In which a man entertains himself during his wife’s business trip
By: Date: 2025.02.05. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

“Are you sure you’re ok with this?” Paul gave his wife one last
opportunity to change her mind. “I don’t have to do this if you’re at
all uncomfortable.”

“Oh Paul, you’re so sweet!” Sallie stood on tiptoe to hug her husband.
“But this is the perfect solution to our … issues. I’m going to be
eating caviar and drinking champagne with a bunch of French businessmen
with more money than sense. While I’m gone, please have your fling; get
it out of your system. We’ll both come back richer for the experience.”

The pair kissed, a long kiss to tide them over the couple of weeks they
would be apart. Then Paul retrieved his wife’s suitcases from the trunk
of their car, and left them – and a large tip – in the custody of a

“Ok then, lover.” Paul looked down into his wife’s eyes. “Good luck
landing that contract.”

Sallie smiled wryly. “Another step toward global domination for
MultiNational.” Her smile turned wistful. “Good luck to you too, my

Paul didn’t bother driving home. He’d already made sure their place was
locked and secure, and his packed suitcase was already in the back seat.
He hopped on the interstate and drove south, away from Salt Lake City,
bastion of Morality With a Capital M, on his way toward Las Vegas, Sin

He drove past well-irrigated farms and rocky hills, listening to the CD
of “The Joy of Christmas,” Sallie had started listening to on the way to
the airport. Since his wife had three sisters in the Mormon Tabernacle
Choir, Paul thought she listened to that more out of duty, but she
actually seemed to like choral works.

When the CD played itself out, Paul carefully replaced it in its case.
He smiled at the thought that both of them would be back from their
errands in time to share Christmas together with his folks in Bountiful.
Then he turned his thoughts to the bounty that he was heading out to

The hills gave way to desert as the fiery heavy metal chords filled the
sedan. Paul sped down the road, singing along to Iron Maiden, Molly
Hatchet and other “Monsters of Rock.” At a service station – last one
he’d see for a while – he gassed up the Lexus for way more than he would
have paid back home.

A shiny red mustang convertible pulled up opposite him. A pretty blonde
slid out from behind the wheel. ‘Pretty?’ Paul corrected himself as the
girl stretched. ‘Nope, she’s _hot_!’ The blonde’s big tits stretched
her halter top, and her hair was like a halo. She met his eyes with a
mischievous smile and licked her lips.

“Afternoon, miss!” Paul said with a smile of his own.

“Hey there, sir.” The lady said, her southern accent practically
dripping with Magnolia blossoms. “I take it from the clean-cut folks
here that I’m in Utah?”

“Yes you are – welcome to the Beehive State!”

The blonde sauntered over to the pump, still looking Paul in the eye.
She drew her red-painted fingernails along the hose to the pump and
lifted it from its handle. Glancing down at it, she licked her lips
again, then looked back up at Paul. She slowly turned the gas cap and
when it was opened, she took the gas pump, actually petted it a couple
of times, then shoved it into the gas tank. Still looking at Paul, she
pulled the pump out a little ways, then shoved it in again and started

“Nice place!” She giggled, bending over the back of the Mustang,
letting her cut-off jeans ride up to her behind. “Right friendly folks

“Yes indeed!” Paul nodded. He turned to replace his own fuel pump and,
looking down, saw why the blonde giggled. His privates were as hard as
they were on his wedding night, tenting out the front of his slacks
obscenely. An elderly couple was coming out of the store. Paul
hurriedly got back in his Lexus before he embarrassed himself, and he
sped off.

He drove down the road, enjoying the loud music, a cold Coke, and the
memory of that hot blonde. Just past Overton, Paul stopped for the
night. The little pit-stop where he pulled over had few streetlights,
and the glow from the city almost 50 miles away was phenomenal. ‘Las
Vegas,’ Paul nodded. ‘City of Stars.’

He called Paris on his cell phone, listened to Sallie, her voice
sounding tinny and distant. The flight was fine, and she was headed to
her hotel. They talked for a few minutes, exchanged “I love you”‘s,
then hung up before their cell phone bill became too large. He thought
of making another call, for some local company, but decided that could
wait; he was tired from his trip and wanted to be awake and alert enough
to enjoy himself, when it was time.

The next morning came, cloudless and warm for December. Paul paid his
bill, including the ten bucks for the movie he watched before going to
sleep. The moans of the two girls going at it on the TV filled his
dreams, the girls becoming his Sallie and the blonde from the gas
station. After those dreams last night, he was more than ready for some
fun that day.

