Sir, may I remove the vibrator now?
By: Date: 2023.05.12. Categories: Just Bondage Stories Tags: , , ,

Laura and I sat alone together at a table for four.
We were in sunny Miami at the Gibson Hotel, a large monstrosity of a
building who’s only saving grace was that it was planted squarely on the
>From our table on the patio we could see the sand and the ocean only a
hundred feet away, and further down the shoreline was a large mooring with
over a dozen yachts tied to it.
We sipped our drinks and watched the other hotel guests getting served by
hurried waiters and watched nervously as people came and went. We hardly
said a word to each other, although I would swear that her thoughts were as
filled as mine. We had spoken enough about what we were going to be doing
here over the past months and now that the moment was almost here there
seemed nothing more to say.
All we could do was wait.
As we waited I couldn’t help glancing at Laura, she was very beautiful, at
least to me. She sat sipping at her water watching the entrance to the
restaurant intently. Her bright eyes wide and focused, her posture betraying
her nervousness. She was dressed in the required red bikini, a thin wrap
tied about her waist almost her only other covering. At home she would have
been indecently underdressed but here next to the ocean she was just right.
The bikini was a little small, her breasts filling the cups to almost over
flowing. I had picked it out myself and was glad to see I had judged the
size just right. When I had given it to her to put on in our hotel room
Laura looked at me as if I was mad, especially since I had removed the
lining. But she put it on for me and quickly got used to the way it looked
and felt, just like I knew she would.
She had been quite nervous as we came down here to the restaurant, but this
mild form of exhibitionism was nothing new to either of us and I knew she
would be okay.
Now she barely seemed to notice how well her nipples were outlined in the
material of her top.
I let my eyes drift up her chest to her neck to the only other thing she
wore. A silver choker necklace. It looked great against her skin, molding
the shape of her throat. It was connected in back with a small padlock,
hidden under her hair. It was padlocked because I wanted it that way, for
Laura was not only my wife and my soul mate, but also my very willing slave.
It was a love of bondage that had drawn us together a couple of years
before. A mutual hobby that had allowed us to explore each other as people
in ways no normal relationship could do. We had grown to love each other and
after a year she had consented to be my wife. Our marriage allowed us the
luxury of continuing our exploration of our hobby and develop it into the
meaningful power exchange that now existed.
Ours was still a relationship in progress though, especially concerning
BDSM. We BOTH had limits as to what we would do and how far we would take
things. But our careful stroll through the pleasures of submission and
domination had allowed us to test those limits comfortably and even take
down a few.
Yes, over the time we had known each other we had found that we had many
things in common indeed and we were always looking to see what else was on
our mutual horizon.
We had many years ahead of us to test our limits.
In fact, we were testing one now, for it was BDSM among other things that
made us fly a thousand miles to Miami to sit at this very table today.
Not long before we married we began chatting with this friendly couple who
also shared our kink. We began to slowly share our lives with each other,
first in a series of tales of our escapades, and then in more serious
discussions about the nature of what we were doing itself.
This couple, Ben and Amy, had been at it for a few more years than we had
and I had come to see them as a possible future example of what Laura and I
might become.
Ben had been a great help to me and had helped many times with problems and
doubts I had whenever Laura and I approached a limit that needed exploring.
Amy and Laura had also grown to be fast friends as they shared their unique
lives with each other in ways they couldn’t with us men.
Yes, we owed a lot to Ben and Amy, and it was for them that we now waited.
Why was this a limit being pushed?
Well, this would be our first actual meeting with Ben and Amy, for all of
our correspondence had occurred online, using Email and various chat
programs. We hadn’t even seen each others faces, for we had both agreed
never to send pictures of each other over the Internet.
I had to admit that in the back of my mind I was still afraid of the old
Internet urban tale of the scrawny teenager faking his identity online just
to have some fun, but I wasn’t taking it seriously. No one could have faked
the help and the emotion of this relationship for over a year.
