Mandy Does Football
By: Date: 2022.12.31. Categories: Just Swinger Stories Tags: , , , ,

Mandy rubbed her eyes and looked at her watch. It was
seven o’clock in the evening. She turned her attention
back to her history textbook and thumbed through a few
pages. She figured that by eight she should be through
with her reading and ready to join the party that was
already in progress next door. The music and talk were
already pretty loud over there. But it was Friday night
in a college dormitory. What else could you expect?

Suddenly, the door to her room flew open and through a
blare of noise and light her roommate, April, and
April’s boy friend, Tommy, stumbled into the room.

“Hey roomy,” said April, slurring her words. “Are you
still at the books?”

“Yep,” answered Mandy. She noticed her friend’s half-
lidded eyes and the way she swayed as she stood. “Had a
few beers, have we?”

“A couple,” said April.

Behind her head, Tommy held up five fingers of one hand,
and after a second thought he added one finger from the
other hand.

Mandy laughed, “You sure it wasn’t more like six beers?”

April saw where Mandy was looking and whirled around.
She slapped at Tommy’s hands and said, “Hey no fair,
you’ve drunk more than I have anyway.”

“Yeah, and I seem to remember paying for all of it too,”
said Tommy. His voice was none too clear either. He
looked back to Mandy. “Don’t you want to get some beers
before they’re all gone?” he asked, jerking his head in
the direction of the party.

“Not yet,” said Mandy firmly. “I’m going to finish this
chapter tonight. And then after we win the conference
championship tomorrow, I’m going to celebrate just as
hard as everybody else. No doubt I’ll need all day
Sunday to recuperate.”

Tommy nodded. “Sounds like a plan to me. In fact we’re
going to catch up on a little rest right now.” He led
April over to her bed and then flopped down on it,
pulling a squealing April down with him.

Mandy just shook her head. This wasn’t the first time
they had fooled around while she was in the room, but
they usually waited until they thought she was asleep.
Tonight they were too drunk to care. She tried to ignore
the giggles and whispers from the other side of the
room, but then she started to hear the liquid sounds of
two people trying to swallow one another’s tongues.
Mandy peeked over her shoulder. April and Tommy were
laid out on the bed. She had her back turned to Mandy
and her head rested on Tommy’s arm. He was kissing April
and rubbing her generous breasts. April may have been a
bit overweight, but she was one of those lucky girls who
carried around most of the extra pounds on her chest.

Tommy caught Mandy looking and curled the forefinger of
his free hand in a come here gesture. Mandy stuck out
her tongue at him and gave him the well known one finger
salute. Tommy’s eyes crinkled in laughter.

Mandy turned back to her text. She managed to read two
more pages before she heard the metallic rasp of a
zipper being pulled. Clothes rustled and then Mandy
heard the swish, swish sound of skin on skin. Mandy
couldn’t help herself; she peeked over her shoulder once
again. At this point, Tommy was on his back. April had
his cock in hand and she was jerking him off. Mandy had
to admit that Tommy had a nice cock. It was thick and
straight and about seven inches long.

Mandy was titillated at the view of course but she also
took a clinical view of April’s technique. Her fingers
only went about half way down Tommy’s cock and then they
came up to cover its head completely. Mandy had done a
few guys on dates during her high school years. She’d
always slid her fingers along the entire length of the
guy’s cock shaft, and she had pretty much avoided
hitting the head. Had she been doing it wrong? Well, it
couldn’t have been very wrong, she answered herself.
They had all cum. usually, about a minute after she had
started. Of course they were high school guys. It didn’t
take much to make their horny little cocks spurt.

It was obvious that April was adept at masturbating her
boyfriend. Tommy was certainly turned on. He rolled his
hips and his breathing came in little gasps. Mandy
forgot about her studies. She propped her head on her
hand and prepared to see things to their conclusion when
there was a knock at the door.

“Oh shit,” muttered Tommy.

“Come in,” sang out Mandy as innocently as she could

There was the sound of April and Tommy scrambling to get
their clothing back into place and then the door opened.
Susan, a friend of Mandy’s and April entered with a beer
in her hand.

“Hey, what’re you all doing?” Susan asked.

“Well some of us are trying to study,” said Mandy.

“And some of us are trying to get laid,” said Tommy,
jerking his zipper closed. April giggled insanely.

“Do that shit later,” said Susan, not the least bit
scandalized. “Josh is here and he brought Steve Walker
with him. They’ve got this class in regional history

“Isn’t Steve the kicker on the football team?” asked

“Yeah, he’s got a paper due Monday on the Fuquari Rock
so he wants to go up there so he can take pictures and
stuff.” The Fuquari Rock was a boulder on the local
Indian reservation. It was supposedly covered in runes
that no one could interpret.

“Go then,” said Tommy, waving at her.

“We need a vehicle. We thought that you could take us in
your truck,” said Susan.

“Oh no,” said Mandy. “Tommy’s too drunk to drive.”

“That’s right,” slurred Tommy. “I’ve had too many drives
to be drunking.” He threw a leg over April and began to
nuzzle her neck. April shrieked when he belched loudly
in her ear.

“I can drive,” said a voice from behind Susan. Josh, her
boyfriend, plucked one of the cans of beer out of her
hand and killed it two long gulps.

“I don’t think so,” said Susan, “you can barely keep a
car on the road when you’re dead sober.”

“That’s because I’m too busy looking at you, beautiful.”
Josh reached around his girlfriend and cupped her
breasts in his hands.

Susan slapped playfully at his arms. “Steve can drive
then, or Mandy,” she said plaintively. “You two haven’t
been drinking. Come on you guys, it’s a nice fall night;
the moon is full. It’ll be fun.”

Eventually their little group got together and headed to
Tommy’s pickup truck. Tommy and April, Josh and Susan
climbed into the bed with a cooler filled with beer.
That left Mandy and Steve to get in the cab. Steve was

It was the first time that Mandy had seen Steve up
close. Usually he was just another player on the field,
hidden in pads and a helmet. In regular clothing he
certainly didn’t look like a football player. He was
trim but not heavily muscled and he wasn’t any taller
than she was. Of course at five foot ten inches she was
tall for a girl. Steve had the high cheekbones and dark
coloring of one of the Fuquari.

