the free loop of string and attached the
ice cube to the wooden bar.

Excited now, Eva moved quickly to get ready. The studded leather collar
snapped around her neck, although it was a but loose. The young girl then
teased her pointy breasts with her fingers until her nipples became
harder.. The nipple tassels attached using a suction principle. Once she
put them on, there was a pleasant suckling sensation at the tips of her
breasts. She felt a hint of moisture forming between her legs.

She studied the area between her legs. Her pubic hair was just starting
to grow, although it hadn’t yet overtaken her entire crotch. Instead it
spread outward from above the hood of her clitoris in a delicate and wispy
v-shaped trail of hair strands. Meanwhile, the lips of her labia had
matured. It was no longer a darkened valley on her crotch, no longer the
simple but alluring slit of a very young girl but instead had developed
into fleshy and plump folds of skin.

Shivering, Eva reached for the clit tickler. This model was a small
butterfly that had loops of elastic straps on either side. She adjusted
the straps around her thighs and waist and then nestled the little
butterfly against her crotch until it pressed snugly against her clit. A
tingle ran up her spine. Whenever she played with her parents’ toys, Eva
always felt deliciously naughty.

Moving on, she reached for the thin vibrator. Try as she might, Eva had
experimented with all of her mom’s vibrators but found she simply could not
fit any of the big ones inside her. The thin one she held now was quite
slender, about the size of a hot dog and just as long. She liberally
applied the K-Y jelly and then parted her legs slightly. Her vaginal lips
had developed enough so that she could pull herself open as one might open
a crown of tightly enclosed rosebuds. Reaching down with one hand to
separate the lips of her labia, she probed for a brief moment with the
vibrator before finding the entrance to her vagina, which by now had grown
distinctly wetter. With gentle pressure, Eva pressed until the vibrator
began to enter her. She breathed a little heavier as more of the hard
plastic slipped inside her, until nothing but the flared base remained
outside her body. On the end of the base was the cord that connected the
vibrator to the Oscillator. The adolescent girl took a moment to delight
in the sensation of the foreign object inside her.

Eva repeated the procedure with the butt plug. She rubbed the butt plug
with the lubricant until it glistened with K-Y jelly. Parting her legs and
bending over slightly this time, she rubbed the butt plug around her
winking asshole, enjoying the slippery feeling of the lubricated butt plug
against her anal opening. Feeling the tip of the butt plug press against
her sphincter, she relaxed and pressed. The butt plug slipped inside her
in one smooth stroke. She almost moaned in pleasure as she felt flared end
of the plug open up her sphincter before her muscles closed up again and
pressed against the base of the butt plug.

Standing up straight now, the thirteen year old girl definitely felt
very full. She flexed both her vaginal and anal muscles, delighting in the
feel as they clenched down hard on the inserted toys. Almost forgetting,
Eva reached into the cloth bag and pulled out a pair of leather chastity
thong panties. Slipping them on, she adjusted the waist to ensure panties
wouldn’t slip off. They would guarantee that she would be unable to expel
the vibrator and butt plug, accidentally or otherwise. Her knees were now
wobbling in nervousness and anticipation.

Turning to the Oscillator, Eva studied the control panel. The device
had four banks of knobs and switches, one bank for each of the four ports,
although each bank was identical in the controls offered. There were three
knobs: Intensity, Variable Control, and Timer. Intensity offered three
settings: high, medium, low, and variable, the last of which ceded the
intensity setting to Variable Control. For its part, Variable Control had
four settings: roller coaster, escalation, teaser, and random. Last of
all, the timer knobs controlled how long the Oscillator would operate that
particular port before stopping.
Eva had read the instruction manual several times until she practically
knew it by heart. Already knowing the settings she wanted, she ignored the
Timer knob since she wanted the machine to run until she turned it off
herself. Quickly manipulating the knobs, she set the butt plug and
vibrator to teaser mode while the clit tickler was set to random. She then
turned the machine on, knowing there was a one minute delay before the

program would begin.

There was no time to waste. Eva took the handcuffs and suspended them
by the chain on the wooden bar above her so that an open handcuff lay on
either side of the bar. She then grabbed the ball gag and opened her mouth
wide. The rubber ball fit into her mouth with a little but of coaxing.
She securely attached it with a strap that connected at the back of her
neck. Eva felt some drool already forming in her mouth. The blindfold was
next and that went on easily enough.

Working in the dark now, Eva stood on her tiptoes and reached up until
her fingers found the handcuffs dangling above her from the wooden bar.
She slipped one wrist into a cuff and clicked it shut. Taking a deep
breath, Eva hesitated a moment, teetering on her tiptoes.

“This is it,” she thought, slipping her other wrist into the handcuff.
“Once I close this shut, there’s no turning back.” Throwing her caution to
the wind, Eva closed the handcuff around her wrist. It clicked shut.

