Jason stood there, enjoying the blowjob
By: Date: 2024.05.06. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

Class had already started when they reached the gym, though just the
warmup. The Program rules allowed necessary protective gear, and the
two were allowed a white mesh jockstrap and a sports bra of the same
material, respectively.

Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately, from Kylie’s point of view),
the bra outlined and enhanced her breasts more than anything else, the
slight roughness stimulating her nipples into hardness, and once she
started sweating it went basically transparent.

The fact that running was a no-contact sport helped, and Kylie didn’t
do badly during the actual exercise portion of the class; the
mandatory cool-down stretches at the end had her blushing bright red,
and half the guys in the class walked hunched over as they headed for
the locker room.

Kylie hesitated at the door, looking at the room full of naked guys,
most with blatant erections, and Jason squeezed her shoulder gently. A
couple of guys started towards her, grinning, but stopped when they
saw Jason.

“What the fuck? Dude, you’re supposed to be in the other room.”

Jason shook his head. “Nope, we’re staying together. This room today,
girl’s room tomorrow, and so on.”

One of the guys looked seriously irritated at that, and another said,
“Well, she’s still got to stick to the rules, right?”

“Right,” Jason said.

The guy smiled. “Then she needs to come on in and get in the
shower. The big one.”

Jason squeezed Kylie’s shoulder again. “That’s a reasonable request.”

Kylie nodded unhappily. “Okay.” She walked to the large group shower
and ducked her head as she pulled off the bit of damp mesh. The boys
gathered and watched with varying degrees of anticipation.

“Wait,” one of the seniors, a football player named Steve, called when
she had her arms over her head and the bra at about the level of her
eyes. Kylie froze, closing her eyes.

Steve stepped up, letting his erection brush against her back. He ran
one hand up her side, cupping her breast and rubbing the nipple. His
other hand slid over her hip, teasing just above the sparse black
curls. “Shh… it’s okay, sugar. See, you’re okay. I’m not hurting
you. Relax.”

Kylie trembled violently as Steve’s hand lowered to her waist, pulling
her closer to him, and his other hand moved to finish removing the bra
and lower her arms. “Easy now, you’re okay.” He ran one hand down her
arm to her hand, gently but firmly, and lowered his head to nuzzle her
neck. Kylie stiffened as he guided her hand down towards her hip.

“Easy, easy. I’m not going to hurt you. Just show us how you like to
be touched, okay? That’s all, just show me what you like. Pet that
pretty little pussy just a bit and I’ll let you go shower.”

The other guys crowded closer, wanting a good view. Kylie was shaking,
and it was obvious that Steve was practically holding her up with his
arm around her waist. One guy reached for a breast and Steve glared
him away, unnoticed by Kylie who still had her eyes slightly closed.

Steve kissed her neck, nodding as Jason mouthed ‘Thanks’, and Kylie’s
nipples hardened. “I… I don’t…” she stammered.

He squeezed her reassuringly. “Don’t what, sweetheart? Don’t play with
that pretty pussy? Now that would be a damned shame, what with it
being so sweet that every guy here is dying to touch it, kiss it. You
don’t have to put your fingers inside… any idiot could see you’re a
virgin… just pet it a bit.”

“I don’t know how!”

Jason stepped forward, catching Steve’s eye for permission before
reaching out for Kylie’s hand. “Let me help, Kylie. You know I’m not
going to hurt you, right?” He guided her hand between her legs, moving
it so that she was stroking herself.

Kylie whimpered, and her whole body flushed bright red. Steve kissed
her shoulder. “Good girl! Do what feels good. See how nice that feels?
All soft and slippery? Who could resist playing with that?”

Jason began moving her hand in little circles, and she shuddered,
giving a small moan. “No!” she said when he lifted her other hand up,
clutching it to her chest.

“Easy, easy, Kylie. It’s okay. You know I won’t let you get hurt.” She
didn’t let go, and he kept her fingers moving. She’d gotten the
rhythm, and her hand was starting to move on its own, her hips making
little circles that had the boy holding her sweating and breathing
hard. Jason looked at Steve and mouthed, “Please don’t come on her.”

Steve nodded, gritting his teeth, and Jason mouthed, “Thanks.”

Jason gently moved Kylie’s hand across her breast so that her thumb
brushed the nipple, causing her to squeal and twitch her hips, and the
tips of his fingers brushed against her cunt lips, finding them wet
and open. He moved his fingers back up onto her hand so that he wasn’t
touching her directly, and she whimpered, squeezing her thighs tight
around their hands.

He slid her thumb across her nipple again and she gave a little
scream, almost convulsing, hips thrashing as her chest flushed red
with her first orgasm. He squeezed her hand around her breast and she
squealed, bending over, wriggling so violently that she squirmed out
of Steve’s restraining arm and collapsed in Jason’s lap. She lay there
for just a second, eyes still closed, lips half-parted, breathing

“You okay?” Jason asked.

A horrified expression stole over her face as she came back to earth,
and she blushed all the way down her neck to her chest. She opened her
eyes and looked at the locker room full of boys standing around,
staring at her, some of them with recently spent erections still in
hand. She moaned and buried her face in Jason’s chest.

He grinned. “That was _amazing_.”

“Oh god,” Kylie whispered. “I can’t believe I did that.”

“Why not?” Jason asked. “Didn’t you like it?”

“I… I… ohhhhh god,” she said, squirming on his lap. He couldn’t
decide whether the squirming was from arousal or embarrassment.