Once he got the truck moving Mandy asked, “So, I guess
you’re ready for the big game?”

“Yeah, I guess,” said Steve matter-of-factly.

“You don’t sound very enthused.”

“Well, I do better if I just stay calm and go out there
and do my thing. It’s the other guys who need to get all
hot and sweaty and ready to eat raw meat.” He grinned at

The Fighting Fuquari football team of Western State
University was playing for a conference championship on
the following day. If they won, they would be eligible
for a post season playoff birth. The team nickname came
from a local American-Indian tribe. The tribe didn’t
mind that the school used their name; in fact the
affluent tribe was an enthusiastic supporter of the
university and its team. Most Fuquari children attended
the college and quite a few of the boys played on the
football team.

“How about you?” Steve asked. “Do you play any sports?”

“My parents were both big time jocks. I grew up doing
all kinds of sports, including karate and judo. I was
into gymnastics pretty heavy for a long time, but I sort
of grew out of it,” she said, referring to her size.
“I’m pretty good at soccer, though. I’m going to tryout
for the team next season.” They talked sports for a
while and then Mandy asked why exactly they were going
to Fuquari Rock.

“I have to do a presentation about it for class. Do you
know anything about it?”

Mandy shook her head, “Not much. It’s a big rock that’s
got symbols carved into. Some of the Fuquari think it
has a mystical meaning.”

“That’s what most people know. Do you want to hear more?

Mandy asked, “How long does it take us to get there?”

Steve laughed. “I’ll tailor the story to fit.” He
settled back in his seat. “In the early eighteen-
hundreds all this area was sparsely populated. The
Fuquari occupied the Luftee river valley, where their
reservation is now. They were mostly farmers and
naturally they lived on the flattest and richest ground
in the area.

“The European settlers wanted that land for themselves
of course, so they convinced the government to send in
troops to move the Indians west, like they had done to
other tribes. A local militia detachment of thirty-six
men was sent to warn the Fuquari that they would have to
prepare themselves to leave. But when they got there,
they couldn’t find anyone. There were no Fuquari at
their farms or in the central village. So the lieutenant
in charge kept half his men in the village and split up
the remainder into three patrols. The patrols went into
the surrounding mountains to see if they could find any
sign of the Fuquari. Two of the patrols returned with
nothing to report, but there was no word from the

“Ohh.the plot thickens,” said Mandy.

“Yeah,” said Steve. “The lieutenant sent the fresh half
of his little command to find the missing patrol, and
when it was found every man in the patrol had been

“By the Fuquari,” finished Mandy.

“Of course the soldiers thought so. All the men had
either had their necks broken, or their heads bashed in.
But the odd thing was that there was no other sign of
battle. No torn up ground, and none of the soldier’s
weapons were taken. It was like they never knew what hit

“The rescue patrol was pretty well spooked but they had
to spend the night in the mountains, so the men paired
off and took up defensive positions. It didn’t do them
much good. Even though the men fired at every little
sound, by the end of the night all but two of the men
were dead.”

“And no dead Indians,” said Mandy.

“That’s right,” agreed Steve. “When the rest of the
militia heard what had happened, they torched the
village and fled the area. No one seemed to mind when
the Fuquari returned and reoccupied the valley. The
federal government eventually made the valley and the
surrounding mountains into a reservation.”

Mandy said, “I seem to have missed how this relates to
the Fuquari Rock.”

“Oh, yeah. When anyone asked the Fuquari about the
incident, they claimed that in times of crisis they
could use the Rock to call forth a champion to take care
of them.”

“Sounds like this champion of theirs did his job,” said

“Yeah well, most historians think that the militia was a
bunch of drunks who got their asses whipped by a group
of peaceful farmers who were doing their best to run
away when the militia caught up with them and started a
fight. They also think that the Indians quietly buried
their dead and then promoted the story about a vengeful
champion in the hopes that they would be left alone. ”

“And what do you think?” asked Mandy.

“I’m not sure, the Fuquari grow up hearing all sorts of
mystical stuff. My grandmother is a full blooded
Fuquari. She believes the stories that have been passed
down from her great-great grandmother, who was alive at
that time. Grams claims that when a champion is needed,
he can be summoned on a night like tonight, when a full
moon is rising. As for me, right now I’ll settle for a
good grade on a report that I’m throwing together at the
last minute.” Steve made a turn onto the road that lead
to the Fuquari reservation. After a half mile, he turned
again onto a well maintained gravel road.

“I guess football has been occupying most of your time,”
said Mandy.

“Yeah, the pressure has been nuts. I think every Fuquari
in the area is going to be at the game. Even my
grandmother told me not to bother to come home if I
missed any kicks,” he said with a laugh. “Even the
practice squad guys were juiced up. A lineman named Roy
almost took my head off during practice today. The coach
threw him off the squad on the spot.”

“The coach got rid of a player before a big game just
because he was playing to hard?’

“Roy’s an asshole anyway. He’s big and fast, but I think
he gets hopped up on steroids or something. Half the
time he doesn’t know where the play’s going. All he
wants to do is hurt people,” said Steve

Mandy laughed. “That’s a bad thing? After all, we are
playing the Lancers,” she said. The Fuquari’s arch rival
foes were the Mighty Lancers of the Higdon Military
College. Their campus was only about seventy-five miles

“And here we are,” said Steve as he pulled into a small
parking lot. Everyone climbed out of the truck. The
group from the back of the truck was carrying their
beers. They crossed a neat lawn and came to a railing
that surrounded the Fuquari Rock. The large boulder sat
in a pit about eight feet below the level of the lawn.
The pit was lined with native stone and a ramp provided
access from ground level. Steve climbed over the railing
and with a little grin he leapt to the bottom. Tom and
Josh started to follow him, but Mandy grabbed their arms
and pulled them back. They were clearly too drunk for
stunts. “Oh no you don’t,” she said, “the ramps right
around this way.”