It was done. Eva imagined what she must look like. If someone would
have peeked inside the window of the three season porch, he would have seen
an unusual sight indeed. Among the hanging plants was a young, thirteen
year old girl suspended from the ceiling by a pair of handcuffs slung
around a wooden bar. She was nearly naked. A studded leather collar
adorned her neck, while a pair of nipple tassels looked almost comical on
her perky, preteen breasts. Even more curiously, a blindfold was wrapped
around her eyes and a ball gag muzzled her mouth. Her long brown hair hung
freely to middle of her bare back, leading the eyes to the area below her
waist. She wore black thong panties with two cables extending from the leg
opening , the cords connected to a device on the floor.

Pushing herself as tall as possible on her tiptoes, Eva extended her
finger until she felt it brush against something cold. The ice cube, with
the handcuff keys frozen inside, dangled just above her head. The ice cube
would melt, probably in two hours or so, and would then suspend free by the
string. If she had measured correctly, there would be enough slack in the
string for her to reach the dangling key once the ice melted.

Overthinking, Eva began to worry however. “What if the key slips from
the wooden bar and falls down to my feet?” she wondered. Her parents would
undoubtedly be shocked to find their thirteen year old daughter
experimenting with self-bondage and using their very own sex toys. She
tried to pull her arms down, wondering if it was possible to break the
wooden bar if need be.

“What if I can’t unlock the handcuffs with the blindfold on?” Eva
thought, panicking slightly. “What if the ice cube doesn’t…” The young
girl’s thoughts were interrupted by the Oscillator turning on. The
vibrator in her vagina came to life, buzzing with a gentle intensity. It
tickled. Eva giggled at the sensation. She felt her vagina relax and get
wetter as the vibrator gently massage her insides.

Without warning, the intensity of the vibrator increased a notch. Eva
gasped as the intruder inside her began vibrating more powerfully, sending
tingles up her spine. Before she had time to adjust, the butt plug in her
tight rectum switched on as well. Eva felt her legs go weak from the
double stimulation. She sagged slightly, no longer able to stay on her
tiptoes but the handcuffs caught her wrists, not letting her sink further.

“Mmm, ohh God…” Eva mumbled though the ball gag as her stomach muscles
clenched from the pleasure. She could feel the butt plug vibrate in and
out of sync with the vibrator in her vagina, separated by a thin membrane
of flesh. She had set the Oscillator to teaser mode for the vibrators
meaning they would escalate in intensity, starting out slow and then
building higher and higher. The thirteen year old moaned and let her head
hang back limply as the vibrator in her vagina increased in temp again,
sending stronger waves of pleasure through her young body.

Eva felt a bead of sweat break out on her forehead. She was already
getting close to coming. But just as her pleasure was about to reach
another plateau, the vibrator in her pussy went dead. Eva groaned in
frustration. The teaser mode also meant that the Oscillator would turn off
the vibrations completely from time to time.

The butt plug still vibrated inside her rectum however. Eva clenched
her sphincter tight, enjoying the feeling of the massaging vibrations. Her
arms were starting to ache from the strain of her weight. Eva tried to
return to her tiptoes to relieve the pain but without warning again, the
butt plug escalated its intensity to almost full power.

“Mmmff! Oh, uh, uh…” Eva grunted as she squeezed her sphincter tight
around the vibrating plug. The ball gag prevented her from making any
intelligible sounds. Her legs were unable to support her and she slumped
down again, supported only by the handcuffs. Her shoulders ached but she
the pain barely registered. Especially when the clit tickler kicked in.

“Oooohhhh, mmmmm…” Eva gasped. The tickler began to massage her
throbbing clit. The pleasure was building in great waves inside her now.
She opened her eyes, forgetting the blindfold. Faced with nothing but
blackness before her, Eva felt an overwhelming sense of vulnerability.
Handcuffed and blindfolded, she was completely at the mercy of the

Simultaneously, the butt plug and clit tickler switched to maximum
power. Eva’s hips jerked uncontrollably. Her sphincter was now
involuntarily gripping and releasing the butt plug. She was getting so
close now…

It was the vaginal vibrator that pushed her over the edge. She was
almost ready to ascend to the last plateau when it turned on in “roller
coaster” mode. The vibrations started out slow but escalated to a sweeping
crescendo very quickly, hovering a moment before the vibrations weakened.
But then the process started again, the vibrations rising sharply in her
dripping wet vagina before fading away. And then starting again. And

“Mmfph, ohhhh,” a long guttural moan passed the thirteen year old’s
gagged mouth. Eva’s arms went stiff, her elbows attempting to contract and
lift her off her feet while her stomach muscles clenched in anticipation of
the impending release. The butt plug vibrated in sympathy with the vaginal
vibrator. Eva was riding the roller coaster vibrator in her vagina,
letting it sweep her up and take her down, when she felt the vibrator take
her to the peak of the hill and then shoot her even higher.

