Mom Vibs and Dildos
By: Date: 2024.01.30. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , , , ,

I never gave my mother’s sex life a lot of thought until I
found her dildo. All right, I shouldn’t have been snooping, and
honestly, I wasn’t. It just happened that I was going to a party
the next night, and I really wanted to borrow a blouse of hers.
I mean, the main reason I bought it for her in the first place was
so that I could borrow it!

So there I was, rummaging in her dresser. I knew she’d never
worn the blouse, and it had to be in one of the drawers. But where
the hell was it? I was on my knees, hand deep in the bottom drawer,
when I made my discovery.

I knew what it was the moment I felt it. but I didn’t believe
it until it was in my hand, in the light.

Of course I’d seen dildos before. In fact, I had a couple of my
own that I was sure Mom knew absolutely nothing about (She’s not the
kind of person who snoops in other people’s drawers. And I keep mine
in a shoe box, in the wardrobe, just in case).But still it was a
shock, finding her dildo.

Some people classify vibrators as dildos. This one was a
goddamned dildo! It was about eight inches long, thick in proportion,
and the soft, rubbery material was shaped exactly like a real live
cock. Even the color was true to life, and there were bulging blue
viens that lent a realistic apperance and texture. It wasn’t quite as
hard as a man’s stiff dick, but it sure as hell looked just like one.

“Jesus,” I murmured under my breath. But on second thought, I
realized I shouldn’t be too surprised. After all, my dad had been gone
for almost four years. Mom hadn’t dated since his death. And she was
still a rather young woman. She had me when she was just eighteen, and
she’s not even forty yet. Besides, they say a woman’s sexual prime is
in her thirties. (Personally, if it gets better than it is right now,
for me, I can hardly wait till I’m that old!)

I knelt on the floor, holding Mom’s dildo in my hand. What did
she do with this thing? Was is some toy left over from when Dad was
alive? God, I couldn’t imagine my parents playing sex games that
involved toys like this one! Sure, they were very much in love, and I
used to hear them making out late at night, when they thought I was
asleep, but it was always the standard kind of stuff that guys and girls
do together.

I sniffed at the dildo, and my eyes got big. This wasn’t some old
leftover. This baby was in current use! It absolutely reeked of pussy
juice! I sniffed again, and the funky aroma of cunt made my nostrils
twitch and my head swim. Five would get you ten that my mom had this
thing inside her snatch within the last day or two — maybe even last
night or this morning!

I stood up, still holding Mom’s dildo. I rubbed it across the ends
of my tits, and I found the nipples were already hard inside my shirt
and bra. Undoing my buttons, I began to to tickle my cleavage with the
knobby point of the fake prick. Mmmm, it felt just like the real thing,
only not as warm! I fell back onto my mother’s bed.

After that, there was no stopping me. I had both tits out now, and
the nipples were pink and pointy with exictation. I lifted my skirt and
used the dildo between my legs, rubbing it across the taut, hair-stuffed
crotch of my panties. I could hear the pussy hairs crackle as I brushed
the dildo back and forth, and my juices began to leak and ooze out.

Bringing the dildo to my lips, I kissed it, and wow! I could taste
the fragrant muskiness of my mom’s pussy juice all over the thing!

I pulled down my panties and took my cunt in hand, squeezing it
till I couldn’t help moaning. The hairs were damp and matted, my slice
itchy and hot. M clit was the size of a peanut, and I stroked it
feverishly with the big mushroom, helmet-sized head of the dildo.

Opening my cunt, I eased the tip of Mom’s dildo into the mouth of
my hole. It was big entering me — as big as any cock I had ever
fucked. I sucked in my breath and strained, urging my cunt to expand
and swallow up the penetrating instrument.

I fucked myself like a pig with Mom’s toy, trying to imagine her
doing the same thing. The problem wasn’t that I could not imagine it,
but I could — in vivid, tit-hardening detail.