In a minute the group was standing on the rock. It was
roughly oval shaped, about forty feet long and twenty
feet across at its widest point. Someone had painted the
carvings that were set into the rock so they were
visible even in the faint evening light. There were
stick figures of humans and a rough carving of the sun,
or maybe it was the moon. But most of the rock was
covered with some sort of text. “What does all this
mean?” asked Susan.

“A lot of scholars have studied the rock, but no one
really knows,” answered Steve. “You guys hop off for a
second, so I can take some pictures.”

The group left the rock and flashes of light filled the
pit as Steve took his pictures. Mandy strolled around
the edge of the boulder. At one point the top of the
rock was about six feet above the base of the pit. She
was trailing her fingers along the smooth stone when she
saw hand prints carved into the rock. They were about
waist high and sat on a shelf cut into the stone. On
impulse she slid her hands into the carvings.

I wonder how many thousands of people have done this,
she thought. She was surprised to find that her fingers
and the palms of her hands fit exactly into the
carvings. “Hey guys, come look at this,” she called out.
She tried to lift her hands out of the carvings, but
somehow they seemed stuck. The moisture on my hands and
the close fit has made a seal, she thought.

She pulled up again, but it was as if her hands were
glued tight to the rock. When she lifted her head to
call for help, the light of the full moon struck her
full in the face. Her cry to her friends came out as a
long sigh as Mandy stared into the sky. But she wasn’t
actually aware of the moon at all; it was more like the
milky moonlight was pouring into her wide eyes. She felt
herself buzz with an electrical charge that started at
her finger tips and instantly suffused her body.

She staggered and felt hands on her arms and back that
kept her from falling. “Are you all right?” asked Steve.

“I feel.” Mandy shook her head and took a deep breath.
“I feel great, actually,” she said. “What happened?”

“We heard you yell,” said Tommy. “When we got here, you
were leaning against the rock, trembling. Then you
pushed yourself back like you had been burned or shocked
or something.”

“Sure you’re OK?” asked April as she rubbed her
roommate’s shoulder.

“Yeah, I was just looking at those handprints in the
rock, when I blanked out. Maybe I dozed off – too much
studying, I guess.”

“Handprints?” asked Steve. “There aren’t any handprints

“On this little shelf,” said Mandy. She ran her fingers
over the smooth stone. But it was all smooth stone, no
handprints or any sort of indentation. Mandy shrugged.
“Maybe I dreamed them up when I took my little nap.
Anyway, I feel fine now.” In fact, she had perked up
considerably. She felt like having a few beers and
partying. She looked over at Steve. He’s pretty cute,
she thought. He had the American Indian high cheek bones
and chiseled good looks. And even though he’s a kicker,
she thought. I bet he has the hard body of an athlete.
“You know, it’s a beautiful fall evening. The air’s warm
and there’s a full moon out. I think we ought to take
advantage of it.”

Mandy walked over to Steve and slid her arms over his
shoulders. He was surprised, but when Mandy planted an
eager kiss on his lips, he responded in kind. Part of
Mandy’s mind couldn’t believe what she was doing. She
hadn’t thrown herself at a boy like this since she was
twelve years old. She had been at a party where everyone
had been playing a kissing game. She had been locked
into a closet with Sammy Stinson for five minutes of
private fun. She had practically slobbered all over that
poor boy’s face. She had been determined not to leave
that closet without a thorough kiss.

But she had never felt like this. Like most girls, she
wanted romance and intimacy from guys first, and then,
once she was aroused, she could be as passionate about
sex as any horny male, but this was different. She had
gone from being a girl who was mildly interested in a
bit of Indian lore to sex fiend in about five seconds.
She wanted hot cock filling her pussy and she wanted it

“Let’s fuck,” she whispered hotly in Steve’s ear.

One look in her eyes sent Steve to fumbling with the
belt and zipper of his jeans. In a few seconds he was
stroking his naked cock and eagerly awaiting Mandy.

Mandy didn’t waste anytime. She had her slacks and
panties off in seconds, and then she leaned against the
Fuquari Rock and spread her legs wide. She looked over
her shoulder and gave Steve an inviting smile. He
responded eagerly. Without any thought to foreplay, he
plugged his hard dick into Mandy’s pussy and began to
pound away.

“That’s it baby,” she encouraged Steve. “Pop it to me
hard and fast.” Steve’s cock felt wonderful as it sawed
in and out of her tight pussy, but she knew that he
wouldn’t last long at that pace and she was a long way
from being satisfied. She looked to her left. April and
Tommy had their mouths locked together and she was
continuing the stroke job that she had started in their
dorm room. “April, come here,” she said sharply.

April left Tommy in mid-stroke. She walked over and
rested a hand on Steve’s shoulder as he furiously fucked
Mandy’s pussy. “What?” she asked.

“Don’t let Tommy cum. I want him,” said Mandy.

April looked at Steve and then back to Mandy. She looked
as if she were about to rebuke her roommate, but then
she just shrugged and said, “OK, whatever.” She went
back to Tommy and continued to make out with him, but
she kept her hand off his hard-on. Mandy could hear
giggling and soft moans coming from the far side of the
rock. Apparently, Josh and Susan were having some fun

Oh shit, baby,” panted Steve. “It feels like your cunt
is sucking me off.” He shuddered between her thighs.
Little grunts escaped his lips and Mandy knew that he
had shot his wad deep in her pussy. He continued to
stroke her, but Mandy said, “That’s OK Steve, let Tommy
take over.”

Steve’s drooping cock slid from her pussy as he stepped
back. Almost immediately, Tommy was between her legs and
plugging his hard member into her clasping cunt. “Yeah,
hard and fast, Tommy,” she urged him. He planted his
hands on either side of her waist and rolled his hips in
quick little fuck strokes.

“April,” Mandy called out, and the girl trotted over
obediently. “Go tell Josh that he’s next.”

