Patty and Kristen and step-sister
By: Date: 2024.08.31. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , , ,

“Oy um a fock’n butch!”

Kristen looked at Patty and me, wide eyed. “So that’s
what I looked like!”

We were in Kristen’s “play room” over the garage. Patty
was mostly naked, and was holding my penis in my mouth while
trying to say “I’m a fucking bitch.”

For some reason, Patty kept on fantasizing on my
humiliation of Kristen, and liked reenacting it, especially
since she was doing it of her own free will, unlike when
Kristen had been forced into doing it. Today, she was
wearing a flimsy dress, and so, instead of being just topless
as Kristen had been, she had stripped down to her panties.
But the effect (to me, at least!) was mostly the same.

I admit that I felt a bit uncomfortable doing this in
front of Kristen, though. I mean, with Patty, we all knew
she was just play acting. But Kristen had been forced into
that degrading situation when I had done it with her.

“Can I try?” Kristen asked.

If doing this in front of Kristen felt uncomfortable, I
must admit that doing it WITH Kristen would be near
impossible. I doubted that I would be able to retain an
erection with the constant memory about how I almost ruined
Kristen’s life.

I looked at Patty, who had gotten up from her knees and
was smiling, as if she had expected Kristen’s request.

This was totally weird. I said, “I thought that this
would be the last thing you’d ever want to do. I mean, isn’t
this a bad memory?”

“Yes… but…” Kristen let her thought hang.

Patty interrupted. “Jim? I know you don’t think it’s a
good idea, but I don’t think you should be worried.”

“Hmmm?” I asked.

The red head looked at Kristen, as if to ask permission,
and my blonde Goddess nodded her head. “I think it means
something else now.”

I think that I have mentioned before that I wasn’t the
most sophisticated person in the world when it came to female
matters, and this was a good example. I mean, why would a
girl want to reenact something that must have been a horrible
experience for her? Patty, for her part, had never indicated
any desire to reenact the rape that seemed to have been the
source of a lot of problems over the last year and a half of
her life.

Patty tried to continue but apparently couldn’t find the

Kristen finally said, haltingly, “It was… I guess…
humiliating… I agree. But it was also… the first time…
I ever… you know… with you…”

I shook my head. What Kristen was trying to say seemed
like convoluted logic to me. I don’t think I’ll ever fully
understand females to my dying day.

Anyway, when faced with this decision, I ended up doing
what any red-blooded American teenage heterosexual boy would
do when faced with the opportunity to have one of the
prettiest girls in the world offer to take his phallus into
her mouth. “I guess so,” I finally said.

Kristen pulled off her dress, and she was completely
nude; she hadn’t put on any underclothes after she had
dressed on our way out of the pool. She took my flaccid
penis into her mouth, and started sucking. “Ummm um
fummmummm bimm,” she moaned.

Patty started giggling and I looked at Patty in confusion.

Still giggling, Patty said, “That’s changed! Kristen’s
now forced to suck! She can’t just keep it in her mouth!”
Patty was, of course, referring to the fact that as part of
Kristen’s humiliation, I had made Kristen simply love the
taste of my penis and my sperm… something that Kristen had
specifically requested that I don’t change back, at least yet.

“Fumm yuuumm, tooom!” Kristen growled, continuing to
suck, glaring at the red headed Patty. She flipped Patty the

I giggled at Kristen’s reaction, and my dick suddenly
started to get harder.

“Ummm um fummmummm bimm,” Kristen repeated, continuing
her play acting. The vibrations of her mouth combined with
her sucking, which had gotten stronger as I got more erect,
soon had me thrusting my crotch in an out of Kristen’s warm

Soon, Kristen was pulling my hips back and forth, holding
me by my ass cheeks.

I was savoring the sensations I felt from Kristen, and
Patty smiled at me. I pursed my lips at her, asking for a
kiss, but Patty demurred.

Suddenly, my body went into shock. Something had invaded
my ass sphincter! And then I realized that Kristen’s right
hand had moved off my ass cheek and her index finger had
invaded where “no man (or woman) had gone before!”

