The Phantom Of Sunydale High
By: Date: 2025.01.26. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , ,

Buffy Summers was wrestling with a demon.

That in itself was not terribly unusual. She was a Slayer, the Chosen
One, the latest in a long line of warriors born into the world to battle
evil. Fighting demons was something she had been trained to do.

But nothing in her training could have prepared her for the
challenge she now faced. This demon was unlike any other she had
ever encountered. It knew her strengths and her weaknesses,
waiting until she was at her most vulnerable before emerging from
the shadows to torment her.

There was no magic spell that she could recite that would send the
demon into the furthest regions of the Netherworld. There was no
musty old book that Giles could dig up from the library archives
that could help her better understand this demon. The demon could
not be vanquished by a stake through the heart. There was no silver
bullet that could bring this monster to its knees.

The demon had arrived in the of guise harmless infatuation, a
whimsical curiosity that trickled into her mind through a daydream.
Now it controlled her, demanding more and more of her attention.
For the first time since discovering her birthright, Buffy felt
defenseless, frightened. No matter how hard she tried, she just
couldn’t stop fantasizing about Cordelia Chase.

Not that anyone could blame her. Cordelia was the most popular
girl in school. She had the right clothes, the right friends, the right
attitude. All the boys wanted her. All the girls wanted to be her.

Buffy knew she wasn’t the first person in school to imagine
Cordelia’s naked body pressed against their own, male or female.
Yet somehow -perhaps by instinct- Buffy knew it was different with
her. She couldn’t stop thinking about Cordelia. She spent every
waking moment wondering what it would be like to kiss her lips,
touch her breasts, run her fingers through that gorgeous auburn

But that wasn’t likely to happen. She couldn’t just go up to Cordelia
and ask her to a movie. Even if she could rest assured that Cordelia
was interested, Buffy just had too many responsibilities. She was a
Slayer, the Chosen One. She had no life of her own.

“Buffy, are you listening?”

Buffy looked up. Giles, the librarian, her friend and mentor, was
staring at her over the rims of his glasses. It was a look Buffy had
come to know well since moving to Sunnydale. It usually meant she
had done something wrong. “What? Oh, man. I guess I zoned out.
What were we talking about?”

“Young lady, this is serious, ” Giles said reproachfully. “In the past
week more than a dozen students have reported hearing strange
noises in the corridor. One student claimed to have heard a voice
calling to him in wood shop.”

“Maybe we have termites, ” Buffy suggested.

Giles gave her the look again. “There may be a perfectly rational
explanation for these…. disturbances, but we cannot rule out the
presence of supernatural activity. From what some of the students
have described, we may be dealing with a phantom, or a poltergeist.
I’ll need to do some more research before I can be sure.”

Buffy started from her chair. “Okay, you research. If you find
anything, let me know.

“Where are you going?” Giles asked.

Buffy sighed. “Looks like I’ve got phantom patrol.” She headed into
the corridor, her well trained eyes and ears already on the alert for
anything suspicious. It was almost three o’clock, and by now the
students and most of the faculty had cleared out of the building.
She started on the top floor and made her way down, checking
every door to every class room, listening… watching… waiting.

By the time Buffy reached the second floor she was thinking about
Cordelia again and how much she would love to hold her in her
arms and kiss those pouty lips. When she reached the first floor, her
thoughts of Cordelia involved sun tan oil and the discarding of

I’m a lost cause, Buffy thought.

She stopped suddenly, straining to listen but hearing only the
ragged sound of her own breathing caused by too many naughty
thoughts about the most popular girl in school. For a moment Buffy
was sure she’d heard something, a faint sound echoing through the
air vents. But now there was nothing, just the whirr of the air
conditioner as it kicked in to battle yet another California heat

Shrugging it aside, Buffy continued down the corridor… and then
she heard the sound again. There was no mistaking it this time… a
strange, eerie sound that sent a shiver down her back. She took
another step… then another… and then the sound came again, a bit
more defined this time. She found herself listening to a lilting,
angelic voice. It was really quiet enchanting. Yet something about it
was hauntingly familiar. But what? Buffy listened again, and her
heart skipped a beat as the realization came to her. She knew that
voice. She had imagined that voice calling her name.

Buffy hurried down the corridor, the voice getting louder and
louder as she approached the gymnasium. Why hadn’t she figured it
out sooner! The answer had been staring her in the face all the time,
but it was only now that the pieces fell into place.

Breaking into a run, Buffy burst into the girls locker room knowing
exactly who she would find there. She crept along the rows of
lockers, her training taking over as she approached the showers
with all the stealth of a cat chasing a mouse. Buffy was aware of the
sound of running water, and the oppressive heat steaming from the
showers. But this information was processed on a subconscious
level, filed away for future reference. For now, Buffy’s attention
was focused on one thing and one thing only.