“I’ll tell him,” April said with one of her girlish

“And then see what you can do about that,” said Mandy as
she nodded toward Steve. He was gazing forlornly at
Mandy and stroking a limp dick that waved about in the
air, refusing to harden.

“Right,” said April as she trotted off.

Mandy settled back on the rock. Her own orgasm was
beginning to build. She ground her pussy on Tommy’s
cock. She felt her first little wave of pleasure come
and go. She loved it when sex was like this. Her body
would tease her a few times and then bang, she would be
cumming all over the place. Another wave of passion came
over her, stronger than the first but hardly a full
blown orgasm. She was building to another peak when
Tommy gasped and came. “Damn,” muttered Mandy. She sat
up and pushed Tommy away. A long drip of cum and pussy
juice fell off the end of his dick as he got out of the

Mandy was about to yell for April, when she appeared
with Josh and Susan. Josh didn’t seem to need any
instruction or urging. He stepped up to Mandy and
dropped his trousers. Josh was a nice guy, but he only
had average looks and a beer belly to boot. But when he
pulled down his boxers, Mandy saw at least one good
reason Susan kept him around. He had a cock like a fat
sausage. It must have been eight inches long and so
broad that Josh’s fingers barely fit around the thing.

“Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about,” said Mandy. She
grabbed his cock like it might go somewhere without its
owner and stuffed the slick head into her pussy. She
felt her lips stretch to accommodate her new partner,
and then he was fucking her hard and fast. Mandy felt
the pressure of her orgasm begin to build once again. It
came on slowly despite Josh’s efforts to pound her body
into the smooth stone on which she lay. But then she was
over the edge. Wave after wave of hot pleasure ran
through her pussy. It was the best orgasm of her life,
and all she wanted was more and more.

When Mandy came back to her senses, she took a deep
breath of the night air and looked around. Josh was
collapsed on the rock beside her. He was out of breath
and his cock had shrunk to nothing. April and Steve were
a few feet away. She was on her knees with her lips
wrapped around his revived penis. Mandy smiled at Steve
and curled a finger in invitation. “Time for round two,”
she said with a smile.


Mandy put a final tug on her shoe laces and stood up
from her perch on the Fuquari Rock. She felt fresh as a
daisy, certainly not like three guys had been pounding
her pussy for the last hour. Tommy and Josh had fucked
her twice and Steve had managed a third time. She
bounced over to the other five of their little party.
April and Susan were whispering and giggling to one
another, while the guys were quietly sipping on beers.
They looked as if they had just finished a hard day’s
work. “Hey, let’s get something to eat,” said Mandy.

“Sounds good to me,” said Tommy getting to his feet.

“Let’s get some burgers,” chipped in Steve.

Someone else started to say something, but Mandy put up
her hand for silence. “Someone’s coming,” she said as
she stared up and out of the pit.

“Not me,” said Tommy, “at least not again tonight.”

“No, really,” said Mandy, dismissing the joke. Then
everyone heard the sound of tires on gravel. Headlights
swept the sky above their heads, and then they heard car
doors opening and closing.

“Hey Walker, you in there?” slurred a voice from the
lawn above the rock.

“Oh shit,” moaned Steve. “It’s Roy, the guy who clothes
lined me in practice today. He said he was going to beat
my ass because he got kicked off the team.”

“I thought you said that getting kicked off the team was
his own fault,” said Mandy.

“It was, but that asshole has to take it out on
somebody. Look, let’s go up there. I’ll suck it up and
tell him how sorry I am. He’ll think that he’s
embarrassed me in front of my friends, and then we’ll go
eat.” Steve stood and took a couple of faltering steps.

“What’s wrong?” asked Josh.

Steve rubbed his leg. “I kind of jammed my knee when I
jumped down here. It’s starting to get stiff. Let’s go.”
The group, except for Mandy, headed for the ramp that
would take them out of the pit.

“Walker, you fucking coward, come out here and face me.
There’s no coach here to save your sorry ass.” Roy was
trash talking again. Plus, Mandy heard some masculine
laughter, so she could tell that he wasn’t alone.

She was getting pissed. Steve was a nice guy. He didn’t
deserve to have to take on two or three bullies on his
own. Mandy looked up, she was standing next to the wall
nearest the parking lot. If she could climb up then she
could confront Roy and whoever else before her friends
could get there. They had to walk the length of the pit
and then take the ramp up top.

Mandy crouched, if she could jump high enough then maybe
she could grab the concrete pad at the edge of the pit.
The walls of the pit were made of rough stone; she
should be able to find purchase for her feet. She leapt
upward as intensely as she could manage. To her
surprise, her outstretched hands flew right by the
concrete pad. She was able to grab onto the lower rung
of the iron railing that ran around the edge of the pit.
From there it only took her a second to vault the
railing and march across the lawn toward the three young
men standing there. Mandy studied the men as she closed
in on them. One of the guys stood slightly in front of
the other two. He must have weighed close to three
hundred pounds and stood over six feet tall.

He has a gut that bulges above the waistband of his
jeans, but he also has biceps that look as if they might
be bigger than my thighs, thought Mandy. The other two
guys looked liked well muscled jocks. They just weren’t
bear-sized like their buddy.

“Where’s Steve?” demanded the bear.

“You must be Roy,” said Mandy as she stopped in front of
the wall of flesh.

“And you must be one of those white college sluts who
think it’s cool to get nailed by an Indian,” said Roy.
Mandy could tell his voice from his earlier threats.

Mandy grinned at him. “As a matter of fact we did get it
on, several times actually.” She looked down at his
crotch. “Tell me,” she asked, “is it true that all those
steroids shrivel up your balls and make you impotent? Is
that why you’re such a jerk?”

Roy’s eyes flew wide open and for a second Mandy thought
that he was going to take a swing at her. But he just
slowly stretched out his arm and brushed her back as he
stomped toward the rock. “Hold on to this bitch while I
take care of Steve,” he said to one of his buddies. “I’m
going to break both his legs and then rape the shit out
of her.”