After the initial shock, it felt kind of neat, especially
as the initial shock had pushed the head of my cock past the
entrance of Kristen’s throat.

And then I remembered the length of Kristen’s
professionally manicured nails… one of those was stuck in
my ass?

I think I held my breath for three minutes after the
realization that Kristen’s finger (and her nail!) had been
plunged into my bowels.

So surprised was I about the anal intrusion, that I
hadn’t realized that I was already shooting a load into
Kristen’s eagerly sucking mouth.

My balls blasted into Kristen in an amount that surprised
Kristen, as well as me. She started choking on my semen and
it took a few seconds for me to realize that the spastic
motions her head was making wasn’t for my pleasure but was a
reflection of her distress.

I pulled out of Kristen’s warm mouth, and found that
Patty had realized what was happening, and had come to her
aid as well.

“I’m sorry,” I said, as Kristen continued to cough. “I
didn’t realize…”

“Ssh,” said Patty, quietly.

The two of us were holding Kristen, whose coughing
thankfully started subsiding.

Patty’s palm was rubbing Kristen’s back, and she said, “I
never saw him thrust so deep before. It’s amazing you were
able to swallow it!”

Kristen finally was able to breathe. “I… um… stuck
my finger in his butt…”

“You WHAT?” Patty said, looking at her blonde friend.

“She did,” I said. “It sort of took me by surprise…”

“Oh!” Patty exclaimed. “No wonder…” She let the
thought drop.

I was thoroughly spent. I dropped to the floor and sat
down, my ass only being a bit sore from Kristen’s finger.

Patty continued to hold Kristen, and after a few seconds,
the two girls started to kiss.

I watched the two of them, getting quite excited, but my
dick seemed to be on strike. When the two girls kissed, it
looked so tender and soft… almost like those romantic movie
scenes that I used to hate when I was a kid. But there also
something else, a sort of an undercurrent of eroticism and
the thought that it was “wrong” that made it seem even more
loving and caring.

I was still sitting on the floor, thinking about the two
girls kissing, when I felt the girls approach me on both
sides. “It’s all right,” Kristen whispered to me, and she
moved my face to kiss me. Patty was hugging me as well,
planting tiny kisses on my left cheek even as Kristen and I
were kissing.

We must have kissed for a few minutes, and I realized how
lucky I was to have two beautiful girls loving me, one being
truly in love with me. If this was love, I wanted this to
continue for every day of my wonderful life.

The three of us were sitting on the floor, touching each
other. I played with the girls’ nipples, and the girls
planted tiny kisses on my shoulders, neck, and lips. I
really felt on top of the world.

“Excuse me, Miss Swift.” It was Billy’s voice on the

“Yes, Billy?”

“Miss Williams has returned.”

Kristen shook her head and turned to the two of us. “I
don’t need any of her attitude right now.”

“Can we talk with her from here?” I asked.

Kristen nodded.

“Ask her what she wants.”

Kristen called out, “Billy, can you patch me through to
the speaker at the gate?”

“Sure thing, Miss.” There was a pause. “You’re

“What do you want, Patrice?” Kristen asked.

“Huh?” Patrice sounded surprised to hear Kristen’s voice.

“What do you want now?” Kristen repeated.

“Oh. I just wanted to… to apologize.”

The three of us looked at one another. Patty shrugged.

“Invite her here,” I said. “I have an idea.”

Kristen looked at me, and then at Patty. Patty nodded
her head slightly. “Sure, Jim,” Kristen answered, softly.
“But don’t hurt her.”

I smiled. “I don’t even have my tickets.”

Kristen giggled. “Patrice,” she called out. “Park next
to my car at the garage, and I’ll have Edgar escort you to my
play room.”

“OK,” Patrice said.

“Billy, have Edgar meet her at the garage.”