Cordelia was in the shower, her skin glistening as rivulets of water
cascaded down her nude body. She was swaying back and forth,
running her hands through her wet hair. And she was singing.

Buffy knew she should turn away or announce herself, but she just
couldn’t take her eyes off the heavenly vision now before her.
Nothing she had ever imagined could compare to actually seeing
Cordelia in the buff. She was perfect. Not a single flaw marred her
smooth skin. Her breasts were firm and well developed, her
buttocks well rounded and so very inviting. Something told Buffy
she had been noticed, but she was too awestruck for this to sink in.

“Peep much?”

Buffy gasped. “Cordelia! I’m… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to… ” She
cut herself off, knowing she’d been caught spying and unable to
think of a gracious way out.

“God, ” Cordelia said. “You have such a major creep factor. Were
you just gonna stand there and watch? Perv!”

“No, I… ” Buffy sighed. Then she remembered what had brought
her down here in the first place. “Cordelia, what are you still doing
in school?”

“Duh, ” Cordelia said. “Gym class just ended. You think I’m going
to get dressed feeling all sweaty and stuff? Gross!”

Buffy shook her head. “Do you know that you’ve been scaring the
shit out of people with that singing?”

Cordelia made a face. “It isn’t that bad. Besides, it’s not like
anybody can even hear me.”

Buffy pointed to the grate just above Cordelia’s head. “Hello… air
vent. Sound travels, you know.”

“Like I almost care, ” Cordelia said. “You wanna get me towel?
You might as well make yourself useful.”

Buffy folded her arms in front of her. “Cordelia, why do you have
to be such a bitch?”

“Because I’m good at it, ” Cordelia replied. “Even a creepazoid like
you must be good at something.”

“I’ll show you what I’m good at, ” Buffy snapped. She marched
over and grabbed Cordelia by the wrist. Cordelia immediately began
to protest, but before a solitary word could pass her trembling lips
Buffy pulled Cordelia into her arms and kissed her. Cordelia resisted at
first, her body tensing in panic as another woman’s lips touched hers
for the first time. But Buffy was persistent, her passion infectious,
and before long Cordelia was responding to the kiss, opening her
mouth wide to accept Buffy’s tongue so she could tease it with her

They stayed that way a long time, exploring each other’s mouths
with their tongues. Buffy was beside herself. Hot water pounded
against her face, soaking her hair, her clothes. But she didn’t care.
She’d spent too many nights wishing she had Cordelia in her arms,
and now she did… and it was better than anything Buffy had ever
dreamed. That made it all the more difficult to pull away.

“Cordelia, ” Buffy whispered. “I’ve wanted to kiss you like that for
a long time.”

“Is that all you want to do?” Cordelia asked. “Kiss me?”

“No, ” Buffy said. “I want more… alot more.”

Cordelia smiled, running her hand down Buffy’s front. “Your
clothes are soaked. Maybe you should get out of them and take a

“What a good idea, ” Buffy grinned. She quickly stripped off her
soppy wet clothes, tossing them aside with reckless abandon. She
allowed Cordelia a moment to admire her well toned frame, and
from the look on the other girl’s face it was obvious she approved
of what she saw.

Buffy applied a generous amount of liquid soap to her hands and
began lathering Cordelia’s body, massaging her neck, her shoulders,
moving slowly down her back to caress her well rounded bottom.

“Mmmm, ” Cordelia purred.

“Oh, you like that?” Buffy asked.

“Mm-hmm, ” Cordelia moaned.

“Then you’ll love this, ” Buffy said. She slid her hands up Cordelia’s
flat abdomen to find her breasts. They felt as perfect as they looked.
Buffy massaged them gently, kneading the supple flesh between her

“Oh yeah… ” Cordelia sighed.

Buffy bent down and took one of Cordelia’s breasts into her mouth,
relishing the taste of soap and water and sweat and flesh. The
sensation was new and exciting, flowing over her like the water that
gushed from the shower head. She had, on occasion, attempted to
suckle her own breast, and while there had been a certain amount of
pleasure involved, usually all she’d ended up with was a sore
neck. Still, her efforts had given her a sense of what felt good and
what didn’t, and Buffy was more than ready to show Cordelia what
little she had learned.

Buffy brushed her lips against the tip of Cordelia’s now very erect
nipple, jousting it with her tongue while her hands continued to
fondle the generous mounds. Hunger dictating her every move,
Buffy latched onto Cordelia’s breast like a newborn, sucking and
slurping for all she was worth.

“Ohhh…. Buffy, ” Cordelia moaned.

Hearing Cordelia say her name had Buffy screaming inwardly with
delight. It took every ounce of restraint not to jam her face into the
other woman’s pussy right then. But she had waited too long for
this moment just to rush through it like a guy would. There was so
much she wanted to show Cordelia, and while she hoped there
would be plenty of other opportunities, Buffy wasn’t about to waste
the one she had been given.