The thirteen year old’s orgasm crashed through her body with a pounding
force. Her clit throbbed as the tickler ruthlessly massaged it, bringing
more and more pleasure. Her vaginal and anal muscles gripped the vibrating
beasts inside her, their vibrations echoing through her young body. Eva
whimpered through the ball gag. Soon, however, she felt all three toys
fade in intensity. The clit tickler turned off completely while the
vibrators decreased to a medium-low intensity.

As her orgasm subsided, Eva returned to earth and became aware of her
body. She realized she was standing on her tiptoes again, her lithe
preteen body curved forwards, pressing her crotch into the air. The orgasm
had rushed through her with such force that all her body muscles had
unwillingly contracted this way and that. The thirteen year old had
masturbated many times before but she had never experienced an orgasm quite
so intense.

Eva was taking a deep breath trying to calm herself when both vibrators
changed their pattern to roller coaster mode. Her hips jerked in surprise
at the sudden stimulation.

“Ohhhhh…” The vibrating objects inside her worked in tandem: the butt
plug would escalate its intensity, reach its peak, and fade but just as it
began to weaken, the vaginal vibrator would escalate. The two sensations
would alternate, one rising while the other fell. A moan escaped Eva’s
lips. The two vibrators kneaded her preteen body, producing feelings she
had never before experienced.

The clit tickler turned on, at a low setting, but it that was too much
for the thirteen year old. Her hips jerked backward and forward as her
second orgasm rollicked her body. Eva began to grunt, deep animal sounds
that she didn’t know she was capable of. Her body swayed from side to
side, suspended by the handcuffs around her wrists.

“Mmf, mmm, uh, uh, mmmfg… … uh…” Just as her orgasm started to
subside, the clit tickler increased tempo, the intensity racing up at a
stunning speed. Caught totally unaware, Eva swore unintelligibly as the
tickler pusher her to the edge of coming again. Panting, she desperately
willed herself not to come yet. But the vibrators raced up and down inside
her, pushing her closer and closer. And her clit was being so deliciously
massaged by the tickler that pulsed on and off, driving her crazy. She
could feel the wetness from her vagina pool in the crotch of the leather
panties. Some of it was even trickling down her leg. Eva felt her resolve

A third orgasm slammed into her preteen body. The thirteen year old
girl arched her back and threw her head backward. Closing her eyes, Eva
saw stars as the vibrators and tickler worked their magic on her, bringing
forth wave after wave of tingling warmth that rippled through her young
body. Unable to contain herself, a high-pitched whine sounded from Eva’s
lips as she felt her legs go weak. For what seemed like an eternity, pure,
sensual pleasure flowed from every inch of her.

The orgasm gradually faded in intensity and Eva felt her senses return
bit by bit. She felt extremely lightheaded. It took a moment to realize
her legs had gone limp and she was hanging by her handcuffed wrists.
Regaining her footing, Eva stood on her feet but the moment she did so, a
shooting pain went through both wrists. Wincing, Eva tried to massage her
handcuffed wrists.

“Mmmph, oowwww,” Eva mumbled through the ball gag. The clit tickler was
still vibrating away except her clit was extremely sensitive now and the
stimulation was almost painful. The more she focused on it, the worse it
got. The vibrators too were becoming too much for her overstimulated body.
Wiggling her hips, Eva tried in vain to shake the vibrators loose from her.
But she had planned too well: the leather panties firmly held the vibrating
intruders in place.

The sensation was becoming unbearable. Eva wanted to scream, although
the ball gag would have muffled any sound she could make and, moreover, a
scream wouldn’t have helped her anyway. Moaning from discomfort now, Eva
tugged at the handcuffs, thinking perhaps she could break them or the
wooden bar. It was useless. Reaching up with her fingers, she felt around
for the dangling ice cube. After several tries, her fingers finally closed
around it. It felt a little smaller but there was still a good hour at
least before it would melt completely.

Relentlessly, the vibrators and clit tickler pummeled at her. It felt
as if her skin down there was completely raw. Whimpering again, Eva jerked
her hips about in a futile attempt to dislodge the toys from her body.

Suddenly the vibrator in her pussy stopped. Eva inhaled gratefully.
The clit tickler also tapered off its intensity. She held her breath. It
stopped completely as well, leaving only the vibrating plug in her butt.
That one wasn’t so bad. Eva was relishing the sensory deprivation when the
butt plug finally stopped as well.

The room was silent, no longer buzzing with the sound of the vibrating
toys. Eva sighed. It was unlikely the Oscillator would remain off until
the ice cube melted but she could at least regain her composure during this
brief interlude. Eva turned her forehead against her arm to wipe away the
sweat that had formed on her brow. Sighing again, she tried to relax her
tired body.

Eva had just closed her eyes behind the blindfold when a sound made her
jerk her head up. It was the sound of footsteps. On the hardwood floor.
Approaching her. Eva opened her eyes but all she could see was the black

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