I was confident that Ben and Amy were real.
I smiled at the thought that they might think the same of us. Well, we’d
soon know.
Laura stiffened and I looked over at the gate she was watching.
A couple had just entered. The man was in tan shorts and a flowered Hawaiian
shirt. He was tall, and looked as strong as a bull. The woman looked tiny
next to him, slender with well muscled dancer’s legs. She was dressed in a
red bikini and wrap, a gold choker about her neck. The bikini was the clue
we were looking for, it was how we were to recognize each other. When we
told the women this earlier they were both amused that they would have to be
almost naked for us to get together.
The couple stood next to the gate and it was the woman who spotted us first.
She smiled and tugged at her mate who quickly spotted us himself.
I smiled and looked over at Laura who was grinning from ear to ear. I could
see that she had already relaxed and to be honest so had I. As the couple
came over we both stood up.
“Ben?” I asked the big man.
“Good to meet you at last, Don.” Ben said, extending his hand. I took it
and we shook, that first physical touch confirming the deep friendship we
had developed on our computer screens.
“It is indeed.” I replied, almost laughing with released tension.
Ben did laugh and he slapped my shoulder.
I looked over at the women.
Laura had padded over to stand at my left elbow, while Amy had done the same
to Ben’s right. Both women smiled at each other but made no move to talk or
to break their position.
This had been asked of them during our negotiations over this meeting. They
were not to break their training even for this momentous occasion.
Ben and I both had the same thought, and we nodded at our charges. With a
laugh Laura and Amy embraced and we listened as the women greeted each other
warmly, finally able to do so in person.
Right then I knew this trip to be worth it.

We spent an hour in somewhat careful conversation, circling verbally the
topics we had discussed so candidly on our computer screens. We were friends
yet strangers at the same time, and it was an odd feeling.
But we all began to relax as time went on and eventually conversation
drifted into familiar territory without any of the hesitancy we suffered at
the beginning.
As we talked I found my eyes drawn to Amy, curious as to how she matched up
to the mental picture I had carried with me since we first started talking
She and Laura were of the same height, although Amy was slighter in build,
not quite filling her bikini as much as Laura did. She was also dark while
Laura was blond, and her hair was bobbed quite short unlike Laura’s
expansive mane.
I glanced at Ben and watched as he let his eyes drift over my wife’s form.
I had to admit to a small nagging feeling in my gut but it was very little
Ben had every right to look at Laura as I had every right to look at Amy.
After all, we were both lovers of the female form and to have such beauties
sitting with us and NOT look at them would be ridiculous.
Drinks finished someone suggested a walk on the beach, so up we got.
As we descended the stairs to the sand I asked Laura for her wrap. She
glanced at me with nervous eyes for a second and then took it off, handing
it to me with a smile.
Ben had done the same with Amy and we let the two women stroll ahead of us a
little ways. As they walked I kept my eyes on their well muscled butts.
Laura’s was practically bare in the thong I had gotten her, while Amy’s was
covered by such a thin layer of material that it might well have been
painted red instead of clothed.
“Laura is a beautiful woman.” Ben said to me once the women had walked out
of range.
“I know. I feel very lucky.” I replied. “I have to say the same about Amy,
she’s gorgeous.”
Ben chuckled. “That she is.”
“No wonder we have to keep them chained up!” I laughed. “I wouldn’t want to
let either of them get away.”
Ben smiled. “I’m glad you guys made it. Amy and I were worried you might
I nodded, understanding his thoughts and fears.
“Are you ready for the rest of the trip?” Ben asked.
“Yes, we are. It’s good of you to take us with you.”
“Hey, we go every year anyway and this time it will be a lot more fun with
company. Especially since with you guys we wont have to do anything
different or hide anything.”
I smiled. “Well, thanks all the same. Laura and I would never have been
able to afford doing this by ourselves.”