“Will do, Miss.” There was a click as the speaker was

I figured that Patrice would really freak out if she were
to see the three of us in a mutual kissing session, so I had
the girls lay on their stomachs with their feet away from my
body, and their heads on my lap, effectively hiding anything
personal. The three of us were facing the door, when we
heard Patrice knock on the door.

The girls figured that I should be the one in charge
here, so I said, “Come on in, Patrice.”

The door opened, and Patrice walked in and once again,
froze as she saw the three of us, naked and looking at her

Patrice looked from Kristen, to me, to Patty, and back
again, not knowing what to say.

I cleared my throat. “You came here to apologize?”

“Um… yes.” Patrice sounded very uncertain.


Patrice looked at me, and then turned to Kristen.
Apparently, she refused to be intimidated by a fifteen year
old. “Kristen, I’m sorry for what I said before.”

Kristen didn’t answer, but looked at me. I smiled and
said, “Apology accepted. Is that all?”

“Um…” Patrice sounded like she was extremely
uncomfortable at being the only clothed person in our little

I smiled, and brought my hands out and patted both Patty
and Kristen’s cute asses, causing Patrice’s eyes to grow even
wider. I waited for Patrice to continue, enjoying her

Patrice once again turned to Kristen. “You said that if
I was smart, I’d want to join your group.”

Once again, I answered. “Yes. She did.” My hands moved
from the girls’ asses up along their spines toward their
shoulders, where I started to rub them. Patty wiggled her
ass in appreciation; she always loves back rubs.

Kristen finally spoke. “Patrice, if you want to say
something, tell Jim. He’s our spokesman.”

I loved the look that Patrice had on her face. She had
thought she would just apologize and maybe make up with
Kristen. Why? It was anybody’s guess. But we had presented
her a situation that probably made her think she had stepped
into an episode of the Twilight Zone. In my mind, I could
hear that theme “Nee-Nee Nee-Nee.”

As I had mentioned before, Patrice used to be a close
friend of mine until she started associating with Kristen.
It occurred to me now that I had completely turned the tables
on her; Patrice had been a friend of Kristen’s until Kristen
started associating with me! Talk about getting even!

“Um… Jim?” Patrice said, uncertainly.

“Yes, Patrice?”

“What’s happening here?” Patrice burst out.

“I’m giving my friends back rubs,” I said, stepping up my
rubbing of the girls’ backs. “They’re almost ready for the
other side, but we’ve decided to wait to accommodate your

I could feel Patty giggle quietly as I said that.
Kristen was starting to sigh in reaction to my increased
pressure on the muscles on her back.

“You’re only fifteen!”

Patty’s giggles became audible, and she said, “You don’t
need to be seventeen to learn how to give a good massage,

Patrice glared at Patty, and returned her attention to
me. “Somebody said you were blackmailing the girls, forcing
them to perform all sorts of disgusting acts.”

Kristen said, “Who the hell said that?”

“I don’t know who started that rumor. Maybe Dale. We
were trying to figure out those weird phone calls you made
the other day.”

I made a mental note to try to find out what Kristen had
said to the girls when she was in the throes of a terrible
addiction that I had forced upon her accidentally.

“Dale don’t know shit,” I said.

“Patrice,” Kristen said. “You’re hinting that you want
to join our group. Nobody has any blackmail on you. Why
would you want to join if you thought Jim was doing something
like that?”

“He’s not blackmailing you?” Patrice asked, not
answering Kristen’s question.

“No. Jim and I are in love, actually.”

“Huh?” Patrice definitely didn’t expect that answer.

Patty smiled. “I can tell you that Jim has never
blackmailed me. I actually pursued him. As did Kristen.”

“But why? You don’t even date!” Patrice spat at Patty.

Patty shrugged. “I never found anybody like Jim.
Although I’m not dating Jim.”

“You’re NAKED with him, and you say you’re doing this on
your own free will?”

I broke in. “We’re not asking you to understand it.”

“The three of you are having orgies!”

I sighed. “Patrice, you’re overreacting. We’re three
friends, just having a little fun.”