As the big blunt snout of the dildo plunged into my pussy, and I
rocked and strained on her bed, thrusting myself up to swallow its
length again and again, I was sure I knew exactly how my mom felt when
she did the same thing to herself. It made me come like a bitch on

When I was done, I put the dildo back where I had found it. But
now it was coated with the misty sheen of my pussy juices, as well as
my mother’s. And I couldn’t stop thinking about it. As we sat at
dinner that night, I kept looking at Mom, imagining her as she
ravished her wetcunt with the secret lover I had found in her dresser.

My mother is a very attractive woman. In fact, I envy her,
because I’m not particularly pretty. But she’s also rather shy, and I
could understand why she was using the dildo to take care of her
sexual needs. Basically, it’s the same reason I use one.

Like I said, I’m not particularly pretty. I’ve made it with a few
guys, but not that many. They’re more interested in the cuter girls
than they are in me. But even plain girls can get horny, and you better
believe it! And a dildo never minds if you’re a few pounds overweight.

We watched TV for a while that evening. I was looking at Mom
with a new appreciation, and I could see that her attention wasn’t on
the tube. Five would get you ten that she was definitely thinking
about something else — something big and sweet that was hidden away
in the bottom drawer of her dresser. She excused herself about nine-
thirty and went upstairs. I sat on the couch, breathless, imagining
exactly what she must be doing. I drew my legs up until the backs of
my thighs were pressed against my pussy, and I rocked in excitement,
arousing myself with the new secret fantasies.

I left the TV playing — kinda loud, so she’d be less likely to
hear me creeping up the steps. My feet were bare, and I was on
tiptoes, my ears perked for the slightest, most telltale sounds.

And did I hear them? Yes, I did. Soft, purring murmurs coming
through the air, emanating from my mother’s bedroom. She obviously
thought I was still downstairs watching TV, and she was a little
louder than she might have been had she known there was a snooper in
the hall.

I pressed my ear against the door and listened, my cunt bubbling
between my legs. The crotch of my jeans was already damp, and my
panties dripped a warm, oozing wetness. I squirmed, pressuring my
legs against my pussy, making that fabulous sensation last. My
nipples scraped against the door itself. They were already hard
pushing out my bra and shirt as plainly as if I’d not been wearing
anything underneath. I stroked the pointy tips, squeezing them until
a little whimper escaped my lips.

Inside the bedroom, Mom was gasping, and I could hear the springs
of her bed rocking slightly. Oh, I knew what she was doing then —
the same goddamned thing I’d done to myself, on her bed, earlier
today! She had that big, fat dildo shoved up her cunt, and she was
fucking the shit out of herself with it! My own pussy throbbed in
remembrance, and I just got wetter and wetter as if I were pissing
down my legs.

Her soft cries reached a new intensity. I could almost hear the
squishing noises as the dildo worked in and out of her hot hole. The
bedsprings made a louder sound. She had to be pumping faster — the
way I’d pumped myself when the delight grew too much to bear.

“Mom?” I called, tapping at the door. “Are you okay?” I turned
the knob and pushed the door inward.

She made a soft, shrieking sound, and the bedclothing flew as she
tried to cover herself. But she wasn’t fast enough. I could see that
she was naked, and, oh God, I could even see the dildo between her
legs, half-buried inside her cunt. “Kim,” she said, panting hard,
“You startled me…”

She drew the covers up, but they were bunched, and one of her
breasts was visible. I don’t know how long it had been since I’d last
seen my mother’s bare breasts, but I had forgotten how pretty they
were. Not very big, but nicely shaped and capped in perfect circles
of cherry pink. The visible nipple was pebble-hard, quivering just
outside the shielding cover of the bed quilt.

“I heard noises,” I said, entering the room and pushing the door
shut behind me. “I thought maybe you were having a bad dream.”

“No,” Mom replied, squirming a little. Her tit vanished beneath
the shifting fabric of the quilt, and I found myself somewhat
disappointed at that. “I’m all right, honey. Go back to whatever you
were doing.”