“My pleasure.”
“So, where are we going?” I asked him.
Ben turned and pointed out at the ocean. “Paradise!”

We had dinner together at one of Miami’s elegant five star restaurants. The
women were stunning in silk evening gowns that threatened to reveal more
than they covered. Laura wore her hair up exposing her graceful neck and
the lock on the back of her collar. She got plenty of looks for that and
the fact that she walked rather slowly into the restaurant. She couldn’t
help it, under her dress her thighs were connected together with a three
inch chain which reduced her stride somewhat. I felt that now we knew where
we stood with Ben and Amy there was no reason for us not to resume our
normal habits. It was quite normal for us to go out in public with Laura
being in some form of hidden bondage. We both enjoyed it a lot.
Consequently we were late getting to our table and our friends were already
there. Ben stood up while Amy smiled from her seat. Ben waited patiently
while Laura negotiated the final few feet and then we all sat down.
Ben gave me a wink, he had guessed what had kept us.
The choice of the restaurant had been Ben’s. Unlike Laura and myself, Ben
and Amy were what you might call filthy rich and they had insisted on paying
our way for this trip.
We didn’t mind one bit.
We chatted about normal mundane things while we waited for our food, but I
saw that Amy seemed a little distracted. She had her fork in one hand and
would tap it on the table gently as we talked. I raised an eyebrow at Ben
and he grinned.
“Here.” he said, passing an object across to me. “You play with it for a
It was a small plastic box with a slider on it. Guessing what it was I
looked straight at Amy and pushed the slider up. She groaned and tried to
keep a straight face.
Laura laughed and Amy gave her a guilty look.
“Nice.” I said, pulling the slider back and giving Amy some relief.
“I brought along another one if you care to join me.” Ben said with a grin.
Laura’s eyes opened wide, that cinched it for me. “That would be great. I’m
sure Laura would love it as well.”
Now it was Amy’s turn to giggle.
“Sir, I can’t with my legs locked together.” Laura whispered to me.
“I’m sure you’ll find a way.” I said smiling.
Laura rolled her eyes as Ben passed her a small cardboard box. Laura took
it and looked about the crowded restaurant.
“Do I have to do it here?” she asked me.
“I think the ladies room will be fine.” I said.
Laura looked relieved and got up. I watched as she made her slow way
across the room.
“Would you like to trade remotes?” Ben asked me.
I was about to say yes, then got an idea. “Amy, why don’t you go see if
Laura needs any help.” I asked.
Amy glanced at Ben who nodded. She got up and hurried after my wife. As Amy
walked away I saw that under her dress she had to have been wearing a very
tight corset.
I waited until she was gone before speaking. “Say Ben. I think we should
hang on to the remotes we have, but not tell the ladies. Lets keep them
guessing as to who is playing with them.”
Ben chuckled. “I always liked the way you make confusion and uncertainty a
part of your games. Sure, let’s do that.”
I laughed. “A toast to an interesting evening.” We raised our glasses and
“Should we let them cum at all?” he asked.
“What do you think?”
Ben smiled. “Watch Amy’s face, when she closes her eyes that means she’s
getting really close, and you know when to back off.”
I couldn’t help chuckling. “With Laura it’s when she starts to pant. If she
breaths with her mouth open you had better back way off!”
We both laughed and were still grinning when the women came back.
“I think we’re in trouble, Laura.” Amy said, watching us closely.
“Yeah, I know that look.” Laura agreed, sticking her tongue out at me. She
suddenly jumped as the vibrator she had recently put in herself must have
I held her eyes for a moment and then looked away.
As dinner progressed I kept the remote hidden in a pocket, changing the
setting up or down as I saw fit. Amy proved to be a wonderfully responsive
woman and quite often her eyes started to close as she tuned out the
conversation to tune in something else. I could sense the frustration
whenever I pulled the slider down, a frustration that had her almost in
tears at one point.