Turning slightly, Buffy straddled Cordelia’s leg, grinding her pussy
into the other girl’s thigh while her hands continued to acquaint
themselves with Cordelia’s nubile body. As one hand continued to
play with her lover’s breast, she slid the other hand tentatively between
Cordelia’s ass cheeks. Sensing no apprehension on her lover’s part,
Buffy slipped a soaped up finger into Cordelia’s asshole.

Cordelia gasped. “Ooh… baby, yeah. I really like it when you do
that. More… more…”

Not requiring any more encouragement than that, Buffy continued
to finger fuck Cordelia’s ass… sliding her finger in and out of the
tight opening, a task made easier by generous amounts of liquid
soap. She kept it up for several minutes, driving her fingers deeper
and deeper even as she was grinding her crotch into Cordelia’s

Buffy could feel her own juices flowing like a river, so she knew
Cordelia’s pussy had to be dripping with honey. Buffy got down on
her knees, her face only inches from the inviting patch of hair
between Cordelia’s legs. Never would she have imagined that the
sight of another woman’s sex could stir such intense emotions
within her. But the sight of Cordelia’s pussy right in front of her
made her flesh tingle with anticipation.

Cordelia hooked one leg over Buffy’s shoulder and Buffy went to
work immediately, her agile tongue eagerly exploring the dark
recesses of Cordelia’s womanhood.

Having never tasted a woman before, Buffy wasn’t sure what to
expect… but she was hardly disappointed. Cordelia had a sharp,
musky taste and Buffy couldn’t get enough of it. She drove her
tongue between the swollen red lips of Cordelia’s pussy, hungrily
lapping up the juices that her efforts were producing.

“Oh God!” Cordelia gasped. She tossed her head back, running her
hands across the surface of Buffy’s slicked back hair.

Buffy continued to attack the other woman’s pussy with a
vengeance, ravishing Cordelia’s enlarged clit with the tip of her
tongue. She toyed with it, sucking it into her mouth, rolling it
around her tongue like it was a piece of candy.

“Buffy… ” Cordelia whimpered. “Ooh… Buffy… That feels so

Buffy doubled her efforts, letting loose with everything she had.
She licked and sucked, jabbed and poked, driving her tongue into
the heart of Cordelia’s sexuality like she was driving a stake into the
heart of a vampire. She shoved her face as far as she could into the
other girls crotch until she was up to her chin in Cordelia’s musky

“Oh, God!!! ” Cordelia cried. “I think I’m going to cum! Buffy…”

Buffy continued with the furious tongue fucking while casually
slipping her finger into Cordelia’s asshole just for good measure.
She licked and poked, building up a rhythm that was sure to send
her new lover into a frenzy.

“Buffy!!!” Cordelia squealed. Having both her openings worked on
in such an ardent manner caused a sensory overload in her brain.
She needed release before she passed out and her body responded
to the request by erupting like a geyser between her legs.

“Oh, God…. yes!” Cordelia gasped. “Yes! That’s it, baby.

Buffy grabbed onto the other girl’s ass and held on for dear life as
Cordelia let loose one tidal wave of an orgasm. Buffy licked it up
eagerly, determined not to let a single drop escape her hungry

After a few moments, Cordelia finally stopped shaking long enough
to catch her breath. “Buffy… that was incredible. But now it’s your
turn. You do want me to eat you out, don’t you?” The wicked smile
that surfaced on Cordelia’s lips sent a shiver down Buffy’s spine.

“Get your beautiful ass down here, ” Buffy giggled. She extended a
helping hand and pulled Cordelia down to the floor. They shared an
intimate kiss, this time without any of the reservations that had
surfaced when they’d kissed for the very first time. There was a
familiarity between them now, as if they had been lovers forever
and not just a few glorious minutes. The kiss deepened, hands
furiously groped anything they could. The passion surged through
them like a jolt of electricity.

Buffy gently reclined on the floor of the girls shower, spreading her
legs wide to give Cordelia plenty of room to work. Cordelia didn’t
waste a second on preliminaries. She quickly slid a finger up Buffy’s
pussy and wriggled it, delighted though not terribly surprised by
how wet her lover was and how quickly she responded to the touch
of another woman.

“Mmm… ” Buffy mewed. “So fucking good… ”

Cordelia continued to finger Buffy’s cunt, working in a second
finger then a third. Buffy squirmed with delight and Cordelia
responded to her desire, relentlessly driving her fingers deeper and
deeper into the cavernous hole that was Buffy’s sex.

“That’s it, ” Buffy hissed. “Ooh…. that’s the best.”