The place Paul had read about online was actually outside Las Vegas, but
he’d have to drive through the city to get to it. As he drove along,
Paul was surprised to find the city mostly deserted; it was as if
everyone were asleep at nine in the morning.

He pulled into a casino – the Lucky Star – and shared their very
inexpensive breakfast buffet with about 50 rather loud older ladies. He
hadn’t had steak for breakfast often and this one was good; the fancy
breakfast almost made him feel better about losing about five dollars on
the slot machines on his way out the door.

Paul came upon the desert ranch pretty suddenly. One minute he was in
the middle of nowhere, following the directions he’d printed out, then
around a turn and over a corner, and here he was: Exotica Gentlemen’s
Club. Driving through the gate and up the drive, Paul was impressed
with how well-maintained it was. It made sense; at five hundred dollars
or more per customer, they could afford skilled grounds keeping.

He let the valet get his car and walked inside. Even though it wasn’t
noon yet, the cool building was a pleasant change from the already warm
outside. The lady at the receptionist counter was stunningly beautiful
and very friendly, even if she was all business. She had him sign a
couple forms, one of which was several pages long, and ran his credit

“Welcome to Exotica, Mr. Smith,” she smiled. “Would you like Violet to
accompany you today?”

She gestured to a cute, redhead about 20 years old. Her smile and her
warm, brown eyes, were friendly, welcoming. Unlike the buxom blonde
he’d met yesterday, Violet was slender, with a gymnast’s body.

“Yes,” Paul said, taking her hand. “I would like that very much.”

The two strolled around the grounds, getting to know each other. Violet
was a native of Las Vegas, and was studying to work in the hospitality
industry. She wanted to manage her own hotel one day. She was 21 and
had been working at Exotica since she turned 18, shortly after
graduating with honors from a local high school. She was close to
finishing university studies, and planned to move to Canada where a
luxury hotel was going to take her on as an intern manager.

“So Paul, you want to get some lunch?”

“Pardon me?” Paul had been caught up in Violet’s pretty body and lovely
voice. “I hadn’t been thinking about lunch; I’ve been kind of …

Violet giggled. “Lunch and dinner are both included in your fee, as
well as my … company.”

“Well,” Paul said with a chuckle. “Since I’m treating anyway, let’s get
that lunch!”

Lunch was a thick prime rib steak, baked potato and all the trimmings.
It was easily one of the best meals he’d ever had. And the company was
very good. Violet listened with unfeigned interest as he told her about
himself. Her questions drew out the fact that he was married, and that
his wife had agreed that he should take some of their savings and have
this adventure. She thought his wife very sweet for agreeing to that.

After lunch, Violet took him out to one of the establishment’s four
swimming pools. “I like this one,” she said. “It’s in an out-of-the-
way location, so we won’t be disturbed.” She removed her clothes
unselfconsciously. “So, Paul,” she giggled. “Ever gone skinny-

“No,” Paul smiled. “But I always like to try new things.”

He was somewhat more self conscious as he slipped out of his clothes.
Violet made small talk and folded his things. The sight of her cute,
naked body more than anything else distracted him from being
embarrassed. In fact, by the time he too was naked, he felt comfortable
enough to lead her with him into the shallow end of the pool.

The water was cool and refreshing in the warm desert sunshine. The two
talked in low tones, as they drifted back and forth in the water. Paul
was becoming more comfortable with Violet, her curly red hair, her
freckles, along her shoulders as well as her cheeks. Her skin was soft
and warm. The spent less time talking and more time touching.

As comfortable as he was being naked with a naked lady, Paul was still a
bit embarrassed after a while of hugging Violet, stroking her skin and
she stroking his, when he found himself erect.

“How very nice!” Violet reached out and gently held his erect member.
“I really like the way the human body looks.” She smiled. “Other wise
I wouldn’t be in this line of work.”

Violet looked up into the man’s eyes. “Paul … you can do pretty much
anything you want with me. Those forms you signed make what we do my
decision, and candidly, I don’t give many of my clients that kind of
freedom. But I trust you; you have a good heart.”

Paul almost melted at her warm, welcoming smile, as she took his hands
in her own. “So what would you like to do with me, Paul?”