Laura also looked like she was running a sexual marathon. Her beautiful hair
was coming unraveled, as was her demeanor.
She was breathing very deeply and when desert came she just pushed it around
her plate.
I would trade smiles with Ben every so often as we talked, the two of us
enjoying the torment we were putting our women through.
When Ben suggested dancing after dinner he got murderous looks from both
women but I agreed. So off we went to the dance floor and I got to dance
with my partner for life while she dealt with the invader in her loins.
“Donald, this is driving me nuts.” she whispered in my ear.
“I know, sweetheart. I’ve been watching you.” I answered in kind.
“Couldn’t you please turn it down a little, Sir?” she asked.
“Are you sure you should be talking to me?”
She pulled back and stared at me for a moment and I saw that only now did
she realize that I might not be the one at the controls of her vibrator. She
glanced over at Ben who was slow dancing with Amy. “You cant be serious.”
she said.
“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not.” I said with smile.
Laura got a worried look on her face. “I hate it when you do this.” she
I pulled her close to me. “No…you don’t.”
Laura sighed in my arms. “No…I don’t.”
After a couple more songs Ben and I switched partners.
Amy was indeed the same height as Laura, but holding her was like holding a
delicate flower, I was afraid I would break her.
“Having a good time?” I asked her.
“Do you still have my remote…Sir?” Amy asked, the lids of her eyes half
“Maybe.” I said smiling.
“Grrrr.” she said with a chuckle. We danced slowly and I could feel her
breathing, short quick breaths. I knew Amy was very into corsets but since
that was one kink Laura and I didn’t share this was my first real encounter
with someone who wore one.
“You okay?” I asked her.
Amy nodded. “Yeah, except that I’m sure I’m leaving a wet spot on the back
of my dress!”
She wasn’t, neither was Laura, I had checked. If they had I’m sure Ben and I
would have spirited them away.
We danced a little more and then decided it was time to go.
“An early start in the morning.” Ben had told us earlier.
Ben and Amy saw us to our hotel, and in front of the women we exchanged
remotes, making them both groan.
“We’ll see you at the boat in the morning.” Ben said. “Are you sure you can
find it?”
“We’ll be fine.” I said to him. We shook hands and they went on their way
in the cab we had hired.
I escorted my wife up to our room.
As soon as we were in our room Laura began to undress. A standard rule with
us was for her to be nude when ever possible. We were both nudity nuts and
went around without clothes whenever we could.
I undressed slowly while watching my wife strip as quickly as she could. I
didn’t care for slow sensuous strip teases, much preferring the havoc of
clothes flying everywhere in the effort to get down to skin.
Very quickly all that was left was the collar about her neck, the linked
cuffs holding her thighs together and the vibrator in her sex.
“Sir, may I remove the vibrator now?” she asked me. Her instructions to
strip never included any restraints or toys.
“Wouldn’t you like to cum first?” I asked her.
Laura grinned and I pushed the slider all the way up on the remote.
Laura sank to her knees and rocked back and forth, head down. I knew she
wanted to reach between her legs or rub her nipples, but I didn’t allow her
to do that. I went over to our toy bag and got her sleeping cuffs, locking
the soft leather cuffs on her wrists as she rocked slowly to orgasm.
Laura is somewhat vocal as she cums and this time was no different. Her
breaths come out in an almost a sing song quality and I love to hear her.
By the time she was done she had her hands cuffed behind her.
“Wild!” she said with a tired grin.
I laughed and had her stand. I reached for the vibrator and pulled it out.
It was penis shaped with a clit stimulator coming out of one end. I liked it
and put it in the bathroom sink to be washed. Then I unlocked the link
between her thigh cuffs and Laura headed for the bathroom.
Laura was back by the time I finished undressing and at my bidding she was
soon in bed where I eventually joined her.
We made slow passionate love, with me eventually entering her from behind
while Laura sang her breathless song of love.

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