Kristen added, “Patrice, when was the last time you just
had fun with your friends? That’s what was wrong with our
little group. We gossiped, we thought ourselves better. But
we didn’t really have fun! Until I met Jim and his friends,
I never realized how lonely I was. We actually like one
another. I’m in love with Jim, but I’m not jealous that he’s
also with Patty.”

Patrice let this sink in. “You didn’t have fun with us?”

Kristen sighed. “Did you?”

Patrice held her head down, again not answering Kristen.

It never occurred to me that Patrice was as lonely as she
seemed right then. But if she was lonely, why would she turn
away from the friendships that she had built over her entire
life? There was something more here that I needed to find
out, but this wasn’t the time for that.

“Patrice,” I said, softly. “We used to be friends. I
miss that, actually.”

Patrice looked up. There were tears in her eyes. She
didn’t answer me.

Patty spoke up. “You know, Jim gives really great back
rubs. Why don’t you lay down here on the floor?”

Patrice shook her head. “I… I couldn’t get naked…”

Patty smiled. “You don’t need to be naked to get a back
rub, although it helps to feel skin against skin. Just lay
down, and let us work our magic on you.”

Patrice looked at the three of us, who were all nodding
to her. “No, thanks. But thank you for the offer.” She
blushed a bit.

I shrugged.

“I have a suggestion,” Kristen said. “If it’s all right
with Jim and Patty here…” Kristen looked at the two of us,
and then back to Patrice. “And if Wendy and Camille don’t
mind, we’ll invite you into our group. But aside from that,
the three of us would be happy to be your friends, group or
no group.”

Patty and I nodded our agreement.

“But…” Patrice said, and paused.

“But what?” Kristen asked.

“Do I have to… you know… participate in these…

The three of us laughed. “We don’t really have orgies,
Patrice,” I said. Actually, I wasn’t quite sure what exactly
constituted an orgy, but I thought it involved fucking,
something that I had never done, at least yet.

“Then why are you… you know… naked with each other?”

Patty answered her. “Patrice, we’re friends. We’re
comfortable with each other. You undress in front of other
girls in the locker room at school, right? This is the same
thing, sort of.”

“But Jim is a boy!”

Kristen twisted herself away from me and sat up, exposing
my semi-hard cock and her entire body to Patrice. “And he’s
my boy friend,” she said, emphasizing the last two words.

Patrice was a little shocked at Kristen’s display, but
her eyes were riveted on my genitals. I remembered a week
ago when I had seen Patrice naked, and had even received a
blow job from her, but she had been told to forget that

“You seem interested, Patrice,” Kristen said, giggling.

Patrice forced herself to look away, and she ended up
staring at Kristen. I thought this was funny, and found
myself giggling softly.

Kristen finally said, “You don’t have to get naked in
order to be our friend, Patrice. Patty, Jim, and I just
feel… open… with each other. As friends, we don’t want
you to feel uncomfortable.”

Patrice was blushing furiously, still stealing glances at
my member, and the attention was starting to affect it,
increasing its size.

Patty said, softly, “Kristen, friends don’t make each
other feel uncomfortable. But you are doing just that!”

Kristen nodded at Patty, and twisted herself so that she
was once again laying on her stomach with her blonde hair
concealing my cock. “Sorry, Patrice. But I did want you to
know that Jim is my boy friend, and as such, I expect you to
respect that. He’s fifteen, but he’s more mature than
Stuart, I think.”

I wasn’t sure who Kristen was referring to, but Patrice
nodded. “I’m sorry, too. I didn’t mean to imply…”

“Forget about it,” I said.

“But one thing, Patrice,” Kristen said. “I do invite my
friends… my REAL friends… over to my house, and in my
house, the rules are no bathing suits. If you come over for
a swim, remember that.”

“You mean that? You’d invite me over?” Patrice asked,

“Of course,” Kristen said.

“You really want to be my friend?”

“Yes,” Kristen and I said together. Patty quickly echoed

Kristen suddenly yelled out, “Billy!” Patrice looked
startled, confused by Kristen’s action.