Mandy felt a hand close tightly on her arm and pull her
back. OK, she thought, they’ve threatened me and laid
hands on me; that’s enough. She raised her left foot and
brought it smashing down onto her captor’s instep. He
howled with pain, but he didn’t let go of her arm. Mandy
turned and rammed the heel of her hand into his nose.
The guy went down trying to nurse his broken foot and
nose at the same time.

Roy stopped in his tracks and spun to see what was
happening. Mandy sprang forward a couple of steps and
then lashed out with a kick that, she hoped, just might
separate Roy’s head from his shoulders. To her surprise,
the only thing her foot hit was Roy’s hand. He directed
the force of her kick upwards until he was holding her
foot well over her head and her legs were in a near one
hundred eighty degree split.

Roy leered down at her. “Nice try bitch, now what are
you going to do.”

Mandy didn’t bother to reply. She made a fist of her
hand that was nearest the ground and then spinning her
torso she slammed that fist as hard as she could muster
into Roy’s crotch. For a split second nothing happened.
Mandy thought that maybe the guy really didn’t have any
balls. But then he released her foot and Mandy fell to
the ground. She rolled and came up in a fighting stance,
ready for whatever.

Roy was still standing there, staring at her with glazed
eyes. Then he sort of moaned and went to his knees. His
eyes slowly closed and then he toppled over sideways and
lay there, clutching at his crotch.

Mandy looked over at the remaining guy in Roy’s little
band. He threw up his hands and said, “Hey, no problem
here. I personally thought that talk about rape was way
out of hand.” He extended a hand to the guy with the
broken nose. “I’ll just help these guys back to the

Mandy turned and saw that her friends had made their way
to the top the ramp. She jogged over to the group. They
were all looking at her with various degrees of
astonishment. “How the hell did you do that?” asked

Mandy hesitated. “I’m not sure,” she said with a shrug.
“I guess all that martial arts training I had when I was
little came back to me.” They watched as Roy waddled
back to his car, his legs bowed wide apart. They waited
until the bad guys were safely away and then made their
own exit.

Back on campus the group sat at a burger joint munching
on their sandwiches. Mandy had practically inhaled her
own meal and now she was stealing fries from everyone
else. “I’m starved,” she mumbled around a mouth full of
golden fried potato.”

“I guess beating the crap out of bullies gives you an
appetite,” giggled April.

Mandy could only make a face at her by way of reply. She
continued to wolf down more food.

Steve reached into a rear pocket of his jeans and pulled
out his wallet. He reached inside and pulled out four
pieces of thick paper. “Our coach gave us tickets to the
game for our families,” he said. “My folks have a
wedding to attend, so they can’t make it. I haven’t
asked anyone else. They’re great seats, if you guys want
to use them. Sorry, I don’t have five of them.”

April plucked the tickets from Steve’s fingers. “Josh
and Susan have their own little group to sit with,” she
said. “But the rest of us would love some good seats.”


Mandy felt someone pushing on her shoulder. “Get up
Mandy,” she heard April say. Mandy opened her eyes, and
then immediately squeezed them shut again. There was
bright sunshine filling the room.

“What time is it?” she mumbled.

“Almost eleven,” said April. “You need to get moving if
we’re going to shower and eat before the game.”

“OK,” said Mandy. She threw her legs over the side of
her bed and sat up. She took a deep breath as she
stretched out her arms. After a solid ten hours of sleep
she felt great. She followed April into the bathroom
they shared with the girls from three other rooms. But
this morning they had the showers to themselves. The
other girls had already done their thing.

As Mandy brushed her teeth at one of the sinks, she
watched in the mirror as April undressed for her shower.
She was never one for modesty. April had a great little
body. She was almost six inches shorter than Mandy, but
she had full, perky boobs and a nicely shaped ass. Her
thighs might be carrying some extra weight, but no one
would call them stocky.

April put a hand to the back of her neck and rubbed at
the muscles. “God, my neck hurts this morning,” she
complained. “I must have slept wrong on it or

In her mind’s eye, Mandy saw April, her neck held at an
awkward angle, as she sucked on Steve’s cock the
previous evening. I believe it was the ‘or something’
that hurt your neck, thought Mandy. All that sex last
night had been great. She felt a warm surge in her
pussy. I’m turning into some sort of slut, she thought
as she ran her free hand down the front of her panties.
In fact I could use some hot cock right now, she told
herself. Instead of running out to find some strange guy
who might be roaming the dormitory halls though, Mandy
rinsed the toothpaste from her mouth and disrobed for
her own shower. Relief for her itchy pussy was just a
finger tip and a bit of soap away. She was about to step
into one of the empty stalls when, on impulse, she
pulled back the curtain to April’s shower and stepped

April looked surprised, but not really upset when Mandy
intruded on her shower. Mandy took a bottle of liquid
soap off a shelf and said, “Here, let me see if I can
help your neck.”

She lathered up her hands. The soap had a sweet aroma of
flowers and herbs. She began to massage the muscles in
April’s neck and upper back. “Oh, that’s good,” cooed
April as she let her shoulders sag forward. Mandy’s
thumbs kneaded the knotted muscles in April’s neck until
they loosened and softened.

Mandy’s fingers slipped down April’s back and onto her
ass. She softly squeezed April’s firm bottom. April
didn’t say anything or pull away. In fact, she pushed
her butt cheeks firmly into Mandy’s grip.

Mandy poured the fragrant soap onto her hands once
again. She massaged April’s lower back and then wrapped
her arms around the girl. She pulled April close until
her breasts pillowed on Aprils back. She spread her legs
and hunched her pussy on April’s butt cheek.

Mandy’s hands glided upward and covered April’s breasts.
She slid April’s distended nipples between her fingers
as she gently kneaded the girl’s breasts.

Mandy could feel April’s heart pounding and she could
hear her ragged breathing. She ran her fingers across
April’s tummy and on downward until one of her fingers
slipped into April’s eager pussy. Mandy ground her clit
on April’s hip from behind and pounded the girl’s pussy
from the front. April’s soapy body virtually vibrated
with pleasure and both girls came with gasps and moans.