He leaned down, whispering in her ear. “Look what you did. You turned
all those guys on. You made them come, just from watching you. Think
about how much power you had over them, to be able to do that to

She shivered, hiding her face. “I’m not like that.”

“You still had an amazing amount of power there.”

She froze suddenly, as the tip of his cock pressed into the side of
her thigh. “Um. I need a shower.”

He grinned. “Well, we’re in one, so…”

Kylie scrambled somewhat panickedly to her feet, reaching for the
nearest taps, and concentrated on getting clean, mostly ignoring the
pats to her wet anatomy as the boys filed in and out of the shower.

Jason split his attention between cleaning up and watching Kylie, but
he did notice one of the openly bisexual boys watching him
appreciatively. “Hey — I’m straight, but if you want to do something
I’m not gonna freak. I mean, guys just don’t really do anything for
me, is all.”

Mike laughed. “Well, that’s a shame. I certainly wouldn’t mind helping
you out with _that_.” He motioned towards Jason’s erect penis.

Jason looked thoughtful. “Well, I guess you could try, if you
wanted. I just don’t think it’d do much for me.”

Mike smiled. “Always enjoyed a challenge.” He walked over, kneeling in
the floor in front of Jason and looked at his cock appreciatively. He
reached for Jason, a bit hesitantly, making sure he was okay with it,
and began to gently stroke his cock. His hands felt different from a
girl’s, harder and stronger, but still quite gentle. Looking up to
Jason to check his reaction, he leaned forward and licked the head of
his dick.

“That feels good,” Jason said.

Mike pulled back and grinned. “It’s supposed to,” he laughed, then
returned to the business at hand, slipping his lips around the head of
Jason’s cock and sucking gently.

Jason stood there, enjoying the blowjob, and glanced over at Kylie to
make sure she was okay. She seemed to be at the moment; one boy was
behind her and had persuaded her to let him braid her hair. Steve was
sitting on the bench beside her, fully dressed, and gently stroked her
thigh as he talked to her quietly. She was blushing, of course, but
didn’t look nearly as frightened as she had before.

Mike picked up the pace, sliding further onto Jason’s cock until the
head brushed the back of his throat, then swallowed, letting it
actually slip into his throat.

“Fuck!” Jason said, eyes wide. “You’re good. Wish you’d given some of
the girls I dated tips…”

Mike seemed to purr, the vibration surrounding Jason’s cock, and his
free hand came up to gently play with his balls. Jason stiffened and
came, and Mike swallowed, holding his cock down his throat until he
was completely through coming before pulling off. He grinned. “And
_that_ is why I get so many dates with straight girls… half of them
just want to know how to give a good blowjob.”

“Fuck,” Jason said, panting. “Dude, if I wasn’t straight I’d want your
phone number. Actually, hell, I _do_ want it — as long as you don’t
mind me giving it to the girls I date.” He grinned.

Mike laughed. “I don’t mind. After I demonstrate _that_, they always
just _have_ to see two things. A) Am I as good at licking pussy, and
B) Can they manage to suck cock as well as I can. I am a lucky guy.”

Jason grinned. “Heh. Yeah, I can see that.”

Kyle was blushing brightly, but then, she’d never really stopped. She
looked at him a bit curiously as he got his stuff together, but didn’t
ask any questions.

Jason glanced at her as they walked to their next class. “Hey… was
that your first time?”

She glanced back at him quickly, then looked away, nodding.

“Huh. Well, it was really neat getting to give it to you.” He opened
his mouth as if to say something, but visibly changed his
mind. “So… was there something you wanted to ask me, back there?”

Kylie blushed furiously. “Um. No. I guess. Just, I thought, you know,
that you were straight.”

“Huh? Oh, I am.”

“Oh,” Kylie said.

“Why?” Jason asked.

She shrugged, embarrassed.

“No, really… why?” Jason asked.

“Well, you seemed to enjoy that,” she said.

“Oh, yeah. I mean, _damn_, but he’s _good_ at that. But… well, I’m
not even a little bit attracted to him. I mean, I guess maybe he’s a
decent looking guy, but he doesn’t turn me on like a good looking girl
does. I could look at him naked all day and not get a hard on; I look
at you naked, even for a little bit, and I do.”

Kyle ducked her head, blushing furiously, hand moving up automatically
to pull hair in front of her face but finding it secured neatly back
in a braid instead.

Jason grinned. “That’s a _compliment_, Kylie.”

“Not always,” she mumbled.

“Well, it is from me, trust me.”

Kylie smiled quickly. “Thanks.”

The two of them ducked into the classroom, and Jason’s father looked up
and smiled. “Well, if it isn’t my little nudist.”

A girl in the back snickered and mumbled, “Little?” to general

“You’re welcome to find out,” Jason said, grinning at her.

His dad shook his head. “Yup. One shy, modest son I’ve got
there. Sit. Preferably where I can see _her_ and not your hairy
carcass. You, I’ve seen. _She’s_ pretty.”

Jason grinned. “Isn’t she, though?” He set her books on a desk, then
took the one next to it.

Kylie sat down in the desk and gratefully focused on her books. Jason
noticed that the instant his father referred to her, her entire aspect
changed. She’d been fine in the hall; embarrassed, shy, blushing, but
_not_ scared, and now she was as terrified as she’d been that morning.

She was very quiet in class, even moreso than normal, as if she were
trying to avoid drawing attention at all costs, and when the bell
rang, she scooped up her books and practically ran out of the room,
despite the fact that it meant going out into the groping in the

Jason cast his father a worried glance and followed her.

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