Billy’s voice came over the speaker. “Yes, Miss?”

“Patrice Williams is a friend, and has an open invitation
here whenever I’m home. Just like Jim and Patty.”

“Yes, Miss Swift,” came the voice over the intercom.

“All right?” Kristen asked Patrice.

Patrice smiled, and again had tears in her eyes.

“I’d suggest a group hug,” Kristen said, “But Patrice
seems to have an aversion to our nudity. Can you wait for us
in the kitchen for a minute while the three of us get decent?”

Patrice looked confused, but then noticed the kitchen
that was the next room over. She went in, and I heard a
chair move as Patrice sat down out of sight.

Kristen quickly got up and found a robe in the closet,
and it didn’t look too feminine. I put it on while the two
girls slipped their dresses back on. The dresses were sheer
enough that they didn’t hide much, but it was better than
nothing. Dressed, the three of us walked into the kitchen.

Patrice smiled at the three of us. “You didn’t have to
do that for me.”

“No problem, friend,” Kristen said, emphasizing the last

The four of us hugged together for a few moments. I was
happy to have Patrice back as my friend.

We finally broke the hug, and Patrice was smiling.
“Kristen?” she asked.

“Yes, Patrice?”

“Does the ‘no bathing suits’ rule apply to the hot tub?”

Patty and I giggled. Kristen said, “Yup. And the sauna,
too, although towels are allowed in the sauna.”

Patrice blushed, and nodded.

Patty was surprised. “You have a sauna?”

Kristen giggled. “Yup. And the pool feels really
refreshing after about fifteen minutes to a half hour in the

Patty sighed, thinking about it.

Kristen said, “Actually, we have my family’s rec room
next to the pool. There’s a Universal Gym and some other
stuff. My mom and dad used to work out, and I still have a
personal trainer that comes once a week to help me work out.”

* * *

Patrice declined Kristen’s offer to use the sauna or any
of the pools, saying that she’d have to work up her nerves
before doing that, especially with me there.

Patty insisted on seeing the sauna, though, and Kristen
took her back to the main house, leaving Patrice and me alone.

Neither Patrice nor I knew what to say, so we basically
just looked at each other.

It was Patrice that broke the silence. “I guess I’m
sorry for calling you a loser before. I… I don’t know…
Kristen’s really changed in the last few days.”

“Changed for the better?”

Patrice nodded, not answering.

“Patty, who just left,” I said, “told me that on the
inside, Kristen was a very lonely girl. When the four of us
took her out to Vaughn’s the other day, it was probably the
first time anybody just wanted to be a friend. We didn’t let
her pay, saying that she was our guest.”

Patrice said, “I never knew that about Kristen. I
thought that I was her friend.”

I smiled. “Actually, I was angry at Kristen when I first
met her at Wendy’s house. I had always blamed her for
turning you against me.”

Patrice said, “Kristen? No. It wasn’t that way. I mean,
she was, like, rich, and had all these things. She wanted to
hang out with me, Jackie, Dale, and the others. At first, we
didn’t really want her… you know… with her being rich, it
made us jealous.”

“So how did Kristen become your friend?”

“She was in my English class in junior high. She’s,
like, really smart, and I hate writing essays. So… I guess
we let her into our group so she could, like, help us with
our classes.”

“That’s crazy,” I said, awed. “But if Kristen didn’t
make you treat Jack and me like shit, who did?”

Patrice thought. “I think it was Dale that started it.
She figured that when Kristen was part of our group, we
could, like, just act like we were high society like Kristen.
I guess we all decided that hanging around with younger kids
was just not cool.”

Hmmm, I thought to myself. My anger at Kristen had been
misdirected all along. But I knew that I wouldn’t make the
same mistake with Dale that I did with Kristen. I had used
my “lucky” tickets to get even on two separate occasions, and
both times, I felt very guilty afterward.

And I felt extremely guilty now, especially with Patrice
acting civil to me of her own accord.