April leaned against the wall of the shower. She hugged
her arms underneath her breasts as the warm water
cascaded over her face. Her eyes were half closed and a
soft smile was on her lips. She looked satiated and
complete. But Mandy wasn’t through with her. She
squatted and placed April’s leg over her shoulder and
then lifted her face to the girl’s full pussy lips.
Mandy sucked her clit as she flicked her tongue over the
taut nubbin.

April pounded the wall of the shower stall with her
fists. “Oh Mandy, shit girl, that feels so good,” she
moaned. She lost count of her orgasms as Mandy lapped
the juices from her pussy and made her cum again and

The next thing April knew, she was lying on her bed. She
felt something soft and light land on her nude body.
When she opened her eyes, she saw a bra and panties
lying on her stomach. Mandy was across the room,
brushing her hair. “Let’s go, let’s go,” she said. “I’m
starved to death.”

After gulping down their lunch, Mandy and April made it
to the stadium just after the Fuquari had kicked off.
Mandy followed Steve as he jogged off the field. He
removed his helmet as he neared a table on the
sidelines. There must have been fifty paper cups on the
table, all filled with water or perhaps some sort of
sports drink. Steve picked up one of the drinks and
lifted it to his lips. As he drank, Mandy thought that
their eyes met. She raised her hand in front of her
chest and gave him a hesitant, little wave. After all,
he might be looking at some other girl three rows behind
her. But Steve gave her a wave back and a smile before
he returned his attention to the game.

“Where have you guys been,” asked Tommy. He had arranged
to meet April and Mandy at the game. They had good
seats. They were almost in the center of the field,
about a dozen rows up in the stands.

April erupted with one of her patented giggles and said,
“Its Mandy’s fault. First she overslept and then she
wouldn’t get out of the shower.”

In the first quarter of the game, both teams scored
touchdowns. The Cadets scored again in the second
quarter and held the lead at halftime. Mandy almost
choked on the hotdog she was eating when a Fuquari
player took the opening kickoff of the second half all
the way to a touchdown, to tie the game.

After that, the game turned into a defensive struggle.
Steve kicked a field goal and a few minutes later he
kicked another one, barely. Although the kick wasn’t
very far, the ball fluttered through the air and just
cleared the crossbar. Steve came limping off the field
and disappeared under the stands into the dressing room.

In the fourth quarter, the Cadets kept the ball on
offense for several minutes of playing time and scored
another touchdown. Now they were ahead by one point and
after the kickoff, they managed to tackle the Fuquari
receiver inside his own five yard line. The Fuquari had
only a few minutes of game time left to travel the
length of the field and score a touchdown or field goal
to win.

The crowd was yelling encouragement to the Fuquari
offense as they took the field. Mandy was in mid cheer
when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see
the impassive countenance of an older Fuquari gentleman.
He was wearing a shirt with the words ‘Foot Ball Staff’
embroidered above his heart. “Are you Mandy?” he asked
above the roar of the crowd.


“Will you come with me? Steve needs to see you.”

“Steve?” she said, a little confused. “Isn’t he

“He’s in the training room. His knee has really
stiffened up on him.”

Mandy felt confused. “What can I do about it?” she

The old man hesitated, but then he said, “I’m not sure.
He just wanted to see you.” As Mandy stood, the man
stuck out his hand, “My name’s John. I’m the team’s full
time manager.”

“Hi,” said Mandy. John had a thick, meaty hand, but
Mandy’s more slender, longer fingers gave her a good
grip. John’s handshake was firm and then it became
firmer. Mandy squeezed back with what she felt was the
same pressure. His grip became even stronger and Mandy
returned the favor. Just when she was going to ask him
what the hell was going on, his fingers relaxed and they
broke the handshake.

“Nice to meet you, Mandy,” said John as he
subconsciously rubbed his right hand with his left.
“I’ll take you to see Steve now.” He turned and waited
for Mandy to join him.

Mandy told April and Tommy where she was going and then
she followed the older gentleman up the steps and into
the rear area of the stands. They passed the nearly
empty concession stands on the concourse and stopped at
an unmarked door. John took a ring of keys from his
pocket and opened the door. They went down several
flights of stairs until Mandy reckoned that they were
down at ground level. At the bottom of the stairs they
went across a hallway and through another door.

It was obvious that they were in the locker room of the
football team. John gestured to the other side of the
large room where Steve was standing next to a pile of
clothing that was lying on a bench. “There he is,” said
John. “I’ll be over here if you need anything.”

“Thanks, John,” called out Steve. The old man nodded
gravely and then turned and walked away.

“What’s up?” asked Mandy as she neared Steve.

He stared at her for a few seconds and then blurted out,
“You are going to kick the field goal to win the game.”

Now it was Mandy’s turn to stare. “You know, you seemed
pretty sane when I met you yesterday,” she said.

“No, wait,” he said. “It all fits. There’s darn near
every Fuquari in the world in those stands out there.
They’re just dying for a victory. They need a champion
to save the day. And I think that you’re it, or him, or
her, or whatever.”

Mandy shook her head. “You’re not sounding any saner.”

Steve picked up a jersey with his name and number on the
back and tossed it so that the garment draped across her
shoulder and arm. “There’s not much time left, you need
to suit up,” he said, as he gestured to the pile of
clothing and pads on the bench beside Mandy.

She looked at the jersey on her arm and then back to
Steve. “What in the hell could possibly make you think
that I’m some sort of mystical hero?”

“When we were at the rock last night, there was the full
moon and the stuff about the missing hand prints. Then
you beat up two huge guys who were threatening me.”

“They were drunk and I got lucky.”

“And of course there was the sex.”

Mandy suddenly felt uncomfortable. “What about the sex?”

“I called my grandmother this morning,” said Steve. “I
asked her if there was a sexual component to the
champion myth. She told me that it wasn’t something
usually told to the tourists. But that yes, in the oral
histories, supposedly the champion got his powers from
having sex with members of the tribe. Lots of sex.”