Cordelia couldn’t resist any longer. She needed a taste of what her
nimble digits had found so inviting. Cordelia quickly replaced her
fingers with her tongue, taking up right where she had left off.
She flicked her tongue wildly inside Buffy’s pussy, absorbed not
only by her taste but by an overwhelming need to please her new

“Yes!” Buffy screamed. “Yes! Yes! Yes!!!! Oh, God, Cordelia…
don’t ever stop!!”

The words were wasted. Wild horses couldn’t have dragged
Cordelia away from Buffy’s clenching pussy. She drove her tongue
deeper and deeper into her reservoir of sweetness, bringing her
fingers back into the mix as she twiddled Buffy’s clit.

“Cordelia!” Buffy squawked. By now her body was shaking and she
couldn’t keep her ass flat on the floor. The orgasm rumbled inside
her, deep in the pit of her stomach. She growled and hissed, biting
her lip as her body was rocked by the most incredible feeling she
had ever known.

“Oh, God!” Buffy screamed. “Oh God! Yes! Cordelia, yes! Oh my
God!!!!” She felt alive for the first time. Her flesh crawled. Her
mind reeled. The pressure continued to mount, building up to an
intolerable level… and just when Buffy thought she couldn’t take
anymore, a surge of white hot energy burst forth from her pussy
with such intensity that for a minute she thought she would black

Buffy collapsed in exhaustion. Her body trembled long after the
orgasm had subsided, and having been drained of every last ounce
of energy that she kept in reserve, she didn’t dare try and get to her
feet just yet. She was vaguely aware of lips kissing hers and a head
resting on her chest. All she knew for certain was how wonderful
she felt… and why.

Buffy and Cordelia held each other for a few minutes, never
wanting to let go but knowing they couldn’t stay there much longer.
They quickly showered again, taking great pleasure in toweling
each other dry afterwards.

Her clothes still soaked, Buffy got a pair of shorts and a t-shirt out
of her gym locker and quickly slipped them on. “So… you wanna meet at
The Bronze later?” Buffy asked.

Cordelia smiled as she fastened her skirt. “Buffy, did you, like, just
ask me out on a date?”

“Well…. yeah, ” Buffy said. She couldn’t mask the hurt look on her
face. “I figured after sticking your hand up my pussy you might be
more receptive to maybe having dinner with me or going dancing or
something. I guess I was wrong.”

Cordelia shot her a disapproving look. “You don’t have to be crude.
I was just teasing. God! Get a humor detector why don’t you. I’d
love to meet up with you later.”

Buffy smiled. “Really?”

“Yes, really, ” Cordelia said. “You silly girl.” She pulled Buffy
close and kissed her, finding her taste irresistible… her desire
insatiable. “You have such a major creep factor… and I love it.”

They both laughed, deliberately bumping into each other as they
headed out of the locker room. As they left the gym, Buffy and
Cordelia discovered they weren’t the only ones left in the building.

“Mr. Giles!” Buffy exclaimed.

“Is everything all right, girls?” Giles asked politely.

“Fine, ” Buffy said. She turned to Cordelia. “I’ll… I’ll catch up with
you later, ‘kay?”

Cordelia smiled hungrily. “See you then.”

Buffy smiled as she watched Cordelia walk away, a smile that
quickly faded as she turned to find Giles giving her that look again.
“Uh, I found our phantom, ” Buffy said. “Turns out Cordelia likes
to sing in the shower, and her voice.. uh, echoes through the
ventilation shaft.”

“Yes, I know, ” Giles said. “And so does yours.”

Buffy felt the color drain from her face. She’d been so wrapped up
in her lust for Cordelia that she failed to consider the consequences
of going at it right there in the shower. If Cordelia’s voice echoed
through the air shafts for everyone to hear, then it only stood to
reason that both their voices would also.

“Oh God, ” Buffy said.

“Yes, ” Giles nodded. “I do believe I heard that one already.”

“Giles!” Buffy howled. “You’re not helping.”

Giles smiled. “Buffy… you are the Slayer, I am a Watcher. I am at
your disposal, always. It is not my place to question you or your
methods. But I am also a teacher… and your friend. Just tell me
that you know what you’re getting into.”

Buffy glanced down the corridor and caught a glimpse of Cordelia
as she turned the corner. “Yeah, ” Buffy smiled. “I know what I’m
getting into.”

“Well then, ” Giles said. “End of discussion.” He gestured for Buffy
to lead the way, and as they started down the corridor a strange,
haunting voice reverberated through the entire school.

“What was that?” Buffy asked.

Giles sighed. “That would be the real phantom, the one that doesn’t
sing in the shower. I’ll tell you all about when we get back to the

“The real phantom?” Buffy asked glumly. “But I thought… ” She cut
herself off. There was no point in arguing. He would explain and she
would have to listen this time, because this time a real demon had
been unleashed.

Buffy sighed tiredly. It was always something when you were a
vampire slayer living in Sunnydale, the mouth of hell.

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