“So, all of a sudden, it’s cool to be here with me?”

Patrice said, “Jim, I’m not sure. Thinking it over, I
guess I must have been a Class A Bitch, with a capital ‘B.’
I’m sorry for that. But give me time, OK?”

I smiled at Patrice. “I’ll give you all the time you
need, friend.”

Patrice smiled back at me, and we hugged again.

I found myself getting hard underneath that robe. Maybe
Patrice noticed, because she broke off the hug looking a
little embarrassed.

“Let’s find Kristen,” I suggested.

“I don’t think I’m ready to go for a swim,” Patrice

I smiled. “I know.”

Just at the moment, however, the door opened, and Kristen
and Patty walked in. Patty noticed my erection almost
immediately, and smirked at me. Kristen and Patrice followed
her gaze, Kristen also smirking and Patrice blushing.

“I… um… I need to get home,” Patrice said. “I have a
lot of thinking to do.”

“Aww,” said Kristen. “Just when we had a fourth for

I rolled my eyes. “You don’t want to play cards with
Kristen. She’s a real shark.”

Patrice said, “She is? I never played cards with her.”

Kristen said, softly, and just a little sadly, “We never
really played any games together.”

Patty broke the awkward silence. “How about tomorrow?
We can invite Wendy and Camille, too. They haven’t been
here, yet.”

“You’re inviting me?” Patrice asked.

“If it’s all right with Kristen,” Patty said, smiling at
my little blonde Goddess.

Kristen nodded, “Of course. We can make it a pool party!”

I giggled, thinking that Patrice would be trapped into
going nude at a pool party at this house.

Patrice blushed, understanding the connotation. “I’ll
bring a towel,” she said, softly, not looking at me.

“Cool,” Patty said. “Let me walk you out to your car.”

Patrice gave a farewell hug to each of us individually,
and then left with Patty.

Once the door closed behind them, Kristen rushed at me,
pulling my robe apart. “I’ve been hungry for that for almost
an hour, Jim…!”

When Patty came back, about ten minutes later, Kristen
was happily sucking my half-erect penis.

“Jim, you might want to tone down Kristen’s craving for
you. I mean, she’s no longer addicted, but I haven’t been
gone ten minutes and she’s there, sucking you like a baby
with a pacifier!”

Kristen brought her head up, dropping my penis. “I’ll
have you know that I’m perfectly happy to suck this thing
until it falls off. I’m not trying to make him come, you
know.” She then lowered her head and resumed her lovely

“You’re not leaving much for me, though,” Patty said.
“And what will you do when Patrice comes here tomorrow? I
saw you sucking Jim a number of times underwater today, you

Kristen moved her head up again. “Then get down here and
I’ll happily share him.”

“Um, don’t I get a vote, girls?” I asked, feeling left
out of this conversation.

“No!” the girls said in unison, bursting into giggles
immediately after.

I watched as the blonde and the red head moved into
position in front of me. Together, they moved their faces
down and started licking up and down my shaft.

What could I say?

Despite the girls’ actions together, I didn’t orgasm.
Patty would lick me occasionally, and then watch as Kristen
would take it into her mouth.

Kristen’s actions were simple sucking, exactly as Patty
described it–like a baby with a pacifier. I knew she really
loved the taste, and was just happy to be sucking me.

Every ten minutes or so, Patty would lightly kiss
Kristen’s cheek, and Kristen would reposition herself so that
she was just licking me, and Patty would join her on the
other side. This double licking felt much more erotic to me,
and tended to make me get harder. But before anything could
happen, Patty would stop, and Kristen would once again suckle
her favorite toy.

After about forty-five minutes, Patty shifted position,
and Kristen was alone with my cock. I was simply laying
back, enjoying Kristen’s playful suction. It wasn’t until I
felt, rather than heard, Kristen go “Hmmm” in satisfaction
that I noticed that Patty was doing to Kristen’s breast
exactly what Kristen was doing to my cock. She had her lips
around a nipple, and was playfully sucking Kristen.