“But what were you doing, Mom?” I asked, trying to sound
completely innocent, as I sat down on the edge of her bed. She was
very tense, and from what I had seen in the split second before she
yanked the covers upward, I suppose she had every right to be tense.
I’d be a little uptight, too, if someone had caught me with a dildo
stuffed inside my pussy — especially if I was about to come.

She didn’t answer, and I knew it was time to strike. I touched
her shoulder, then her hair. She has very pretty hair, like cotton
candy. Mine tends to be stringy, even when I wash and set it every
day. Mom looked at me rather strangely as my fingers stroked her
dangling, almost-blond hair.

“I knew what you were doing,” I whispered, taking hold of the
quilt and pulling it downward, very gently but very insistently at the
same time.

Underneath the quilt, she was stark raving naked. Her body was
beautiful, her tits heaving as I bared them. She said, “Kim, please
don’t —” But I wasn’t paying attention to her words. I pulled
the quilt lower, until her crotch came into sight. And yes, there it
was, sticking out of her fur-fringed slit — the dildo with which
she’d just been fucking herself!

She turned away, blushing. “It’s okay, Mom,” I repeated. “I
knew all along…” Slowly, she turned back to face me her eyes big
and bright.

“It must be so hard for you,” I said softly, “without Dad, and
with just that thing to make you feel better. But it can really make
you feel good, can’t it, Mom?” Her eyebrows lifted. I giggled.
“Okay,” I added, “I kinda tried it out myself this afternoon. But I
really wasn’t snooping when I found it. It really was an honest

As I spoke, my hands were already in action. I didn’t will them
to take hold of Mom’s tits; they just did it. Her eyes got big as I
caressed her boobs. Her nipples swelled even bigger, hardening
against my cupping palms. She had smooth, firm tits, and they heaved
inside my hands, the nips growing hotter and more taut. “We’re a lot
alike in some ways,” I told her. “Not that you’d ever guess it, but
I’m kind of frustrated at times, too…”

I leaned closer, my own tits brushing her upper arm. I knew she
could feel my nipples. I was very conscious of them myself. Our
faces moved closer, and suddenly I knew I was going to kiss my mother.

Our mouths merged. Then, our tongues touched speculatively, and
I squeezed at the tits I held in my hands. Mom shivered a little, but
I could also feel an excitement in her, an excitement that matched my
own feelings. The caress of our tongues grew more intimate, and my
fingers were upon her hardened nipples now, while her hands were
suddenly stroking tentatively at my own tits, finding the nipples
there just as hard as her own paps were.

It was insane, but, oh God, it felt soooo good, too! Her drool
slavered into my mouth and I drank it, relishing the heat of her lips
against mine, the friskiness of her dancing, exploratory tongue. We
traded nipple pinches, mine stiffening rapidly while her fingers
teased them, and hers remaining stiff under the caress of my hands.

“You can’t understand,” Mom whispered into my mouth.

“But I can,” I assured her, and my hand moved lower. I grasped
the end of the dildo sticking out of her pussy, and I began to work
it, in and out, pumping gently but insistently. I already knew the
delights that that plastic toy could bring to a horny cunt, and I used
it like a man on her, stimulating my mom until her tongue fluttered
inside my mouth and her lips seized at mine as if they meant to suck
them right off my face.

It wasn’t as if I’d never done it before. My college roommate,
Rosanna, and I sometimes had used our mouths on each other. But we’d
only been experimenting. We had no idea of the power that really
lurked within our female bodies. I kissed my way down Mom’s neck,
onto the rising glories of her tits. The nipples thrust themselves
into my mouth.

I sucked them deliriously, moaning as they fattened even more
against my tongue. My hand was between her legs, still wielding the
dildo, and I could hear the squishy eager response of her cunt as it
sucked the plastic phallus home.

“Christ, Kim,” I heard Mom moan, her snatch opening even further
to receive my adoration, her teats throbbing inside my mouth.

She lay back, then, legs spread wide, her cunt open and
vulnerable. I could smell its funky arousal, and my mouth grazed
southward on her body, nearer and nearer to the off-blond patch of
hair that curtained her pussy. The closer I got, the more heady was
the scent of her snatch.