“I’d like to come in your mouth.” Paul surprised himself; he’d never
said something like that, even to Sallie. “I’m sorry, Violet – that was
so vulgar, I -”

“I don’t think it was, not coming from you.” Violet stood on tiptoe to
kiss the man. “I think it is a very nice fantasy, and I’m honored to
share it with you.” She led him to the steps at the shallow end of the
pool. “If you want me to please you orally, dear Paul, then your wish
is my command.”

Paul got out of the pool, admiring Violet’s gymnast’s body, the beads of
water glinting in the sunshine. He walked with her to a lawn chair and
she helped him lie down on it. Taking a bottle of oil, she gave him a
massage. Paul had never had a massage before, and her small, strong
hands on his arms, legs and shoulders left him feeling peaceful and

Then she went to work on his privates. The fingers of one hand massaged
his scrotum, while the other hand gripped his member gently and stroked
the length, from scrotum to tip and back. Paul gasped with pleasure.
Violet met his gaze, and while looking him deeply in the eye, took him
into her mouth.

She licked and ever so gently nibbled at his rock-hard member, then
sucked him into her mouth again. All the while, looking into his eyes,
communicating more with her gaze than Paul thought possible. Her head
bobbed up and down on his glistening shaft, taking her time, taking all
of him in.

Paul moaned, letting himself go, not worrying about how he sounded or
how this looked; he just let himself feel good. When he was feeling
completely open and comfortable with everything, his and Violet’s
nakedness, her sucking and licking his member, even his own reaction to
her, then Violet brought him off.

As he lay there inarticulately moaning his pleasure, Violet, still
looking into his eyes, sucked him hard, rubbing his shaft with her
tongue and bringing him to orgasm. Paul had never come that powerfully
before. He shot what seemed like gallons of come into her mouth, yet
she didn’t spill any; she kept a tight seal on him, never letting go
till he was done.

“Wow, Violet!” Paul gasped. He’d never felt so good before, didn’t
think it was possible to feel that good. “That was so wonderful!
You’re so … wonderful!”

“I’m so glad you liked it, Paul.” Violet hugged him, and whispered into
his ear. “I liked it too. I like making people feel good, and you
especially.” She held out her hand for him. “Wanna take a shower?
Then afterward I can show you my room and we can talk about what we’d
like to do later.”

Paul walked with her to the shower and turned on the water. As he
soaped himself, Violet went to get their clothes. Paul was so
impressed. He’d had the time of his life, and it sounded like they were
just getting started. He could hardly wait for whatever was coming up

Just then his cell phone rang. He watched with some apprehension when
Violet picked it up.

“Paul Smith’s cell phone, may I help you?”

Soap was running into his eyes; Paul rinsed off hurriedly as he heard
Violet’s end of the conversation.

“This is Violet Maxwell, one of the hostesses at the Exotica Gentlemen’s
Club. Paul’s in the shower just now. Oh you’re Sally! Paul’s been
telling me all about you! You’re a lucky lady; Paul’s deeply in love
with you. Wow, congratulations! Yes, I’ll tell him. You too, Sally!

Paul got to Violet just as she was hanging up with Sallie.

“That was Sallie; she’s boarding her plane now. Her meeting was such a
success she was able to come home early. She should be back in Salt
Lake in a few hours.”

“Oh my!” Paul was surprised. “I’ve got to hurry if I’m going to meet
her at the airport!”

As Violet helped him dress and then dressed herself, Paul had
conflicting emotions. He was disappointed to have his adventure cut
short, but he was also excited to see Sallie again so soon. “I’m sorry
I have to go, Violet. It was … wonderful!”

“I’m sad too, Paul; I looked forward to spending more time with you.”
She held his hand as they made there way back to the entrance to
Exotica. “Maybe if she likes the idea, both of you could come back and
the three of us could spend time together.”

Paul looked down at Violet, this talented sexual gymnast who seemed
genuinely to like him. “I’ll ask Sallie that, Violet. I’m not sure
what she’ll say, but I’d like that a lot.”

The two kissed as the valet fetched his car. “I’m glad I met you,

“I’m glad I met you too. Give Sally all my best.”

The drive back was uneventful, but thoughtful. Paul went looking for
adventure and excitement. He’d found both as well as a new friend. He
arrived at the airport just in time to meet Sallie. Their hug and
passionate kiss at the baggage terminal reminded Paul how much he loved
his wife.

“So,” Sallie said as they were leaving the airport. “I got a chance to
talk with Violet. She seemed … nice.”

“She is,” Paul agreed. “Want to hear about my adventure?”

“Nope,” his wife said. “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”

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