Mandy could feel a flush creeping up her face, even the
tips of her ears felt hot. In the last eighteen hours
she had pretty much tripled her life’s sexual
experiences and she hadn’t given it a second thought
until now. She felt a distinct tingle between her legs.
She wondered if she and Steve had time for a quickie.
They weren’t exactly alone though, John was over in a
corner of the room working at something while he watched
the game on a television. Hell, John could join in. He
wasn’t all that old. He was probably good for at least
one good shot of cum. Mandy took a deep breath and
mentally gave herself a good shake. Calm down girl, she
thought, you’re turning into some sort of nympho’.

Steve was still talking. “Last night seemed a little
weird to me,” he said. “But maybe an orgy and good fight
are what you usually do on a Friday night.”

“No, of course not,” she stuttered. “But it just can’t
be. I can’t be anybody’s hero. I certainly don’t know
how to kick a field goal.”

“Look, it may not come to that. We might win or loose
the game without you even having a chance to kick. But
if things come down to it, I sure can’t do it with this
bad knee. The second string kicker is already out with
an injury, and the guy behind him is guaranteed to

“But it’s ridiculous,” moaned Mandy. “I don’t think I
can do it.”

Steve looked at her quizzically and shook his head.
“Then why did you put on the uniform?” he asked.

Mandy looked down. She was wearing the purple and gold
football uniform of the Fighting Fuquaris. Her shoulders
and chest bulged with padding. She had put it on while
they were talking and she hadn’t even noticed.

“Did I do this right?” she asked, gesturing at the

“Every stitch is in the right place,” he said.

The uniform felt right. It felt familiar and
comfortable. She saw herself kicking the ball. She saw
it soaring through the uprights and a referee throwing
up his hands to signal the score to win the game. She
heard the public address announcer calling her name.
Well, that couldn’t be so. “How can I go out there and
pretend to be you?” she asked. “I mean, not everyone on
the team is in on this, are they?”

“The coaches would never go for it, of course,” said
Steve. “But the holder is a good friend of mine. He’s
going to help. And I’ve got this.” He picked up a helmet
and handed it to Mandy. There was a dark visor inside.
“Put this on and no one can see your eyes. Besides,
nobody on a team wants to talk to or even look at their
kicker. They’re afraid they’ll jinx him or break his

Steve proceeded to put on a jacket, a cap and
sunglasses. Plus, he flipped the deep hood of the jacket
over his head. “And no one is going to pay any attention
to one of the bench warmers.”

Mandy started to say something else, but John’s voice
from across the room interrupted her. “There’s the two
minute warning,” he called. “You better get out there.”

“Let’s go,” said Steve. Mandy fell in behind him as he
walked stiffly out of the locker room and down the
hallway that would take them to the rear of the
sidelines. She pulled the helmet over her head and
suddenly they were out in the sunlight with the sounds
of the roaring crowd and the thuds and grunts that very
large men make when they run into one another.

They took a hard left turn and a few steps later stopped
in front of a cage that was about three feet high and
made of a lose netting draped over a metal frame. A
player stood there, nervously tossing a football from
hand to hand.

“This is Aaron,” said Steve. “He’s going to hold the
ball for you.” He plucked the ball from Aaron’s hand.
“All you have to do is line up toward the goal and kick
the hell out of it about here.” He pointed to a place on
the ball below its midline. “Now try it by kicking into
this net.”

Mandy stepped back a pace, and when Aaron had the ball
on the ground with one finger holding it upright, she
stepped forward and swept her foot through the ball. The
kick felt solid to her and the ball slammed into the net
where its momentum was arrested and it fell to the

“Damn, that looked good,” said Steve. “Let’s try a few
more.” Mandy stepped back into position, but before
Aaron could get the ball on the ground once again, she
heard a dozen voices yelling for the kicking team. “OK,”
said Steve, “this is it. Just follow Aaron’s lead and
kick like you just practiced. You’re going to do great.”

Mandy didn’t trust herself to say anything. She kept her
eyes locked on the back of Aaron’s jersey as they
trotted onto the field. Mandy felt numb. She was
cocooned in all this equipment, standing in a
practically empty field, except for twenty-one large men
– half of whom would like to turn her into a greasy spot
on the ground. The crowd in the stands sounded like a
roaring wind spiked with a few intelligible words.

Suddenly Aaron stopped and went down on one knee. He put
a finger on the ground in front him and then looked up
at Mandy expectantly. For a second, she stared at the
spot on the ground, wondering what he was pointing to,
but then she realized that she was supposed to kick the
ball from here. She stepped back and looked down the
field to the goal posts. They didn’t look all that far,
but they seemed much closer together than she would have

Suddenly the ball erupted from the line of tightly clad
men’s buns. Aaron caught it and solidly planted one end
on the ground and then held it upright with a single
finger. Mandy stepped forward and swept the instep of
her foot into the ball.

The kick felt good and firm. The crowd was screaming in
anticipation. She knew the ball would fly far enough, if
only it were on line. Her eyes came up to follow the
flight of the ball, but it wasn’t arcing nicely into the
distance. It was fluttering straight up in the air like
a wounded bird striving for altitude. One of the Cadets
had managed to get a hand on the ball and deflect it.
Her kick had been hard but too low.

A dozen hands reached for the ball as it fell. It was
slapped by one player, bounced off the hands of another,
caromed off a helmet and landed in Mandy’s arms. So much
for fading back into the locker room unnoticed, she
thought as she turned and hauled ass for the sidelines.
She would just run out of bounds, throw the ball over
her shoulder, and not stop sprinting until she was
safely in the locker room. The only thing between her
and that course of action were about thirty Fuquari
coaches and players. They were frantically pointing or
gesturing for her to make a right turn and head toward
the end zone. Were they frigging insane? She was running
for her life here.

Much to her own surprise, she planted her left foot and
cut sharply up the field. Mandy felt something slap her
hard on the thigh. She glanced to her left and saw a
Cadet player tumbling over the ground. Apparently, he
had been about to tackle her when she had cut up the
field. She was hardly in the clear, though. There were
two Cadets angling to cut her off and a mass of players
on her right allowed no room for maneuvering. She slowed
a step. There was no need for her to hit these guys at
full speed.