I grew hard again, surprising Kristen, who took it with
aplomb. She changed her technique, moving her mouth up and
down my shaft, starting a real Kristen quality blow job.

I continued to watch Patty suckle Kristen, and Kristen
continued to suck me deeper and deeper until I felt myself
enter her throat. I knew that I was close to my limit at
this point, having been brought to the edge and having Patty
stop and allowing Kristen to cool me back down a number of

I felt a surge start, and Kristen noticed it, moving my
dick from her throat back into her mouth where her taste buds
would enjoy the delicious taste of my semen. I erupted,
filling Kristen’s mouth cavity.

I hadn’t expected to have this big an orgasm, since this
wasn’t the first one of the day. But I continued to spurt…
twice… three times, and my cock continued to spasm a few
times afterward, totally spent.

Kristen still had my load in her mouth. I could feel her
squishing it around her mouth, moving her tongue through the
gooey stuff, savoring my taste.

Kristen dropped my penis one more time, and moved down so
that she was face to face with Patty. Without any
hesitation, the two girls kissed, sharing my essence between

Then, without any audible cue, they broke off the kiss,
and both quickly moved up so that they were level with my

Kristen reached me first, and shared a French kiss with
me. I had half expected to find my semen in her mouth, but
her mouth wasn’t slimy at all. I deepened my tongue probing.

Kristen pushed me off, and Patty pulled my head toward
her. We kissed, and I was once again surprised. Patty had
my full load in her mouth. I stiffened as I felt her push it
into my mouth. She wanted ME to swallow? I wasn’t sure I
was ready for that.

Patty pushed a remarkably large amount of semen combined
with her saliva (and most likely Kristen’s as well) into my
mouth. I closed my eyes, trying to get up the courage to
actually swallow.

Patty broke the kiss again, and quickly whispered into my
ear, “Give it back to Kristen.”

Reprieved, I kissed my little blonde Goddess once again,
and passed the load back to her. She took it willingly, and
I continued kissing her as I felt her swallow it.

This was a rather new activity for me. I would have to
think about it for a while before I would want a replay of it.

“I love you, Jim,” Kristen whispered to me after our kiss.

“And I love you, Kristen.”

“Call me Kris. All my friends do.”

Call me less than a man. But I found myself sniffling in
her arms.

* * *

Kristen invited Patty and me out to Vaughn’s, but Patty
declined, saying that her aunt was sick, and she wanted to
spend some time with her mother, who was thinking about
visiting her sister. Patty wouldn’t be able to go with her
mother since school was starting on Wednesday, so she wanted
to spend more time with her mother right now.

Kristen told Patty that she’d drive me home, and I called
my folks and told them that I was going out to dinner. My
mother seemed disappointed that I wouldn’t be there, but was
happy that I was going out with Kristen. I tried to tell her
that it wasn’t really a date, but my mother wouldn’t hear it.

Kristen giggled when I told her about my mother. “Of
course, it’s a date, silly.”

“Hmmm. Do you blow on your first date?” I asked her.

“Only studs with dicks that taste as good as yours,

* * *

Kristen and I had a great meal at Vaughn’s. I started to
notice certain things. There were other kids
around–Vaughn’s was a popular hang-out for people our age.
But they noticed the two of us… and I was certain that
there was some discussion about the two of us, especially
about the difference in our ages.

I started to wonder about whether our relationship was a
good one. After all, a difference of two years was a vast
gulf, especially when it was the guy that was the younger
person. People were bound to talk–to gossip–and not all of
that talk would be complimentary about Kristen or myself.
Patrice had said that there was rumors going around about me
blackmailing the girls I was with, and me being seen having
dinner with Kristen would only fuel such rumors.

How would I be able to keep up a relationship with
Kristen–who I could now say unabashedly that I loved–and
not hurt her by the things that people must be saying?

Kristen noticed the other people, but her countenance
never showed any signs of remorse. If anything, she seemed
determined to make it a point to say, “This guy is mine and I
love him” with her actions.