I yanked the dildo out of Mom, and almost before she had a chance
to whimper, my mouth was on her. I spread her with my fingers and I
dipped my tongue into her split crack, poking as deeply as I could go.
Her tunnel was hot and wet and active. It practically snapped like a
turtle at my tongue.

Her clit was impossible to overlook. It was so big and swollen
with lust. I sucked it until she screamed, and then I lipped and
tongued my way back to the fur-framed crack of her pussy itself,
spearing once more into her sweet-scented depths.

As I licked and lapped at my mother’s pussy, I found myself
inspired, as if divinely. There was not a false note, not a misstep.
Every place my tongue touched her was a hot erogenous zone, and each
lick, each wet caress made her cry aloud with the pleasure she was

I made her come, right there. Her juices wetted my lips, and I
sucked them into my mouth with pleasure. Then I crawled upward,
holding her tightly, our tits pressed together as if they were glued,
and we kissed, Mom tasting the sweetness of her pussy on my mouth.
Her hands were busy on my boobs, and my nipples by then were so hard
and stiff that they ached. I needed something, too, and I looked into
Mom’s blue eyes, trusting that she understood.

She did. “I’ve never done anything like this before,” she said
hoarsely, as she took off my blouse, my bra, my jeans, and my soaked
panties. But her hands felt as if they certainly knew their way
around a female body. She kissed me again, and then her mouth
descended upon my bare, hard-nippled tits. She took the points
between her lips, sucking as if she thought that she could make them
stiffer than they already were. Her hand was between my legs,
frigging the cleft of my cunt. Fingers parted my lips, and one of
them crept inside me.

“This is something I especially enjoy,” Mom whispered. “I bet
you’ll like it too,” she added, her finger slithering in and out of my
cunt. I gasped and arched upward to meet her thrust, and I reached
down to spread my lips wider still, allowing her total access to me.

Then we kissed again. No boy had ever kissed me that way, and
there was wild thrill, knowing that it was my own mother whose tongue
was fucking my mouth, whose fingers were inside my cunt and making the
cream ooze from my slit, on down my quivering thighs.

She kept on frigging me, but her other hand was searching for the
dildo. “So you tried him out, did you?” she said into my mouth. “You
snooped around and found my secret, and then you just had to give it a
ride. You’re a naughty girl, Kimberly, and there’s only one way to
treat a naughty girl like you…”

I shrieked as she jabbed the entire thing into my cunt. She
wasn’t nearly as gentle as I’d been. Her mouth swallowed my tongue,
cutting my shriek off at the root, and she just kept on poking my
pussy, fucking me really hard. If I’d been a virgin, it would have
blown me away. But I wasn’t quite a virgin — and my cunt gaped to
swallow the stabbing dildo whole.

Mom fucked me till I came, and when I did orgasm, it was with a
fury that left me shaking and terrifically rattled. She held me
close, and I sucked once more at the nipples of her tits — the same
nipples from which I’d drawn the first sustenance of life. Her hand
worked between my legs, stimulating my pussy to a renewed excitement,
and I knew then that we were going to do it again — and again!

I never did find the blouse I was looking for in her dresser.
But then, I didn’t make it to that party the next night anyway. The
only fair thing, after what we’d been through, was to introduce Mom to
my own dildo collection. And then she showed me a couple of numbers
that I hadn’t found while snooping in her drawers. We hardly bothered
getting dressed for the rest of the weekend.

All of this happened three years ago. And it’s made our live so
much more enjoyable. I’m still a little plain, and Mom is still very
shy with strange men, but when we get home at night — the two of us
we make up for everything that is lacking in our lives.

I’d guess you could legitimately call me a motherfucker, but I
really don’t care. I have one life to live from nine till five; but
my real life begins when I return home and find my mom waiting for me
with a nine-inch dildo strapped on and a horny gleam in her eyes. It’s
the best I’m ever going to get from life, and I’m more than happy to
“settle” for it!

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