There was a flash of movement from her right, and then a
Fuquari slammed into one of the Cadets. He jerked
sideways and tripped up the other Cadet player. They all
went down in a tangle of legs and arms. Mandy leapt. She
had to plant a foot on someone’s firm ass, but then she
was off again, accelerating up the field.

Mandy sprinted over the turf. She didn’t think that
anyone was going to catch her from behind at her top
speed, but there was one more Cadet player in her path.
He was crouched, arms out, ready to counter her every
move. Mandy faked to the right and then left and then
finally committed to her right. Unfortunately, the Cadet
was too slow. He was still reacting to Mandy’s first
move, and as a result they ended up on a collision

The Cadet dove for Mandy’s legs just as she stuck out
her arm to ward him off. Her hand hit his helmet and she
instinctively jumped at the same moment. She tucked in
her legs and managed to vault over his outstretched
hands. Hundreds of hours of gymnastics made Mandy aware
of her body’s relationship to the ground. She tried to
get her feet in place, but her momentum was wrong. She
hit the ground and fought to keep her balance. She
stumbled one step and then another. She heard the horn
that sounded the end of the game, and in the same
instant she saw the goal line pass as she took her last
lurching step.

Mandy hit the ground, rolled a couple of times and then
jumped to her feet facing back down the field. The
nearest referee had his arms raised to signal her
touchdown and the crowd roared its approval. The entire
Fuquari team began to sprint in her direction. But being
carried off the field on the players’ shoulders wasn’t
an option for Mandy. She dropped the ball, did an about
face and ran like hell.

Western University didn’t have any end zone stands.
There was only a waist high fence at the end of the
playing field, and Mandy took it in a bound. She
sprinted up a grassy slope passing surprised spectators
who had been watching the game from spread blankets. She
passed through a gate into a parking lot, and then she
took off down the lane between rows of parked cars.

Mandy ducked between two tall SUV’s and stripped off her
uniform. She tossed everything but the jersey over a
fence into some weeds. She turned the jersey inside out
in order to hide Steve’s name and number, and then she
put it back on. Without its shoulder pads the jersey fit
her like a sloppy, but very short, dress.

Mandy took a peek around one of the SUV’s back toward
the gate to the stadium. There were people exiting the
field. A few seemed to be looking around as if they were
searching for the player who had won the game and then
vanished off the field. But no one seemed to be peering
in her direction in particular. Mandy walked back to her
dorm, head down, staggering about in an effort to keep
her feet off anything sharp. She figured that if anyone
paid her any attention, they would think that she was
just some co-ed who had partied too early and too hard.

Mandy entered her dorm room and sighed in relief. She
would take a quick shower and then call April on her
cell phone. They could meet up somewhere and celebrate.
She started to pull the jersey over her head when she
felt a wave of weariness pass through her body. Her bed
was looking really good about then. She decided that a
quick nap was in order. She managed to pull off the
jersey and tossed it into her closet. She practically
collapsed onto her bed and in two seconds she was sound

“Mandy, Mandy are you all right?” she heard April say in
a too loud voice.

With a great deal of effort, Mandy managed to pry open
one eye. She mumbled something and then squinted her eye
against the light in the room. “What time is it?” she
said in a strangled voice.

“It’s noon, you’ve been asleep for almost twenty hours.”

“Twenty hours?” she croaked, a bit startled. “Why didn’t
you wake me up?”

“I tried. You kept telling me to fuck off.”

“No way.”

“Well, there was that one time you told me to eat shit
and die,” said April.

“I’m sorry,” mumbled Mandy. She slid her legs over the
edge of the bed and pushed herself into a sitting
position. “Oh my God,” she groaned. Every molecule in
her body ached. In fact, she felt as if maybe even the
atoms of those molecules were grating against one
another. Whatever powers the Fuquari Rock had blessed
her with were gone. She couldn’t fight off a week old
kitten right now. Through bleary eyes she looked across
the room where there was one of those sports highlights
shows on the television. As she watched, Mandy saw
herself running and dodging down the field to victory
and then disappearing off the field.

“Isn’t it great?” said April. “They show it every half
hour. Now watch this part about Steve.” As they watched,
the show switched to the Fuquari locker room where Steve
was being interviewed.

“Where did I run off to?” he said, echoing the
interviewer’s question. He smiled nervously. “Well I.”
He was cut off as two of his teammates dumped five
gallons of sports-drink and ice over his head. The show
switched back to the broadcasters who laughed and moved
on to another story.

Well, thought Mandy, maybe we got away with it. She
tried to stand up but a wave of dizziness, not to
mention pain forced her back on her bed. Apparently,
Fuquari champions didn’t really break the laws of
physics and biology they just had their consequences

Mandy felt the beg sag as April came up behind her on
her knees. She began to massage the taut muscles in
Mandy’s shoulders. “Where’d you go yesterday?” asked
April. Mandy explained about seeing Steve in the locker
room. “What did he want, another quick fuck before he
went back on the field?”

Mandy’s face flushed red. “No, just some encouragement,”
she lied.

“I mean after Friday night and that stuff we did in the
shower yesterday,” April went on as if she hadn’t heard
Mandy. “It’s been really wild.”

April’s hands had stopped massaging and started
caressing Mandy’s shoulders. In a few seconds her finger
tips were brushing across the cups of Mandy’s bra.

Mandy couldn’t believe that she wasn’t feeling revulsion
at April’s touch, not that she wasn’t feeling confusion.
Mandy took April’s hands in her own. “Look, honey,” she
said. “the last couple of days have kind of caught up
with me. Maybe we shouldn’t.”

April softly kissed the nape of Mandy’s neck and then
whispered in her ear, “I bet a nice hot shower would
make you feel better and then you can just lie on the
bed and let me do all the work.” She got off the bed and
pulled Mandy to her feet.

Mandy allowed herself to be pulled along into the
bathroom. Even through all of her body aches she could
feel a glow beginning to grow in her pussy. Maybe, she
thought, being a champion should have its rewards too.

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