If Kristen didn’t seem to mind, maybe I shouldn’t mind.

But every time I tried to focus on Kristen, and only
Kristen, I’d notice somebody else pointing at us and

Needless to say, our “date” wasn’t an outstanding
success. Kristen seemed to have fun, but I found that I was
worrying about other people’s thoughts about me for the first
time in my life. I felt like I was performing at my very
first recital. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling.

Kristen sensed my mood, and tried to cheer me up. And I
dutifully appeared to be cheered, but Kristen knew my actions
were quite forced. I just wasn’t socially practiced enough
to put on a false face like that, and Kristen knew that.

And it was obvious that Kristen knew exactly what was
bugging me, but she gave me my space. She might be new to
having friends, but she had an ingrained knowledge about how
to be a friend.

“I’m sorry, Kris,” I said. “I’m not good company

“That’s all right,” my love replied. “Is there anything
I can do?”

“I don’t know. I think that Vaughn’s was a bad idea.
All our friends are here.”

Kristen smiled. “Wendy? Camille? Patty? Patrice?
Where are they?”

I was forced to laugh. “OK. The people at Vaughn’s are
not friends.”

Kristen didn’t smile. “So… who the fuck cares what
they think?”

Huh? “I was worried about your feelings, actually.”

My little blonde Goddess gave me an exasperated look.
“My feelings? Every place I go, people whisper about me.
How rich I am. How bitchy the people I used to hang around
with are. How I didn’t deserve the things I have. Maybe
some of it is true. But… dating you–the love of my
life!–is not something I’m ashamed about. Let them talk
about us. How can it hurt us?”

I realized that Kristen was right. “Kris, did I tell you
I love you?”

The cheeks on Kristen’s face dimpled. “Yes, but I love
hearing it!”

“I LOVE YOU!” I shouted, turning many heads at Vaughn’s.

“Doesn’t that feel better?” Kristen asked.

“Maybe a little,” I said. “But if they’re going to talk,
let them have some truth to talk about.”

* * *

Kristen drove me home, and I invited her in. My mother
and step-father gave her a warm welcome, as did Merry.
Kristen seemed to fit in as a part of our family.

As I watched Kristen mingle with my family, I realized
that one of these days, I’d have to do the same with hers.
What would I talk about? What did we have in common?
Kristen could just be herself, a charming and lovely person,
and people would love her. But what about a Huckleberry
Hound sort of person like me? Would Kristen’s parents blow
me off as a gold-digger after her money?

I knew what I loved about Kristen, and her money wasn’t
it. With my stash of lucky tickets, I could have anything I
wanted. I didn’t need her money. I was just being very
careful with the tickets at present, as I saw that they could
do a lot of harm if I didn’t think things through.

After about a half hour, Kristen said good bye to
everybody, and she left.

I watched her wiggle her ass as she walked down my
sidewalk toward her Camaro.

God, I love that girl!

I felt a tug at my back right thigh. I looked and saw my
step-sister Merry. “You’re different, Jim.”

“Yeah,” I said. “I guess I grew up recently. Do you
approve, Shortcake?”

Merry thought a moment and said, “Yeah.”

I smiled at the young girl. “Well, maybe I grew up
because I’m living with you. You’re adorable, and some day,
a guy will be lucky to be able to hear you say that you love

It took a few seconds for my words to sink in. “I wish I
was a few years older, Jim. I’d love to be your girl. But I
can’t compete with Kristen.”

“Oh, Merry. Don’t compete with her. Be yourself.” I
looked at her expectant eyes and added, “I wasn’t kidding
about you having a bunch of guys loving you.”

Merry smiled, “You’re really sweet. I love Kristen, you
know. Patty, too!”

I was at a loss trying to figure out how to explain my
relationship with Patty and Kristen, so I just smiled at my
sweet step-sister.

And as I went into my room, it occurred to me that my
words of advice for Merry were probably apropos for me as

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